Turbo did come see him. It was very expensive and did no good :shrug: He listened to turbo while he was there, but nothing ever actually did anything. Turbo put an e collar on him, all he did was lay on his back and utterly REFUSED to even get up, much less work anymore. I'm sorry he seemed to have had an accident, but he walked away with several hundred bucks from me.
I have, from the moment the dog walked into the house, repeatedly enforced certain rules with him..no jumping on people is one of them..he was never, ever, ever not even once allowed to jump on anyone..yet he repeatedly does. despite trying a million diff things. yelling, shaking a coin container, whistles, spray bottles, treats when people come in and he doesnt jump (which never happened anyway), screaming until my ####ing head explodes..the jumping is the reason he put the ecollar on him to get him to knock it off. nothing works. Its not like I havent tried. I cannot and WILL NOT walk him. It isn't safe and I am not going to open myself up to danger and lawsuits and frankly I don't think it is a miracle cure anyway. I cannot just walk the dog and expect him to magically be better behaved. his overzealousness when meeting people (old, new, been there 8 hours already, doesn't matter) is what makes him impossible to live with. Does crating him or putting him in the outdoor kennel making it worse? probably. But I am not going to let him have the opportunity to hurt me, my child, or anything else.
He is too strong for me to handle safely, I have 0 help with him, and its as much as I can manage to get him inside and outside and kept decently clean and vetted...much less any meaningful training. the simplest task like taking him outside, becomes a huge struggle, and i have been physically injured by him taking a notion to get to something.
ICit, youve been really nice, but frankly you haven't met the dog..there is no one in my life right now that doesn't want to see him PTS..that's how much of a toll he takes on my life..and I don't recall making "excuses" for anything... I tried a halter from a friend, he wasn't any easier to handle, walking wise. And I'm a little gun shy after being out money from Turbo with no results.
He needs a home with no young children, no cats, and a single male who can be strong enough to handle him. I've put a lot of thought into it. Im not being lazy, my entire life is RUN by this animal. I cant go anywhere because no one wants to watch him, I am constantly worried about his well being and mine. He does need more time, more strength, and more leadership..but despite my best efforts I can't help him. Ive even tried drugging the damn thing so he can maybe chill out enough the listen..it worked some, but the pills made him sick.
He knows basic commands..but you can't get him to do them when there is anyone else around, or any animals, or anything remotely interesting. What good is basic training if he gets so freaking excited at the least thing that he cant follow through?