New Here, May Relocate


New Member
another Navy mom moved here - love it

Hi Navy mom,

I'm also a Navy mom, originally from New York (Hudson Valley). I have a 20 month old and a just-turned 3 year old. My husband is also a Navy mustang. I had the same list of requirements that you did, choose to live in Charles County, and love it here.

We live in Port Tobacco. Our friends (more Navy mustangs) live in La Plata. After taxes, our mortgage is the same as our housing allowance. The only "extra" we pay for is utilities. I believe our neighbors make out even better with their mortgage. We both have 4 bedroom homes.

The schools are okay. Our future elementary school in particular is very good and that's all I was mainly concerned with. We live on 2 acres, our friends live on 5. If you listen very hard you can hear the neighbor's dog barking but that's it.

I think you'll like it here. I don't know much about homes or areas closer to Pax River but it looks like lots of other people on this thread do and could tell you more. I just wanted to pipe in and let you know I was in a similar situation and was happy with my decision.

It is peaceful here. That's the nice part and possibly not so nice part. But nearly everything you want to do is not too far away. I think it's a lot more fun here once you make friends, especially friends closeby with small children. There are a couple stay-at-home moms in my neighborhood that get together once a week so the kids can socialize. My kids love going to Gilbert park. Yeah, it's over half an hour away. But the way I look at it, that's the price I pay for wanting to live in a quiet area. Waldorf has every store I could want and that's about 15-20 minutes away. You can hit a beach (albeit not a California ocean) in about the same amount of time. DC is 45 minutes outside of rush hour and the kids enjoy the museums.

The weather tends to be 7 degrees warmer here than NY on any given day. Unfortunately the winters tend to hover around 32 degrees. So instead of the regular snow you're used to seeing in NY, SOMD turns into an icy/slushy mess.

Everything is here, just not right outside your door. Which is, I think, what you want. Just don't be surprise if you rack up miles on your car :) If you decide to move down here, feel free to look me up -


This Space for Rent
another person considering move

Interesting posts with a lot of info. I am another considering moving to the area for a job I have interviewed with.

In addition to the previously provided info, I want to ask for some clarification. As I have not been up there (but will before accepting any offers), I have come across a few places that might suit my family's needs until we decide where we would like to buy a home there (if at all :neener: :wink: ).

However, I saw that some had issues with the Great Mills area. As I am unfamiliar, the place I had received info on in that are was called Greenview West Townhomes. This seemed like a good price for a nice family rental. Yet, the price differences and such are so different from here (near Dallas/Forth Worth) that this may really be a not so nice place that seems nice for the pricing I see (Texas is cheap to live in FYI so hard to make comparisons -- my home is valued at $115,000 and is comparable to some I have seen listed for the $250,000-$300,000 range there). I have also seen what seemed like a nice place listed in Prince Frederick (sp?).

Any opinions on these areas. If I am just going to be renting, I don't want to spend as much as if I was buying (no equity being gained). I would rent the first 2 years I am there till I know if I will be changing work locations (another naval facility with same job) or staying at PAX (I will be coming to work for NAVAIR, if I do). I am looking to spend around $1500-$1650 a month between rent/electric/water/trash/natgas. Another question, am I going to be living too cheap?

I need 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. I prefer not to deal with a home for rental but if thats a better route, so be it. I have 2 kids (at that point they will be 11 and 3). My wife will be looking for work as a speech-language pathologist.

Thanks for the info in advance.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Re: another person considering move

Originally posted by FromTexas
I am looking to spend around $1500-$1650 a month between rent/electric/water/trash/natgas. Another question, am I going to be living too cheap?

I need 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. I prefer not to deal with a home for rental but if thats a better route, so be it. I have 2 kids (at that point they will be 11 and 3). My wife will be looking for work as a speech-language pathologist.

Thanks for the info in advance.
The house across the street from us used to be for rent. It is a 3 br, 2 ba split foyer on about 3/4 acre and went for $1350/mo. Decent, but not fancy neighborhood, good school. I'd guess electric runs and average of $80-100, well water/septic = no water bill, no gas, no trash pick up (we live about 2 miles from the trash transfer station, most people drop their trash themselves) When they sold this house, it went for $215K. I'd say your expectations are not unrealistic.


This Space for Rent

Thank you for the quick reply!

If anybody has any other suggestion on nice 3 bedroom/2 bath rent places (preferably apartments or townhomes -- with good homes always a possibility [I have a home, im just tired of the upkeep for the moment :biggrin: ]) please let me know!


I bowl overhand
Just for info.. I rented a 5 bedroom, 4 bath townhouse... waterview.. in Solomons.. for 1450 a month.

Excellent schools, the furthest school is the High School (Patuxent High) and it's only 4 miles away..

I posted an add on here (SOMD classifieds) about what I wanted and how much I wanted to spend.. and by that evening had five replies.. this being one of them..

Few minor problems, but a good rental, good neighborhood.. pool, pier.. walking paths.. playground.. etc...


New Member
Originally posted by USNavyWife
What are the "nice hoods"?

Be wary of any homes off of Peggs Rd. You will most likely want to start out looking to rend in Wildewood. Other than that, anything in the California, Hollywood area is good. That is were the better schools are and are closer to the shopping districts. The chancellors run rd area is good too.

Good Luck with your search and check out the classifieds on this site.


b*tch rocket
Hey Texas, I'd recommend buying even if you don't plan on sticking around, you'll have no problem selling it if you choose to leave.


This Space for Rent
My worry on

My worry on buying is not building up enough equity to make the buy/sell in a 3 year period worth it between closing costs on both ends, realtor on the back end, and maintenance in between.

However, on the other side of the coin, when I get permanent position it may be there. In fact, in all likeliness, we would stay there. That is the plan, but you know how plans can be :rolleyes: .

The benefit I am mainly looking for is that with renting I am not stuck so much into a choice. I can get there and take a year to really figure out the area. I will be a total newb. I would enjoy taking time to find just the right place and not feel pressured into making a great choice right when having to move across the country, get kids settled with school and new environment, and find my wife a job. Too much else going on at that point.

Which leaves renting -- a choice you can make and if you don't like, move easily. I can make that choice in the limited time I could come out there before accepting the position and not have the worry of being stuck for awhile.

Just the way I am thinking of it. :wink:
Last edited:


jack of all trades
If you are worried about making enough on after the realtor fees, etc. you can always rent out the house if you move. I can't imagine PAX going away, BRAC will probably expand the mission of the base.

Anyways, my plan is to rent only to military personnel if I leave the area, that way if there's a problem, I can always go to their commanding officer. :biggrin:

Another thing to consider is that St. Mary's county is considered a "bedroom" community to DC...


jack of all trades
Originally posted by FireLadie
Be wary of any homes off of Peggs Rd. You will most likely want to start out looking to rend in Wildewood. Other than that, anything in the California, Hollywood area is good. That is were the better schools are and are closer to the shopping districts. The chancellors run rd area is good too.

Good Luck with your search and check out the classifieds on this site.

How about Westbury off Pegg Road? That looks like a nice area. My guess would be to stay way from the areas off Pegg closest to Gate 1 and areas around Gate 2.


This Space for Rent
Checking it out...

Got to job offer I expected and flying in to Baltimore to drive in and take a look around this weekend.

So, I will know by this next week if I am headed that way.

If you all have any last minute suggestions of other places to look at, I would appreciate it. I will probably go take a look at Solomons Island, so I can at least decide if a townhome there may be a nice thing. I just wish it wasn't so far in advance of my move that I could actually see how one was inside and out.

Thanks again for all the info.


Set Trippin
Re: Checking it out...

Originally posted by FromTexas
Got to job offer I expected and flying in to Baltimore to drive in and take a look around this weekend.

So, I will know by this next week if I am headed that way.

If you all have any last minute suggestions of other places to look at, I would appreciate it. I will probably go take a look at Solomons Island, so I can at least decide if a townhome there may be a nice thing. I just wish it wasn't so far in advance of my move that I could actually see how one was inside and out.

Thanks again for all the info.
No trip to the area would be complete without a visit to Southeast DC, just make sure you go at night...:wink:


I bowl overhand

If you come across the bridge to Solomons take a left at the first light.. puts you into Patuxent Point.. I think there is a sign out on the street for one of the townhouses for rent. There is also a house/ cottage for rent that is right on the island.. but probably be BIG $$'s. Post an ad on the classifieds just to see if there is anything out there.. EVERY reply that I got was for a property that wasn't being advertised.. the place I rented was actually for sale, and renting wasn't even an option for the owners.


Go Braves!
Re: Re: Checking it out...

Originally posted by mainman
No trip to the area would be complete without a visit to Southeast DC, just make sure you go at night...:wink:
:nono: Don't make suggestions without giving some street names such as Alabama Ave. That's a particularly scenic part of town.