New Kid In Town


Rocky Mountain High!!
I think we've agreed on Comanche Wind. Thank you for all the cool suggestions!

Little one wants to call him "Comanche", she likes that name a LOT. Is it too...."common"?

I wanted to call him Wind. RC says Nope, he ain't callin no stud "Wind" :lol:

And here's his momma....'Dee'. Gotta love her name. :biggrin: She's a beautiful deep dark chocolate/flax. He's going to be very dark chocolate with a snow white m/t. we come!

I'll post poppa later today when i can dig his pix outta the thousands of emails in my inbox and crop it.


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His momma is rather pretty. I do like that chocolate color with a flaxen mane.


Rocky Mountain High!!
He'll look like this when he's grown. Super dark chocolate with a snow white mane and tail. JUST what i wanted, worth the wait and the long trip from Minnesota. I'm so pleased. :biggrin: And his temperament is to die for. Such a sweetie.
We'll be ponying him along on the SMTR rides soon!


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New Member
If he's going to be campaigned and something someone would want to pay to breed to, than "Wind" sounds more like a bodily function.......and he is nice, but at 6 or 7 months, hard to base anything on background....ask any vet and they'll tell you background is just that and nothing more....hope he turns out to be a good example of a Rocky in the future, and that he is ASD free......., and that he gaits freely, not because of a good trim job.......


Rocky Mountain High!!
Thank you SO much for the advice Oh CarefulOne.

I've done my homework, and his pedigree, and the actual horses in it are AWESOME, just in case you didn't notice. :biggrin: he is most definately stallion quality, and his nurturing will carry on what nature has provided me.

FYI, he was chosen because he is (hopefully) double silver, his eyes and visual acuity will be examined by a board certified opthomologist, and documented on his webpage, no matter what it is. He see's just fine, isn't spooky at all, and is so far everything I want in a POTENTIAL herd stallion, trail, competition and parade prospect. I coudn't care less if anyone else wants to "use" him. I bought him for MY foundation breeding program, not for other people.

As such I have also built his broodmare band out of black and homozygous black, super well bred mares, who all gait naturally, genotypically and phenotypically. If he is bred to other colors, their silver status will be known by color typing DNA.

PS :gossip: I've been researching pedigrees, genetic attributes and have been breeding healthy Champions in a breed with more breeding and show ring disqualifying faults than any other AKC registered breed, for over 30 years....i think i have the concepts down and understand the risks involved, and am well prepared for this endeavor. Feel better now?

PSS Your name comment makes sense, I didn't think about it that way :lol: Hmm...i can see the ads now....pfft...Wind is IN DA HOUSE :lmao:
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New Member
Your older than you look happy....well preserved. I guess one of your mares has changed, when previously owned she was to get sold because she was trotty?
The colt does have good background, but like his dad, unproven, and I never worry, "Dee", Hey....did you hear anything about the sanctions on the twosome yet???


Rocky Mountain High!!
If he's going to be campaigned and something someone would want to pay to breed to, than "Wind" sounds more like a bodily function.......and he is nice, but at 6 or 7 months, hard to base anything on background....ask any vet and they'll tell you background is just that and nothing more....hope he turns out to be a good example of a Rocky in the future, and that he is ASD free......., and that he gaits freely, not because of a good trim job.......
BTW...why in the world would it matter if a TRIM helps him gait?? I can understand if you may have issue with shoes and leaving his feet high for making height or very long by using the shoe to support the toe, but a good TRIM? :confused:
Please enlighten me....i don't shoe anything, and he won't be shod either. His feet will be healthy and strong from the inside out.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Your older than you look happy....well preserved. I guess one of your mares has changed, when previously owned she was to get sold because she was trotty?
The colt does have good background, but like his dad, unproven, and I never worry, "Dee", Hey....did you hear anything about the sanctions on the twosome yet???

huh? i'd much rather have them trotty than pacey. why would i sell one for that reason?
I did sell one of the very first ones I bought, bred by VanBert because she was something i didn't want to add to my breeding program, she was very pacey, needed shoes to gait, had an ugly 'ole bucket head was an an orangey Sorrel color (not silver bay as she was initially registered). But she was a sweet one and her owner loves her very much.

And you've actually SEEN me in person all the way from the West Coast Carol? :shrug: But I prolly AM much older than most people know. It was all the kids i had, and now all these horses :lol:

RE: Sanctions? Why would I care about that?

PS you'll get some comments on ME selling a horse, so be prepared :lol: I seem (according to some folks around here) to have issue with letting them go 'cause i love them all. :lol:
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New Member
RE: Sanctions? Why would I care about that?

I'm sorry, why would you care, I remember you saying before as long as it doesn't affect're turn is out there....


Rocky Mountain High!!
RE: Sanctions? Why would I care about that?

I'm sorry, why would you care, I remember you saying before as long as it doesn't affect're turn is out there....
Now I'm REALLY confused....I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you saying I'LL be sanctioned for something? Why in the world would I be sanctioned for anything?


New Member
And you've actually SEEN me in person all the way from the West Coast Carol?
On your site with a black horse...pretty one at that, and yes you look younger......a reverse if it's from having kids and horses, horses maybe....


Rocky Mountain High!!
And you've actually SEEN me in person all the way from the West Coast Carol?
On your site with a black horse...pretty one at that, and yes you look younger......a reverse if it's from having kids and horses, horses maybe....
Are you talking about on Shadee Lady? That's not me :lol:
But I'll take the compliment anyway. My kids DO keep me young, and so do the 3 grandkids.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Just so you know exactly who you are being mean too ...this is me, the one holding the dog, you didn't look around long enough on my site. :lol:

Liyah and me
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New Member
Are you saying I'LL be sanctioned for something? Why in the world would I be sanctioned for anything?

No....not saying that at all....just saying your turn to be taken for the ride of your life is out there, actually it started a while back. All anyone is to the twosome are the next days meal ticket. Easy to befriend when one does their bidding, only through others will they be able to continue their bad business. Why do I care, because I care about more than myself, there is a big world out there and it's more than about me....or you.


New Member
I tried to see the picture, brought me to some beautiful rotts though....No, I thought that was you riding a black horse with a large pole in your hand.....long wavy hair, you don't look like you've done anything for 30 years....didn't mean that rudely, you know what I mean....


Does my butt look big?
I tried to see the picture, brought me to some beautiful rotts though....No, I thought that was you riding a black horse with a large pole in your hand.....long wavy hair, you don't look like you've done anything for 30 years....didn't mean that rudely, you know what I mean....

Did she have big tatas?


Rocky Mountain High!!
Are you saying I'LL be sanctioned for something? Why in the world would I be sanctioned for anything?

No....not saying that at all....just saying your turn to be taken for the ride of your life is out there, actually it started a while back. All anyone is to the twosome are the next days meal ticket. Easy to befriend when one does their bidding, only through others will they be able to continue their bad business. Why do I care, because I care about more than myself, there is a big world out there and it's more than about me....or you.
:lol: oh my hubby will tell's ALL about me.

Sorry, I just had to say that.

I just don't understand a person's one minded mission to destroy another person. I'd hate to be on either side of that coin. That kind of anger and hate can't be good for a person's soul, and i just can't muster it for anyone. But that's just me being me I suppose.

Plus I can only speak from my own experience, as I told Pam and you. For me, that's the bottom line.


Rocky Mountain High!!
I tried to see the picture, brought me to some beautiful rotts though....No, I thought that was you riding a black horse with a large pole in your hand.....long wavy hair, you don't look like you've done anything for 30 years....didn't mean that rudely, you know what I mean....

Oh...that one IS me a few months ago, on one of my DelRio (Pete) girlies, Raven. :biggrin: that was FUN! This one is the dog one i tried to send. That's me handling her and that was a nice win.

PASO...she can't SEE my TaTas TYVM. no mind to Paso, she's just jealous. :bigwhoop:


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