Naughty Scooter...


New Member
Pete said:
PuuuuuuuulllEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ this is nothing. Bush has bigger problems than what some dude named after canned pumkin did or did not say. Every democrat on the planet hates him and half his own party wants to spank him for being a wuss. All things considered this is nothing but a teeny bump in the road blow up because New Orleans is not flooded anymore and people got sick of Natalee Holloway.

I am not sure this will be a teeny bump in the road. From what is being said, this may turn into something a lot bigger.


Racingwolf said:
I am glad someone here agrees he DID do something wrong besides us Libs :smile: . The whole thing about it is, now, this trial is going to open up a whole new round of investigations into why we went to war to start with. This is going to bring out into the open all of the things we have been wondering about since the war started, and that is, did we go for the right reasons or were the American people lied to. I still think that he has not ended his investigation on Rove because there is more to this story than just the outing of Plame. I may be wrong, but something else is going on here and we just don't know what that is yet.
You are on glue. Why or why not we went to war is A. NOT within the scope of the federal court. B. NOT within the scope of this issue. C. Only reviewable by the voters since Bush asked for and was granted war powers by congress.


Racingwolf said:
I am not sure this will be a teeny bump in the road. From what is being said, this may turn into something a lot bigger.
To people that hate republicans Bush farting at a State dinner is a big deal. :roflmao:


Super Genius
Racingwolf said:
I am glad someone here agrees he DID do something wrong besides us Libs :smile: . The whole thing about it is, now, this trial is going to open up a whole new round of investigations into why we went to war to start with. This is going to bring out into the open all of the things we have been wondering about since the war started, and that is, did we go for the right reasons or were the American people lied to. I still think that he has not ended his investigation on Rove because there is more to this story than just the outing of Plame. I may be wrong, but something else is going on here and we just don't know what that is yet.
A little something for you...


ylexot said:
Forget it, they willl never believe it. They will go to the grave believing that Wilson, a former ambassador, walked over to the palace in Niger and said "Whatup Homey? you aint been greasin sadam with any yalla cake now has ya?" And the Nigerian replied "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit naw my brotha, we aint passed no cake to the crazy mofo" ANd that is FACT whereas all other intell reports are all BS.


New Member
Pete said:
You are on glue. Why or why not we went to war is A. NOT within the scope of the federal court. B. NOT within the scope of this issue. C. Only reviewable by the voters since Bush asked for and was granted war powers by congress.

We will see, I read an article this morning that was talking about the same thing. I said I could be wrong, and if I am than I will admit it, but there is something else going on that we don't know about and only time will tell what that is.

What does "You are on glue" mean? :confused: did you mean unglued? if so, not hardly buddy, we will see what happens.


Racingwolf said:
We will see, I read an article this morning that was talking about the same thing. I said I could be wrong, and if I am than I will admit it, but there is something else going on that we don't know about and only time will tell what that is.

What does "You are on glue" mean? :confused: did you mean unglued? if so, not hardly buddy, we will see what happens.
"DU TODAY...The liberals guide to conservative hating" does not count as credible journalism to me. :roflmao:


"You are on glue" means that you are under the influence of an inhailant and it is causing you to hallucinate.


New Member
Pete said:
Forget it, they willl never believe it. They will go to the grave believing that Wilson, a former ambassador, walked over to the palace in Niger and said "Whatup Homey? you aint been greasin sadam with any yalla cake now has ya?" And the Nigerian replied "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit naw my brotha, we aint passed no cake to the crazy mofo" ANd that is FACT whereas all other intell reports are all BS.

I am sure Bush did use what intelligence (ha ha) he received from the CIA to make his speech, but it was already known before he made the speech that the Enriched Uranium from Niger wasnt true. The Bush administration knew that and was pissed that it was found out before the speech, why don't you all admit that. This will all come out sooner or later. I will just wait to see what happens next.


Racingwolf said:
I am sure Bush did use what intelligence (ha ha) he received from the CIA to make his speech, but it was already known before he made the speech that the Enriched Uranium from Niger wasnt true. The Bush administration knew that and was pissed that it was found out before the speech, why don't you all admit that. This will all come out sooner or later. I will just wait to see what happens next.
You just keep waiting. :lol:


Super Genius
Racingwolf said:
there is something else going on that we don't know about and only time will tell what that is.
Translation: I don't know anything and the facts are against me, but I'm hoping that something might come up that can be spun in such a way as to hurt Bush.


Racingwolf said:
This coming from someone who thinks FOX news is "fair and balanced" !! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It is, well except for Shepard Smith, he is a retard, other than that it is Fair and Balanced. They even have a token liberal Allan Combs :yay:


New Member
ylexot said:
Translation: I don't know anything and the facts are against me, but I'm hoping that something might come up that can be spun in such a way as to hurt Bush.

I think it is funny the way you two are acting. :lmao: :lmao: You cant stand the fact that a REPUBLICAN GOT INDICTED!! You can say what ever you want to me and I will just sit back and wait and see what happens next. :cheers: :cheers: :dance: :dance: :killingme :killingme :killingme :


New Member
ylexot said:
Translation: I don't know anything and the facts are against me, but I'm hoping that something might come up that can be spun in such a way as to hurt Bush.

Did you even watch the press conference?


New Member
Pete said:
It is, well except for Shepard Smith, he is a retard, other than that it is Fair and Balanced. They even have a token liberal Allan Combs :yay:

"Libby’s indictment is a political embarrassment for the president, paving the way for a possible trial renewing the focus on the administration’s faulty rationale for going to war against Iraq — the erroneous assertion that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.

It could also mean that Cheney, who prizes secrecy, will be called upon as a witness to explain why the administration launched a campaign against Plame’s husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, a critic of the war who questioned Bush’s prewar assertion that Iraq had sought nuclear material. "

"At a news conference, Fitzgerald said the inquiry was substantially complete, though he added ominously, "It's not over."

Just something to think about.


Racingwolf said:
I think it is funny the way you two are acting. :lmao: :lmao: You cant stand the fact that a REPUBLICAN GOT INDICTED!! You can say what ever you want to me and I will just sit back and wait and see what happens next. :
For the love of ...........WTF do you want? I have said at least 3 times it seems to me that Libby lied.

Ahhhhhhh I know what is going on.....:lol: your loathing of republicans is go great that you dreamed for this day, you yearned for a day when a republican was indicted when CNN broke the story you probably stripped down to your underwear and squirted yourself in baby oil........and now it has happened and the climax is not what you anticipated it to be. :lmao:


Racingwolf said:
"Libby’s indictment is a political embarrassment for the president, paving the way for a possible trial renewing the focus on the administration’s faulty rationale for going to war against Iraq — the erroneous assertion that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.

It could also mean that Cheney, who prizes secrecy, will be called upon as a witness to explain why the administration launched a campaign against Plame’s husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, a critic of the war who questioned Bush’s prewar assertion that Iraq had sought nuclear material. "

"At a news conference, Fitzgerald said the inquiry was substantially complete, though he added ominously, "It's not over."

Just something to think about.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how will I sleep tonight. A junior player in the republican White House ran his pie hole too much, then lied about it and is in trouble.


Super Genius
Racingwolf said:
Did you even watch the press conference?
Nope. Got a transcript?

As for your the very least, mention WHO said the quote. Better yet, provide a link so that context can be established.


New Member
Pete said:
For the love of ...........WTF do you want? I have said at least 3 times it seems to me that Libby lied.

Ahhhhhhh I know what is going on.....:lol: your loathing of republicans is go great that you dreamed for this day, you yearned for a day when a republican was indicted when CNN broke the story you probably stripped down to your underwear and squirted yourself in baby oil........and now it has happened and the climax is not what you anticipated it to be. :lmao:

Not hardly man, I am just waiting for the rest and the best is yet to come! I dont loath Republicans at all, I think we went to war for all the wrong reasons and I also think it is wrong to out a undercover agent. I know, you are going to say she wasnt undercover, but she was and from what I read, she was more than that, she was the highest level of undercover agent they have. We will see in the end what really happened.