Super Genius
Strangely, this is what I found...Racingwolf said:"At a news conference, Fitzgerald said the inquiry was substantially complete, though he added ominously, "It's not over."
"Is the investigation finished? It's not over," Fitzgerald said at a news conference. "But … very rarely do you bring a charge in a case that's going to be tried in which you ever end a grand jury investigation. I can tell you that the substantial bulk of the work of this investigation is concluded."
Doesn't sound too ominous unless somebody wants it to be ominous. Sounds to me like "we're done most of the investigating, but we've got some more in order to turn the indictment into a conviction."
BTW, I've heard back and forth whether or not Plame was covert. It seems to me that if she was not covert, there would be no crime which would mean that there would be no investigation. So, I lean towards the belief that she was covert.