New here...


Well-Known Member
Hi fedex!

I'll have to agree with the majority here. I have a fedex driver that delivers to my work. He's so :hot: Makes me want to get a job for fedex just to look at the eye candy!


Relax, it's fedex
SoMDGirl42 said:
Hi fedex!

I'll have to agree with the majority here. I have a fedex driver that delivers to my work. He's so :hot: Makes me want to get a job for fedex just to look at the eye candy!

I wish I knew thats how the younger women felt about us older fed ex drivers ! :lmao:


Biker Chick
Welcome fedex and Mrgaritavill!!!! :howdy:
I'm still a newbie here myself, but I'm having a great time hanging out in here and getting to know everybody!!!!


Biker Chick
wineo said:
Why are all the Fed Ex drivers hot hunks? :hot: Years ago there was one in Lex. Pk that would make you want to ship yourself.

Well, my experience has been that the UPS drivers are :hot:
I even dated one that used to deliver to my house years ago!!! :wink:


Well-Known Member
fedex said:
I wish I knew thats how the younger women felt about us older fed ex drivers ! :lmao:
Now that you know, can you pass the info along to the :hot: one that delivers in Lexington Park? And find out the martial status as well. TIA


Relax, it's fedex
SoMDGirl42 said:
Now that you know, can you pass the info along to the :hot: one that delivers in Lexington Park? And find out the martial status as well. TIA

That would nearly impossible, simply because there are so many drivers that work for fed ex. As you probably know the hub is out of waldorf and so many drivers go around.

This old man is single hahaha


Infinite Impetus
pixiegirl said:
Yes, yes. The Fedex guy I loved was probably in his late 20s or early 30s. I was 18 and had the biggest crush on him. :blushing:


Man I DID have a hot UPS dude that would deliver to my work.. Not anymore tho.


fedex said:
I am off today, so that is why I am not at work. I have delivered with fedex for over 20 years. I am an old fart, yes I know.

I use to deliver in Pembrooke Sq, but thats been ages.

No, I wont ever work for UPS, and I dont believe a merger will ever happen !

15 or so years ago I was a UPS delivery "person", at Christmas time no less...hardest job I ever had! My route was several buildings at NIH in Bethesda with a small residential route nearby. I can remember the package truck being so loaded I came to my first stop and at the loading dock opened the bay door and effn packages falling out everywhere!