He ate K_Jo's cooking didn't he?My dog is prone to anal blowouts, even with have the glands expressed. This use to only happen once in a while but now it is happening about every three months. Does anyone have any suggestions for prevention?
My dog is prone to anal blowouts, even with have the glands expressed. This use to only happen once in a while but now it is happening about every three months. Does anyone have any suggestions for prevention?
He ate K_Jo's cooking didn't he?
What kind of food is he/she eating?
Yes yes.
And how solid is the typical stool? Dogs with diets that make softer, loose stool tend to have more problems here, because they are are supposed to express themselves when the dog poops... soft stool won't do that. If you are not feeding a high quality, non-corn based food, that could be a big part of it. Poo should be firm and hold it's shape when the dog poops. If not, look into changing diet.
(a lot of people feed crap to the dog, like Beneful or Pedigree, etc, the supermarket type foods are pretty lousy)
but can also have some medical issue going on.... intestinal parasites, IBD..... sensitive to the smallest change in environment, feeding times, stress... and the list goes on
Don't let Mikey get under your skin. Next time, just tell him to eat at the Y.
Thank you so much I will start by changing foods as they eat beneful and table scraps right now. I have found warm baths do help but as you said I am usually too late by the time I see the swelling. The vets never asked what I was feeding or to change it, they only put the dog on anitibiotics and advised to have the glands expressed every 6 weeks. Thanks again BTW where can I get the Honest Kitchen Brand dog food?
oh dear.... you need to visit Peppers Pet Pantry!!!
Thanks ICit. We have one store in Solomons next to Boomerangs Ribs and are opening another store in Callaway in about a week. we will be next to the All Kinds Animal Hospital.
We can special order Honest Kitchen. But there are some other foods that are great, too. Stop in for samples.
Thanks ICit. We have one store in Solomons next to Boomerangs Ribs and are opening another store in Callaway in about a week. we will be next to the All Kinds Animal Hospital.
We can special order Honest Kitchen. But there are some other foods that are great, too. Stop in for samples.
When are you opening your Chestertown store?
?Where's Chestertown
wwooohhhhhoooo I cant wait for the one in Callaway..... new local hang out!!!