Need your input


Well-Known Member
She does take HBP medication but it's not a diuretic. The second CT scan she had seems to reveal a couple of very minor strokes that could be causing some of these issues but the doctor said they were so small that she couldn't tell if they were actually strokes; and she said it's very normal for someone my mom's age to have such strokes.

Just read your post PsyOps-that was the first thing I thought of-TIA's or a previous undiagnosed stroke.
Have her carotid arteries been checked for blockage/arthrosclerosis?
Hoping for the best....


Well, unexpectedly things got dramatically worse. My mom is lashing out at care-takers and exhibiting other problems that the assisted living place can no longer accomodate and we have to move her out and into a rehab facility. Even though her situation has deteriorated I view this as a good thing since she will be getting very much-needed intensive physical and phychological rehab. I hope they come up with some answers otherwise she is facing living in a nursing home.

I appreciate everyone's input.


Happy Camper
Well, unexpectedly things got dramatically worse. My mom is lashing out at care-takers and exhibiting other problems that the assisted living place can no longer accomodate and we have to move her out and into a rehab facility. Even though her situation has deteriorated I view this as a good thing since she will be getting very much-needed intensive physical and phychological rehab. I hope they come up with some answers otherwise she is facing living in a nursing home.

I appreciate everyone's input.



Having Fun!
Well, unexpectedly things got dramatically worse. My mom is lashing out at care-takers and exhibiting other problems that the assisted living place can no longer accomodate and we have to move her out and into a rehab facility. Even though her situation has deteriorated I view this as a good thing since she will be getting very much-needed intensive physical and phychological rehab. I hope they come up with some answers otherwise she is facing living in a nursing home.

I appreciate everyone's input.


Hang in there & keep asking questions and looking for answers for your Mom.


Lovin' being Texican
She's not having problems with eating; although we worry she isn't drinking enough water. She did have a mild UTI a little while ago. She eats well. She seems to get hit hard with the diarrhea right after a meal. I should also point out that the diarrhea has been going on for several years. But now, not a single bowel movement is without diarrhea.

If you don't mind sharing, any idea why this happened to you?

I am posting before I have read the entire thread but I think you should have the doctor consider vitamin deficiency (especially B12) or other nutritional deficiencies because of the diarrhea problem. There is also still consideration of too many medications or severe diarrhea.

Back to this post after finishing the thread. I would recommend you take your mother to a gerontologist (specialist in old people) given the complexity of her presentation. One of the easiest things to miss in an older person is the change in metabolism of medications as they age. What was a perfectly good dose or combination becomes really bad as people age. The other things like nutritional deficiencies creep up so slowly, nobody remembers when "Mom went away in her mind." Good luck and please keep us informed of what the doctors find out.
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Well, unexpectedly things got dramatically worse. My mom is lashing out at care-takers and exhibiting other problems that the assisted living place can no longer accomodate and we have to move her out and into a rehab facility. Even though her situation has deteriorated I view this as a good thing since she will be getting very much-needed intensive physical and phychological rehab. I hope they come up with some answers otherwise she is facing living in a nursing home.

I appreciate everyone's input.

Sorry man.


24/7 Single Dad
Well, unexpectedly things got dramatically worse. My mom is lashing out at care-takers and exhibiting other problems that the assisted living place can no longer accomodate and we have to move her out and into a rehab facility. Even though her situation has deteriorated I view this as a good thing since she will be getting very much-needed intensive physical and phychological rehab. I hope they come up with some answers otherwise she is facing living in a nursing home.

I appreciate everyone's input.
My parents were married for 64 years and Dad died the end of Jan.
Mom gave up, she just quit living.
She joined Dad the end of last month. She didn't want to live without him so she didn't.


New Member
Ask the dr to do an endoscopy to check why she is having the chronic diarrhea. A long shot-but she may have a food allergy. You say that she gets hit with it right after a meal...A friend was recently diagnosed with a food allergy and had the same was terrible, but it was also 24/7. Months on end before the dr's found out what it was. Endoscopy combined with blood work solved it.
Also-does she complain of headaches? My mom suffers from migraines, and they throw all of her motor skills off. There are times that she falls due to being so dizzy, or blacks out. She misjudges distances, and simple things are very difficult to figure out due to trying to fight through the pain and comprehend.

- When walking she would reach for things (like walls, doorknobs, tabletops, etc…) to help her keep her balance, but would reach out before she was actually close enough to reach it. She had problems figuring out how to negotiate around certain objects: like getting around the end table to get to the couch and getting herself positioned properly in front of the couch before sitting down (she would often sit on the arm of the couch and slide into position).

- using the TV remote control is a challenge for her.

So her symptoms are:

- Short term memory loss that has been noticeable for about 3 years
- Sudden loss of motor skills like walking and negotiating around objects
- Sudden loss of ability to handle mental challenges like crosswords, reading and cooking
- Chronic diarrhea


My parents were married for 64 years and Dad died the end of Jan.
Mom gave up, she just quit living.
She joined Dad the end of last month. She didn't want to live without him so she didn't.

I'm really sorry to hear that.

My mom actually recently said this... she just gave up. This admission, I think, was huge. But I don't know if that's where her head still is.