Some of you are the biggest friggen hypocrites!
And before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, I said SOME not ALL. Talk about jumping the gun and/or acting like the perfect friggen parents. I KNOW some of you have kids that are just as jacked up as the next thanks to your "perfect" parenting. There weren't enough details/facts given to come to any good conclusion.
Poster said that when she took the child home that the father said that the children were NOT where they were supposed to be. While I don't think that it's appropriate for a 7 year old to be left in charge of a 3 year old there aren't enough details to determine if this is really the huge deal you're making it out to be. My mother and father have BOTH let my 6 year old take my 3 year old next door. There is a 6 year old and 3 year old that live there. I've been at my mom's house when said 6 and 3 year old neighbors kids have come knocking on the door. The houses are a spit away from each other. I don't live in that situation so I can't really say if I'd be comfortable with it or not. I can attest to the fact that I survived my parents just fine and the parents of the other kids, one of them is... gasp.... a teacher who deals with children on a daily basis...
Quick someone call CPS!
These children disobeyed. Who are any of us without knowing all the details of where the kids were supposed to be and where that location is in proximity to their own house to judge the parents so quickly and then the original poster for not calling CPS.