New Maryland Gun Laws!


New Member
Everything passed chips away at the 2nd amendment and that's really what this is all about. Increasing voters dependence on the government for basic safety because you can't be trusted to protect yourself
Please explain how requiring a madman to use 3 ten round magazines instead of one 30 round magazine while shooting up a still defenseless school will make a difference.

Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?
Were you born a fukin idiot or did your mother drop you on your head? Stop waisting my oxygen you POS.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

You still need to link or copy a post where anyone stated that Maryland wouldn't pass the gun control legislation.


I bowl overhand
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

They also weren't familiar with typewriters, word processors or the internet.
Does the freedom of the press only apply to the words printed they way they were printed then?

You have no freedom of speech while on the Radio, TV or even on a phone?

In the time (s) our right were thought of the biggest weapons were privately owned.. cannons? Yep.. almost all were privatelt owned. So if you want to talk equivalencies if the same rights applied today I should be able to own an M1 or a Bradley or a howitzer... not the other way around


24/7 Single Dad
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

:shrug: I worked many times as my ship's duty gunners mate and I have no idea what a 30 round clip is.

Our founding fathers had just fought a war to prevent a large centralized government from dictating oppressive taxes and regulations to them. They were only able to do this because citizens owned state of the art weapons equal to what the government furnished it's troops.
To prevent the citizens from being out gunned, they emphasized that the right to own weapons can't be restricted.

Why is that confusing?


Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

Given your logic politicians from 300 years ago didn't anticipate abortion clinics, or cars that can go over 100mph, or massive power plants that produce electricity to virtually every home, or airplanes that can fly you around the world.

- Abortion is on demand. You think our founders would approve?

- Cars kill more people than firearms every day. Do you think our founders would approve?

- Power plants spew tons of pollution into the air every day. Do you think our founders would approve?

- Airplanes can crash and are the target for terrorists to kill massive numbers of people in one crash. Do you think our founders would approve?

Do you think for one second our founders didn't know there would be technological advances in our society, and that those advances would make our lives better and also potentially be more dangerous if used wrong? Or do you think they just believed things would remain as they were in their day? You really think they were that stupid?
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No Use for Donk Twits
Given your logic politicians from 300 years ago didn't anticipate abortion clinics, or cars that can go over 100mph, or massive power plants that produce electricity to virtually every home, or airplanes that can fly you around the world.

- Abortion is on demand. You think our founders would approve?

- Cars kill more people than firearms every day. Do you think our founders would approve?

- Power plants spew tons of pollution into the air every day. Do you think our founders would approve?

- Airplanes can crash and are the target for terrorists to kill massive numbers of people in one crash. Do you think our founders would approve?

Do you think for one second our founders didn't know there would be technological advances in our society, and that those advances would make our lives better and also potentially be more dangerous if used wrong? Or do you think they just believed things would remain as they were in their day? You really think they were that stupid?

You're posting as if BlueBalls actually has a brain and thinks rationally. I like your post, it really nails the fallacies of the progressives regarding our Founding Fathers (Yes, those old White Guys Who Were Racist!)


Active Member
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

Our founding fathers intended for the militia to be armed with the weapons currently in use by the military. Back then it was muskets. Today it is AR-15's.

What our founding fathers had no ability to project is that there would be a whole generation of mouth breathing morons that would rather rely on the government to feed and protect them, rather then do it t hemselves.


Our founding fathers intended for the militia to be armed with the weapons currently in use by the military. Back then it was muskets. Today it is AR-15's.

What our founding fathers had no ability to project is that there would be a whole generation of mouth breathing morons that would rather rely on the government to feed and protect them, rather then do it t hemselves.

What they did anticipate that, no matter what generation we were in and no matter what technology might come about, we – the people – must have the means to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. They knew it was just as much possible today as it was during the Revolutionary War. The technology might change, but human behavior doesn’t.


New Member
Well.... Since the idiocy in this forum has reached an all time high, I actually went to research the term "Clip."

The term "Clip" is used interchangably with "magazine." For those of you who don't know what a "clip" is, its a slang term for magazine. Or in the case of wikipedia, the stripper clips that you would feed ammunition into a magazine, or a clip of bullets that feeds into a M-1 rifle. But for general speaking, if you would like me to translate, the term "clip" is referring to a magazine that holds ammunition. One could also argue the term "Magazine" is used also to define a "ships artillery magazine" or "Ships magazine" / also used to define device that holds small arms ammunition to be loaded into a firearm.

So for the forums sake, let the record reflect that ammunition clips and magazines are one in the same.

Im also willing to bet the term "clip" originated as hip hop slang originally and then made its way mainstream into American culture via news media. What will be interesting is if the media starts referring to handguns as a strap, piece, burner, gat, mac, pocket rocket, chopper, nine, roscoe, hammer, eliminator, terminator, heat, equalizer, persuader, insurance, and whatever else the thugs will think of to name it in rap songs. :popcorn:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What will be interesting is if the media starts referring to handguns as a strap, piece, burner, gat, mac, pocket rocket, chopper, nine, roscoe, hammer, eliminator, terminator, heat, equalizer, persuader, insurance, and whatever else the thugs will think of to name it in rap songs. :popcorn:

Grumpy old man!

No less an authority than the Duke referred to a pistol as 'hog leg'.

Does this make him the OG? :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Please explain to me how politicians from almost 300 years ago know what a 30 round clip is or what it can do?

Are you freaking serious?????????????

The concept of large capacity magazines is as old as warfare from the time the first man tried to throw two rocks at once instead of one.

Korea, just to make this a current events lesson as well as history, developed a multiple launcher around 1400.

One of the deep problems many Pro Second Amendment folks have is that people, such as yourself, who are simply ignorant of what you are talking about, are in favor of laws that WON'T achieve the stated goals. This is what the Constitution was designed to do; protect BASIC fundamental rights so that majorities can NOT abuse minorities regardless of how ignorant, uneducated or stylish the majority may be.

You are under NO obligation to know what you are talking about. None. The Constitution does not require you to have a clue. It is supposed to protect me from you and you from me on BASIC rights no matter how uneducated you, or I, may be about a given issue.

This is EVIL because it violates those basic rights. That makes YOU ever bit as vulnerable as me.

BigBlue - If and when you want to have a substantive discussion about what the Founders were thinking when they enacted the Second Amendment, what they meant it to cover, what gun regulation might and might not be allowable based on a fair understanding of its original meaning and purpose, etc., let me know and we'll make a brand new thread and have ourselves a polite conversation about such things. We'll ask others who might want to join in to be polite and stay on topic as well, and we'll just ignore those don't. Maybe you'll teach me something about the Constitution and the Founding era. I'm always up for learning.

You can repeat your (mostly) bare assertions that none of these gun regulations infringe on Second Amendment rights as often as you want, but that won't make those assertions any more true, and begging the question isn't particularly persuasive. Would you like to put some of those assertions to the test, or even just explore the general subject more than superficially?


PREMO Member
Well.... Since the idiocy in this forum has reached an all time high, I actually went to research the term "Clip."

Son, you obvious never spend any time in the US ARMY or Marines

.... this is my rifle, this is my gun ..... :whistle: