I'm so bummed. My electric griddle, that I got for free in a company event some 30 years ago, finally died. I plugged it in and it went ZAP! with a blue spark. It was great, worked so well. Over the years I've attempted to replace it, but every one I bought was terrible. Sometimes it was a surface that stuck to the food no matter what you did, cheaply made, hard to clean, but most often it was a terrible thermostat. My old one regulated very well, nice even temp across the griddle. The new ones swing from way too hot to way to cold.
So, anyone have a recommendation for an electric griddle that you have and are happy with? I've tried a few that are available from the local stores, Target, Kohls, ..... not happy with them.
I guess for the moment I'll have to use the stove-top griddle, but I always get it too hot or too cool.
So, anyone have a recommendation for an electric griddle that you have and are happy with? I've tried a few that are available from the local stores, Target, Kohls, ..... not happy with them.
I guess for the moment I'll have to use the stove-top griddle, but I always get it too hot or too cool.