New scholarship created for whites only



BRISTOL, Rhode Island (AP) -- A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.

The application for the $250 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."

"Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application, issued by the university's College Republicans.

Jason Mattera, 20, who is president of the College Republicans, said the group is parodying minority scholarships.

"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin color shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."

The stunt has angered some at the university, but the administration is staying out of the fray. The school's provost said it is a student group's initiative and is not endorsed by Roger Williams.

Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mattera told the Providence Journal.

His group took out a full-page ad in last week's issue of the university's student newspaper to tout the scholarship, which was for $50 until two donors came forward to add $100 each during the weekend, Mattera said.

It's not the first brush with controversy for the group. The school temporarily froze the Republicans' money in the fall during a fight over a series of articles published in its monthly newsletter. One article alleged that a gay-rights group indoctrinates students into homosexual sex.


New Member
I agree with the article, but I don't think this is the answer. We just need to do away with all types of affirmative action programs. They are just wrong.


New Member
you know... I've said the same thing about the all-girls schools too. It totally pizzed me off when the womens' rights movement attacked The Citadel and VMI. I say the guys should attack the all-girls schools. I don't wanna go, but i'd help pay for the attorneys.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Whenever I see these types of stories, I take a trip over to the DU to see the Liberal take. I find it amusing.

I wish I could post on that site w/o registering... I'd #### some liberals off, for sure! :bubble:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Whenever I see these types of stories, I take a trip over to the DU to see the Liberal take. I find it amusing.

I check out the DU to see what some Democratic activists are thinking and let me tell you, if these guys are the future of my party, I am very afraid.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Why are you laughing? Many gay rights groups DO work to indoctrinate young people into their "club". What do you think Queer Nation is all about?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Why are you laughing? Many gay rights groups DO work to indoctrinate young people into their "club". What do you think Queer Nation is all about?

That's just as wrong as older men trying to seduce teenage girls. (I've read that most of the fathers of teen mothers' babies are in their 20s and older.) Statutory rape and sexual predation are wrong, no matter if they're straight or gay.

Still, I laugh because I believe that the vast majority of people can't be "recruited" into gayness or straightness. I just don't buy the notion that a person's romantic and sexual impulses can be reprogrammed, like uninstalling Windows and installing Linux.

If the guys in Queer Nation were straight, I believe they would still be sexual predators, except they would be going after teenage girls. I pity them if they truly believe they can take some 12-year-old boy who has stacks of Hustler in his bedroom and convince him to get turned on by some guy's hairy azz.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
That's just as wrong as older men trying to seduce teenage girls. (I've read that most of the fathers of teen mothers' babies are in their 20s and older.) Statutory rape and sexual predation are wrong, no matter if they're straight or gay.

Still, I laugh because I believe that the vast majority of people can't be "recruited" into gayness or straightness. I just don't buy the notion that a person's romantic and sexual impulses can be reprogrammed, like uninstalling Windows and installing Linux.

If the guys in Queer Nation were straight, I believe they would still be sexual predators, except they would be going after teenage girls. I pity them if they truly believe they can take some 12-year-old boy who has stacks of Hustler in his bedroom and convince him to get turned on by some guy's hairy azz.

Oh, but you can be programmed. It's through your subconscious mind. I'm not saying I agree with what the article was asserting, but your mind is just like a computer. Garbage in = garbage out. If you look at porn (gay or straight) all day, then that's what you are going to think about. The mind is very powerful and can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven. I personally don't care if you believe it, but it is for your own good.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio, these gay groups aren't trying to be pedophiles - they're trying to get more kids to be gay so their numbers will increase. This "normalizes" them. Think about it and it makes perfect sense.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And by "indoctrination", they don't necessarily mean kids should turn gay. They mean that kids should consider homosexuality completely normal and not aberrant in any way.


New Member
Yep... It's all in your mind anyway. There is no such thing as being a homo.... God created man & woman, gave them two distinctly different souls(Masculine & feminine) and that was it... These people who think they are gay, just have perverted minds from reading/watching/associating with others of the same nature.... I'm sure it stimmed from a perverted curious mind, but this is what it has come to.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
These people who think they are gay, just have perverted minds from reading/watching/associating with others of the same nature.... I'm sure it stimmed from a perverted curious mind, but this is what it has come to.
Now that I don't agree with. The gay people I know personally were raised in a hetero environment, but knew they were gay about the time they hit puberty and the sexual impulses started kicking in. I do know a gal that decided to become a lesbian, after 20-some years of heterosexuality, so it IS possible to "become gay".


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Now that I don't agree with. The gay people I know personally were raised in a hetero environment, but knew they were gay about the time they hit puberty and the sexual impulses started kicking in. I do know a gal that decided to become a lesbian, after 20-some years of heterosexuality, so it IS possible to "become gay".

you are wrong on this one, Vrai! It's all in their mind. You don't know what was going on behind the scenes(or in their mind) for this person to think they were gay, or want to be gay.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
You don't know what was going on behind the scenes(or in their mind) for this person to think they were gay, or want to be gay.
My BIL is gay and is very forthcoming and unembarrassed about discussing it. My Mom being in AA, I've known gays all my life that would openly discuss it, without silliness or "gay pride". So I can't speak for all gays, obviously - this is just what I know from my handful of gay friends.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Now that I don't agree with. The gay people I know personally were raised in a hetero environment, but knew they were gay about the time they hit puberty and the sexual impulses started kicking in. I do know a gal that decided to become a lesbian, after 20-some years of heterosexuality, so it IS possible to "become gay".

Good points, Vrai. I'm not an Alfred Kinsey, but my gut feeling is that lesbianism is less about sex and more about relationships. There's a trend toward teenage girls having girlfriends. I suspect they are simply frustrated at boys pressuring them for sex without intimacy.