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John Z

if you will
A couple of years ago I got a pair of Footjoy "Dryjoys" that are water resistant. Surprisingly comfortable! :yay:


Well-Known Member
John Z said:
A couple of years ago I got a pair of Footjoy "Dryjoys" that are water resistant. Surprisingly comfortable! :yay:


I was thinking "Footjoy" or Etonic, and a forum member sent me a good recommendation.


No Longer the Kid I golfed today in the Ridge tourney........and I wore my tennis shoes (cross trainers).....My question is.......

Do golf shoes actually make that much difference? If so....what are they?? (the differences)

John Z

if you will
Softballkid said:
Do golf shoes actually make that much difference? If so....what are they?? (the differences)

I think they give you a bit more stable footing so you don't slip as much, particularly on slightly damp grass.


Well-Known Member
Softballkid said: I golfed today in the Ridge tourney........and I wore my tennis shoes (cross trainers).....My question is.......

Do golf shoes actually make that much difference? If so....what are they?? (the differences)

PM Otter he is the resident expert on this subject matter :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dear softball kid...

Softballkid said: I golfed today in the Ridge tourney........and I wore my tennis shoes (cross trainers).....My question is.......

Do golf shoes actually make that much difference? If so....what are they?? (the differences) played golf and you don't see the need? I'm impressed with your balance.

You play softball, right? Don't ask me how I know, just work with me here.

So, you're playing softball and, well, can you imagine playing without cleats or at least turf shoes?

There is an unwritten rule; if the sport has beer drinking associated with it you can not, must not, risk losing your footing.


Well-Known Member
remaxrealtor said:
Footjoy Contour Series

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

<!-- / main error message -->


Larry Gude said: played golf and you don't see the need? I'm impressed with your balance.

You play softball, right? Don't ask me how I know, just work with me here.

So, you're playing softball and, well, can you imagine playing without cleats or at least turf shoes?

There is an unwritten rule; if the sport has beer drinking associated with it you can not, must not, risk losing your footing.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>


No Longer the Kid
Yeah, I guess you all are right, I can see how it can give you a better footing in all, on the damp grass, and when drinking (like today)......

I just never found the need to have them, but ive never been real serious into playing golf, I like to just go out and have fun..if I shoot in the 90's, Im happy, I think 3-4 times in my golf career (4-5 years now), ive broke into the high 80's....but, I may have to look into getting some, a few guys I know with want to start playing more tourney's, and trying to win, Ill look into it...

And Larry, that was a good way of putting it :yay:

John Z

if you will
Softballkid said:
Yeah, I guess you all are right, I can see how it can give you a better footing in all, on the damp grass, and when drinking (like today)......

I just never found the need to have them, but ive never been real serious into playing golf, I like to just go out and have fun..if I shoot in the 90's, Im happy, I think 3-4 times in my golf career (4-5 years now), ive broke into the high 80's....but, I may have to look into getting some, a few guys I know with want to start playing more tourney's, and trying to win, Ill look into it...

Another factor is that if you are playing more regularly, and starting to shoot in the 80s, you are good enough to start using more dedicated golf equipment. You don't need the butt-expensive equipment, but some decent golf shoes will help. Plus you gotta look the part, like you are part of the "in" golf crowd!


Softballkid said: I golfed today in the Ridge tourney........and I wore my tennis shoes (cross trainers).....My question is.......

Do golf shoes actually make that much difference? If so....what are they?? (the differences)
I find I get an extra 250 yards on my drives wearing golf shoes.


professional daydreamer
Softballkid said:
Yeah, I guess you all are right, I can see how it can give you a better footing in all, on the damp grass, and when drinking (like today)......

I just never found the need to have them, but ive never been real serious into playing golf, I like to just go out and have fun..if I shoot in the 90's, Im happy, I think 3-4 times in my golf career (4-5 years now), ive broke into the high 80's....but, I may have to look into getting some, a few guys I know with want to start playing more tourney's, and trying to win, Ill look into it...

And Larry, that was a good way of putting it :yay:

The drunk foursome...that was my husband and his friends. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

elaine said:
The drunk foursome in a cloud of swirling cigar smoke spouting blue jokes and demanding better service...that was my husband and his friends. :lmao:

all better


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd fall on my azz...

Softballkid said:
Yeah, I guess you all are right, I can see how it can give you a better footing in all, on the damp grass, and when drinking (like today)......

...without golf shoes.

It's just like softball...

Go with the pitch = swing easy

Hit it where they ain't = right down the middle

Relax, relax, here it comes (backswing) ready, steady, slow is smooth, smooth is fast....SWINGAS####INGHARDASYOUCAN....


No Longer the Kid
Larry Gude said:
...without golf shoes.

It's just like softball...

Go with the pitch = swing easy

Hit it where they ain't = right down the middle

Relax, relax, here it comes (backswing) ready, steady, slow is smooth, smooth is fast....SWINGAS####INGHARDASYOUCAN....

I wore tennis shoes, and I did get longest drive :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Softballkid said:
I wore tennis shoes, and I did get longest drive :yay: you're a stud and I'm a spud.

Rub it in. You don't need no damn golf shoes. You should try...high heels...yeah...