Nazi comparisons?


Bead mumbler
Forgot to comment. When I first read the original telegraph article I was sickened--literally. Where the hell is this world headed.


Well-Known Member
The world is headed to hell - by it's own accord. The individual that is not of the world, which is all true believers (John 15:19, 17:9 - 16), simply due to salvation in Christ only, will not experience the worlds' damnation.

Sounds real harsh and cruel, I know. Can't say the world was not warned.

This topic was started three days ago - Abortion moves to the next sickening phase - how about a response in a forum that is not religion? Let people know where you stand.

I was the first respondent - and judging by the vast majority of responses, I just shake my head at the callousness of humanity on this board and the world in general.

There's a whole lot happening in other topics not under "religion" that have to do with religion, particularly Christianity.

Also, to all peoples calling themselves "Christians" - check your voting pattern. We are where we are because of votes. Democracy is such a great thing for stupid voters, eh?
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New Member
Selling baby body parts....
Severing the spinal cord at birth so the baby can't be called a "live birth" in order to harvest stem cells....
Identifying the number a months after gestation when a fetus becomes a baby....

Of course they burn the "trash"....

Satan is in his glory....



24/7 Single Dad
So what you will about Hitler but at least he waited 5 years to invade Crimea after he hosted the olympics
With known pregnancies the miscarriage rate is 15-20%. It's probably safe to tack on, at minimum, another 10% where the new fetus is expelled early without the woman's knowledge. There are currently 140 million live births per year in the world. Before I get to the end of this post, another 60 human fetuses will be naturally aborted by act of God. The most prolific abortionist in the history of mankind turns out to be God.


New Member
With known pregnancies the miscarriage rate is 15-20%. It's probably safe to tack on, at minimum, another 10% where the new fetus is expelled early without the woman's knowledge. There are currently 140 million live births per year in the world. Before I get to the end of this post, another 60 human fetuses will be naturally aborted by act of God. The most prolific abortionist in the history of mankind turns out to be God.

They aren't taking the baby body parts from the babies that are naturally aborted.

They aren't taking healthy full term stem cells from babies that are naturally aborted.

They aren't going in the toilets at home and fishing out the stem cells.

Man is a vile creation, capable of anything.

Organs are harvested from live babies.

God does not sanction the sacrifice of babies.

Jeremiah 32:35 They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters to Molek, though I never commanded—nor did it enter my mind—that they should do such a detestable thing and so make Judah sin.​

I survived 9 [yep 9] natural abortions. My heart broke each time. My aunt delivered three 3 stillborn babies. She named and buried all three. Her heart broke for each one. God did not take our children. God healed our hearts. God helped us through it.

In my opinion, ProximaCentauri, your reply was repugnant.

Nevertheless, if God is omnipotent he could stop this but appears to care not to. It also appears that he designed the female human body to be very prone to this. Your experience is testament to that fact. An estimated 40 Million more human fetuses will die this year in the world from miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. That is 1 Million every 10 days, 100,000 a day.

Christianity adds to this death toll by preaching against condom use in sub-Sahara Africa (and other 3rd world regions), and by restricting access to female contraception, while AIDS and starvation continue to ravage and kill millions. Christians appear more concerned with 50-150 cell human blastocysts utilized for stem cell research, than with the agonizing death of millions, 9 million a year of which are children under the age of 5.

The horror of organized religion is that it allows people to imagine that their concerns and actions are moral when in fact they are highly immoral. This holds true whether it is burning their fellow human beings alive during the 5 long centuries of the inquisition, or causing the unneeded suffering and death of millions by preaching against the “sin” of contraception and limiting its availability.


New Member
Nevertheless, if God is omnipotent he could stop this but appears to care not to. It also appears that he designed the female human body to be very prone to this. Your experience is testament to that fact. An estimated 40 Million more human fetuses will die this year in the world from miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. That is 1 Million every 10 days, 100,000 a day.

Christianity adds to this death toll by preaching against condom use in sub-Sahara Africa (and other 3rd world regions), and by restricting access to female contraception, while AIDS and starvation continue to ravage and kill millions. Christians appear more concerned with 50-150 cell human blastocysts utilized for stem cell research, than with the agonizing death of millions, 9 million a year of which are children under the age of 5.

The horror of organized religion is that it allows people to imagine that their concerns and actions are moral when in fact they are highly immoral. This holds true whether it is burning their fellow human beings alive during the 5 long centuries of the inquisition, or causing the unneeded suffering and death of millions by preaching against the “sin” of contraception and limiting its availability.

Christians offer to help but they are persecuted if they speak up. They are said to be haters when in fact the majority of people who call them haters would rather spend time calling Christians and the one True God out.... while doing nothing to stop the carnage.

As for the increase in spontaneous abortion rates in this date and time may be due to the side affects of birth control. If history has taught us anything, the reason the common cold has not been cured and modern birth control side affects is pure greed. Cheaper to burn the bio waste.... keep pumping out those toxins.... keep the money coming in.... keep the machine going.... the greed machine....

As a matter of fact..... Non Christians may be so jealous of their own inability to create life by the Grace of God alone....that they have begun to clone their own species while throwing hateful accusations at Christians to take the public eye off the horrible deeds perpetrated by the Non Christians.

Apparently the organs of naturally gestated babies are a lucrative commodity.

Man has been killing babies for centuries. That still doesn't make it right!



New Member
No Epicurian philosophy needed. All that is required is the ability to reason honestly while avoiding the pitfalls of self delusion.

Well, you've done a poor job my friend on the self-delusion part. God, whom you refuse to see due to your "reason", sent His Son to die for you because of your sins and raised him on the third day according to the Scriptures that foretold it. This was witnessed by many witnesses. Death has been defeated by love.


New Member
That was pretty good!

FWIW, Hitler was anti abortion so, this tread is just another thoughtless Hitler analogy.

Hitler is hard to define. He was a fascist most definitely, and a racist, but Nazi's also were socialists who hated communists.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hitler is hard to define. He was a fascist most definitely, and a racist, but Nazi's also were socialists who hated communists.

Hitler is easy to define; pro Germany.

His antisemitism was based on his belief that Jews were behind Germany's defeat in the Great War and that they were central players in Bolshevism; the mortal enemy of Germany. Hitler was correct in both of these assessments. Where he erred, greatly, was his hatred of Jews didn't allow him to see that many German Jews were, very much, pro Germany. It's his Catch 22; He probably could not have risen to power absent his hatred of Jews and he certainly fell, at least partly, based on his hatred of them. That doesn't make him wrong that SOME Jews were behind Germany's defeat in WWI and Soviet Jews were very much enemies of Germany in addition to the USSR, in general, being his enemy.

In any event, Hitler wanted lots and lots of German babies.
Well, you've done a poor job my friend on the self-delusion part. God, whom you refuse to see due to your "reason", sent His Son to die for you because of your sins and raised him on the third day according to the Scriptures that foretold it. This was witnessed by many witnesses. Death has been defeated by love.

You seem confused regarding the meaning of "delusion" my friend....delusion, in psychology, is a rigid system of beliefs with which a person is preoccupied and to which the person firmly holds, despite the logical absurdity of the beliefs and a lack of supporting evidence.

No evidence exists for the resurrection. In Bronze age / early Iron Age Palestine, 'miracles' of resurrection were quite common.


With known pregnancies the miscarriage rate is 15-20%. It's probably safe to tack on, at minimum, another 10% where the new fetus is expelled early without the woman's knowledge. There are currently 140 million live births per year in the world. Before I get to the end of this post, another 60 human fetuses will be naturally aborted by act of God. The most prolific abortionist in the history of mankind turns out to be God.

You’ve used this point before and it’s a false assertion.

If you believe in God, you know this world is God’s creation to do with at His will. However, I believe God set nature in motion and nature does its thing according to those laws of nature God created. So he’s not up there pulling strings as to who lives and dies. Sure you could argue that he created a cruel nature that would result in miscarriages and is therefore culpable in those deaths. It is His creation not yours, and this is how He created it. If you reject that, then try to change the rules.

But even if you do claim God is the most prolific abortionist in the history of man (which I find ironic that there is no man without God); if God is wrong in this, how does this justify man and their own abortion record?

If you don’t believe in God, then nature is just doing its thing period. No one to blame but nature.


That was pretty good!

FWIW, Hitler was anti abortion so, this tread is just another thoughtless Hitler analogy.

I think the analogy was more in the vein of putting humans in a furnace in a despicable manner; treating them like ordinary trash. The one thing I will say about this story in Britain is I don’t believe the people running this operation did this with some evil intent as Hitler did. I don’t think they were wringing their hands with an evil smile on their faces as they tossed aborted babies into the oven in an effort to eradicate a race of people. I think they were acting in a misguided way to dispose of what they viewed as nothing more than biohazard trash.

To me, this speaks more to how our society has come to view human life than it does an effort to commit evil in the name of some radical ideology. Is there evil in this thinking? I think so, but I don’t think it’s intentional; I think it’s a slow moral erosion of our view on the sanctity of life.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think the analogy was more in the vein of putting humans in a furnace in a despicable manner; treating them like ordinary trash. The one thing I will say about this story in Britain is I don’t believe the people running this operation did this with some evil intent as Hitler did. I don’t think they were wringing their hands with an evil smile on their faces as they tossed aborted babies into the oven in an effort to eradicate a race of people. I think they were acting in a misguided way to dispose of what they viewed as nothing more than biohazard trash.

To me, this speaks more to how our society has come to view human life than it does an effort to commit evil in the name of some radical ideology. Is there evil in this thinking? I think so, but I don’t think it’s intentional; I think it’s a slow moral erosion of our view on the sanctity of life.

You asked for it.

If you don't think American's, decent, God fearing American's took great glee when those bombs incinerated 10's of 1,000's in Japan then, you're wrong. Men, women, children. The death of a foe LONG past being ANY threat to the United States. Where was the 'sanctity of life' thing then? They were our enemy. They 'deserved it'.

How about the bombings of German cities, expressly to kill men, women and child? They deserved it, too. As we saw it.

How about slavery? I think our Constitution allowed for it's eventual demise but, were we ever more moral and faithful than at our inception?

We are spending ourselves into bankruptcy trying to keep old, sick people alive, ostensibly, forever. Is that moral erosion or just stupid? If our kid is sick, we want no expense spared (as long as insurance is paying for it) for blood work, tests, what have you, to protect that life. Is that moral erosion or just totally unrealistic?

I think abortion, as you know, is the vilest thing we, as humans, can do; destroy the most innocent of life at its most helpless but, I think that has got to be up to the woman. I'm just trying to offer up some perspective here. Even Hitler wasn't all bad. He was trying to destroy the most evil and monstrous government, ever; the USSR, an evil that starved and destroyed it's own people regardless of ethnicity or real or perceived prior offense. For them, it was as cold and calculating as how to save some on the food bill.

In any event, Adolph was anti abortion.