Lem Putt
I'm thinking the poster may not realize CPS does not always tear families apart. Many times it helps educate them and the families benefit as a result.

I'm thinking the poster may not realize CPS does not always tear families apart. Many times it helps educate them and the families benefit as a result.
Yep, they have everything they need, not want.The kitties do seem taken with you.
Maybe the father expected them to be in the house. And at 3 years old, the parents are probably just finding out the child is autistic. They have no clue what they are in for and how to handle the child. They expect the kid to act the same as the 7 year old. Not a prayer. Before you folks start spouting off about calling CPS, give the parents a chance to handle the situation. It's not easy and they are in for a long hard road. Believe me.(7yr) came over yesterday with his 3yr old autistic(sp?) brother.
I only know this because he announced it when they showed up. No call from the parent's, they crossed a 50mph road alone to get there and he's in diapers. I've never had contact with this child and have no idea how to handle him IF something came up. I had to follow after him and keep him directed at safe play the whole time he was there. Thankfully he didn't seem to mind. I let him stay about 45min before I made up my mind and marched him home by the hand. I told his father he was too young to come over and play at our house.
The father had NO idea he was at my house and he wasn't even looking for him, said thank you and please send home the older one. Totally blows me away. I don't understand parents today.
Maybe the father expected them to be in the house. And at 3 years old, the parents are probably just finding out the child is autistic. They have no clue what they are in for and how to handle the child. They expect the kid to act the same as the 7 year old. Not a prayer. Before you folks start spouting off about calling CPS, give the parents a chance to handle the situation. It's not easy and they are in for a long hard road. Believe me.
Maybe the father expected them to be in the house. And at 3 years old, the parents are probably just finding out the child is autistic. They have no clue what they are in for and how to handle the child. They expect the kid to act the same as the 7 year old. Not a prayer. Before you folks start spouting off about calling CPS, give the parents a chance to handle the situation. It's not easy and they are in for a long hard road. Believe me.
Before you folks start spouting off about calling CPS, give the parents a chance to handle the situation.
Maybe the father expected them to be in the house. And at 3 years old, the parents are probably just finding out the child is autistic. They have no clue what they are in for and how to handle the child. They expect the kid to act the same as the 7 year old. Not a prayer. Before you folks start spouting off about calling CPS, give the parents a chance to handle the situation. It's not easy and they are in for a long hard road. Believe me.
Only lost track of Jay once and believe me that kid could disappear quick.I know you have personal experience to draw from, but I'm sure you knew where both your kids were at age 3. No way they would have been unaccounted for 45 minutes. My kids are all considered normal (unless you talk to me 30 minutes into a fight with the oldest over homework), but at age 3 I knew where they were ALL the time.
Only lost track of Jay once and believe me that kid could disappear quick.I searched the yard, which is fenced in, searched the house and was out in the neighborhood looking. He was in the house in a closet. Why he crawled into a closet I'll never know. Couldn't leave him alone long either. Found him in his bedroom one day with the fireplace poker, poking holes in the wall.
I can laugh about it now, but then......
Ah, see, you WERE aware he was missing.
Kids love closets. Mine hid in the pantry and waited for me to open the door. Thank goodnes I could hear the giggling in anticipation or else he'd have given me a heart attack.
I don't understand what the masses expect CPS to do other than snatch up the kid(s) and place them in foster care.![]()
Some of you are the biggest friggen hypocrites!And before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, I said SOME not ALL. Talk about jumping the gun and/or acting like the perfect friggen parents. I KNOW some of you have kids that are just as jacked up as the next thanks to your "perfect" parenting. There weren't enough details/facts given to come to any good conclusion.
Some of you are the biggest friggen hypocrites!And before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, I said SOME not ALL. Talk about jumping the gun and/or acting like the perfect friggen parents. I KNOW some of you have kids that are just as jacked up as the next thanks to your "perfect" parenting. There weren't enough details/facts given to come to any good conclusion.
Poster said that when she took the child home that the father said that the children were NOT where they were supposed to be. While I don't think that it's appropriate for a 7 year old to be left in charge of a 3 year old there aren't enough details to determine if this is really the huge deal you're making it out to be. My mother and father have BOTH let my 6 year old take my 3 year old next door. There is a 6 year old and 3 year old that live there. I've been at my mom's house when said 6 and 3 year old neighbors kids have come knocking on the door. The houses are a spit away from each other. I don't live in that situation so I can't really say if I'd be comfortable with it or not. I can attest to the fact that I survived my parents just fine and the parents of the other kids, one of them is... gasp.... a teacher who deals with children on a daily basis...Quick someone call CPS!
These children disobeyed. Who are any of us without knowing all the details of where the kids were supposed to be and where that location is in proximity to their own house to judge the parents so quickly and then the original poster for not calling CPS.
These children disobeyed.
Autism and retardation are not the same thing.Your 3 year old isn't retarded![]()
Your 3 year old isn't retarded![]()
Does sleeping count?I'd like a list of the "perfect" kids. TIA.