I think the analogy was more in the vein of putting humans in a furnace in a despicable manner; treating them like ordinary trash. The one thing I will say about this story in Britain is I don’t believe the people running this operation did this with some evil intent as Hitler did. I don’t think they were wringing their hands with an evil smile on their faces as they tossed aborted babies into the oven in an effort to eradicate a race of people. I think they were acting in a misguided way to dispose of what they viewed as nothing more than biohazard trash.
To me, this speaks more to how our society has come to view human life than it does an effort to commit evil in the name of some radical ideology. Is there evil in this thinking? I think so, but I don’t think it’s intentional; I think it’s a slow moral erosion of our view on the sanctity of life.
You asked for it.
If you don't think American's, decent, God fearing American's took great glee when those bombs incinerated 10's of 1,000's in Japan then, you're wrong. Men, women, children. The death of a foe LONG past being ANY threat to the United States. Where was the 'sanctity of life' thing then? They were our enemy. They 'deserved it'.
How about the bombings of German cities, expressly to kill men, women and child? They deserved it, too. As we saw it.
How about slavery? I think our Constitution allowed for it's eventual demise but, were we ever more moral and faithful than at our inception?
We are spending ourselves into bankruptcy trying to keep old, sick people alive, ostensibly, forever. Is that moral erosion or just stupid? If our kid is sick, we want no expense spared (as long as insurance is paying for it) for blood work, tests, what have you, to protect that life. Is that moral erosion or just totally unrealistic?
I think abortion, as you know, is the vilest thing we, as humans, can do; destroy the most innocent of life at its most helpless but, I think that has got to be up to the woman. I'm just trying to offer up some perspective here. Even Hitler wasn't all bad. He was trying to destroy the most evil and monstrous government, ever; the USSR, an evil that starved and destroyed it's own people regardless of ethnicity or real or perceived prior offense. For them, it was as cold and calculating as how to save some on the food bill.
In any event, Adolph was anti abortion.