Need some advice


New Member
This could be a long story so I'll make it as brief as possible. My best friend (we'll call her Mary) and I have this friend (we'll call her Lucy), who is closer to Mary then to me. Anyway, Lucy's boyfriend of about 1 year doesn't like Mary at all, in fact Lucy and her man fight for hours if Lucy hangs out with Mary. The other day Lucy calls Mary and tells her she can't be friends with her anymore, AT ALL! Apparently her man said he would break it off with her if she continues to be friends with her. This guy is so controlling and brainwashing her and Lucy is now cutting people out of her life that she has been close to for years. Mary is so upset and calling me for advice. What can I do without totally getting in the middle of this situation???


New Member
This could be a long story so I'll make it as brief as possible. My best friend (we'll call her Mary) and I have this friend (we'll call her Lucy), who is closer to Mary then to me. Anyway, Lucy's boyfriend of about 1 year doesn't like Mary at all, in fact Lucy and her man fight for hours if Lucy hangs out with Mary. The other day Lucy calls Mary and tells her she can't be friends with her anymore, AT ALL! Apparently her man said he would break it off with her if she continues to be friends with her. This guy is so controlling and brainwashing her and Lucy is now cutting people out of her life that she has been close to for years. Mary is so upset and calling me for advice. What can I do without totally getting in the middle of this situation???

Tell her to spit in his face


New Member
This could be a long story so I'll make it as brief as possible. My best friend (we'll call her Mary) and I have this friend (we'll call her Lucy), who is closer to Mary then to me. Anyway, Lucy's boyfriend of about 1 year doesn't like Mary at all, in fact Lucy and her man fight for hours if Lucy hangs out with Mary. The other day Lucy calls Mary and tells her she can't be friends with her anymore, AT ALL! Apparently her man said he would break it off with her if she continues to be friends with her. This guy is so controlling and brainwashing her and Lucy is now cutting people out of her life that she has been close to for years. Mary is so upset and calling me for advice. What can I do without totally getting in the middle of this situation???

Are you talking about who I think you are talking about?


New Member
First of all, are you Mary or Lucy!?!
Secondly, there is nothing you can do or say to help or change this situation.

This could be a long story so I'll make it as brief as possible. My best friend (we'll call her Mary) and I have this friend (we'll call her Lucy), who is closer to Mary then to me. Anyway, Lucy's boyfriend of about 1 year doesn't like Mary at all, in fact Lucy and her man fight for hours if Lucy hangs out with Mary. The other day Lucy calls Mary and tells her she can't be friends with her anymore, AT ALL! Apparently her man said he would break it off with her if she continues to be friends with her. This guy is so controlling and brainwashing her and Lucy is now cutting people out of her life that she has been close to for years. Mary is so upset and calling me for advice. What can I do without totally getting in the middle of this situation???


New Member
I don't want to sit back and do nothing. This guy has a history of being controlling and violent and I'm scared for her. I guess I really should have asked what do I do if I have a friend who is in a bad relationship and completely oblivious?