Need some help for Christmas!!!


24/7 Single Dad
Redskinsmama said:
I figured for christmas i could make the room up for my boyfriend. I've decorated the entire house and have not really given him a chance to add his input so i figured it would be a great gift to give him his own room with "guy" stuff. Any suggestions? He has a playstation 2 that he loves so that's already the main staple.....what else?!?!
Why not give him the gift of the room and let him decide what he wants in there. If he makes shelves of unfinshed 1x12s and cinder blocks with non color cordinated furniture, just shut up and let him do it it.


New Member
aps45819 said:
Why not give him the gift of the room and let him decide what he wants in there. If he makes shelves of unfinshed 1x12s and cinder blocks with non color cordinated furniture, just shut up and let him do it it.

he already has the room as his and he hasn't done anything with it! He tried to hang a hammock up there (which was hideously tacky, but i stayed mum) he got drunk and went to get in it and it broke. So i figure if he hasn't taken the opportunity to fix it up, i should fix it up as if he was.


New Member
How about his BEST girl wearing a smile and a ribbon, while holding a gift certificate for an unlimited supply of :smoochy: :gossip:

anyway was just a thought :whistle:


New Member
ServiceGuy said:
How about his BEST girl wearing a smile and a ribbon, while holding a gift certificate for an unlimited supply of :smoochy: :gossip:

anyway was just a thought :whistle:

he gets that anways.....well minus the ribbon