New and Improved?


Beloved Misanthrope


Well-Known Member
All in good fun. At least it used to be back when I commanded a mine detector team.

Всего хорошего, мой друг!

--- End of line (MCP)
Taken in good fun :high5:
Funny coincidence: my Dad was trained as commander of mine laying team, during his after-college ROTC stint in the Red Army. I would guess at approximately same time. Just on the other side :)


Well-Known Member
Apologies for hijacking the thread. There was an old Soviet joke.
NATO command is giving a briefing on the Soviet troops opposing them:
  1. motorized infantry — red chevrons, your usual infantry, armed with AK-47 and squad weapons.
  2. Airborne — blue chevrons, elite units, equivalent to US Marines, extra hand-to-hand training, top-of-the-line weapons.
  3. Combat engineers — black chevrons with a bulldozer insignia. Stay the f away from them, these animals are so fierce that they are not even allowed firearms!


Well-Known Member
The truth is that they really weren’t allowed firearms — стройбат, or construction battalions, were the conscripts of the bottom level. They either were conscripted from juvies, could barely (or not at all) understand Russian, or were just a point above mental deficiency. It was very likely that given firearms, they would take off on a crime spree, start a long trek back to the mountains, or go terrorize the local goats. And those are the guys my Dad had to command :)


PREMO Member
The Tiger was an Excellent Expensive Tank

The T-34 was Good Enough Not expected last long enough until its 1st engine replacement .. often poor quality steel and gaps in the armor seems ....

but damn there were lots of them ...

on the other hand the Sherman was cheap, reliable and easily repairable often recovered repaired and sent back out


Well-Known Member
Greater Numbers Rather the Quality
Hey, the conscript approach. One of the “great” marshals was quoted something like “don’t pity the soldiers, send them in wave after wave. The broads will welp more of them”.
What I’m curious to see is an unbiased comparison between Soviet Airborne and US Marines. The Airborne was its own branch, got the best of the conscripts and had large professional NCO cadres.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Hey, the conscript approach. One of the “great” marshals was quoted something like “don’t pity the soldiers, send them in wave after wave. The broads will welp more of them”.
Kinda like the U.S. Grant method of warfare.


Well-Known Member
I was an Army Anti Tank Infantryman 84 / 88 ... we were volunteers not conscripts
Do you still dream of hordes of T-72s fanning out of the Fulda Gap, and instinctively try to shoulder the TOW?
Ah, good old times... Battle lines clearly drawn, enemy known and respected/feared...


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Do you still dream of hordes of T-72s fanning out of the Fulda Gap, and instinctively try to shoulder the TOW?
Ah, good old times... Battle lines clearly drawn, enemy known and respected/feared...
Once power comes back up and I can type on the laptop I have a story about just that from back in my old Cav days in/around the Fulda Gap.

--- End of line (MCP)


PREMO Member
hehe ... I did a yr in Korea after 2.5 yrs at Ft Carson ... Hordes of NK's streaming across the DMZ ...

In Korea I drove Hummer's at Carson we had M901ITV's I was assigned to all roles - Driver / Gunner / Loader ... I spent more time sleeping as a Loader or Gunner while we were on Maneuvers .....

But yeah I did 4 Field Training X at Fort Irwin, training against VIS MOD Soviet T-72's and BMP's utilizing Soviet Tactics in Motorized Rifle Battalion ... Maneuver Elements or smaller - Company and Platoon .... they used CS for simulated Nerve Gas Attacks :shocking:



Now it would probably be cheaper just to by Ex Soviet Equipment 1

100-2-1 THE SOVIET ARMY. Operations and Tactics FM 100-2-1 (1984)

FM 100-2-1
Fm 100-2-2
FM 100-2-3

Oh and the TOW is Tripod Mounted ... M72 LAW was Shoulder Mounted and the Dragon has a Monopod

Having seen a Carl G in action I'd have rather had one of those ...


Well-Known Member
hehe ... I did a yr in Korea after 2.5 yrs at Ft Carson ... Hordes of NK's streaming across the DMZ ...
IMHO, that would have been more likely to happen and scarier. Even us Soviets were cautiously scared of the NK fanatics — they reminded us too much of the Stalin years.