New scholarship created for whites only


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by mainman
A querie if I may, what does AA have to do with gayness?
Nothing, per se, but it was an opportunity to meet and get to know people I might not have normally ever met.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by mainman
A querie if I may, what does AA have to do with gayness? :confused:

Not sure what Vrai was driving at there, but my two cents worth is that most of my gay friends have had parents with drug/alchohol problems that screwed with the family while the kids were young. Probably just a coinicidence, but true nonetheless.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by mainman
A querie if I may, what does AA have to do with gayness? :confused:

I thought Vrai was suggesting that alcoholism is higher among gays because of the stress of remaining closeted, or something related to that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I thought Vrai was suggesting that alcoholism is higher among gays because of the stress of remaining closeted, or something related to that.
No, nothing like that. In fact, I have a few friends that have recently "come out" and they're just the same now as they were then, except they have a different squeeze. Maybe they had big inner demons - who knows? :shrug:


Originally posted by ceo_pte
I wish I could post on that site w/o registering... I'd #### some liberals off, for sure! :bubble:
Been there done it :lmao: You should scan the board and decide how many posts you want to reply to first. type them all out in WORD first, then cut and paste your posts to save time becasue when you post anything that is contrary to their warped minds they bann you. You have about 20 minutes to post before they alert a moderator and they ban you. If you are typing them you might only get out 4-5 replies before the ax falls, but if you do the work in WORD first you can cut and paste dozens before the gestapo gets you :lol: Also, post in as many different threads as possible, not just one. This will make it harder for them to get everything. Also, do not post a link at SOMD, cut and past the whole post because when they ban you they also delete your posts, if you just post a link after they ban you you will not see anything. :lmao:


Also, oyu cannot go in there with the idea of pizzing them off. It is impossible, they are too smug and holier than thou to be pizzed off by some conservative.


New Member
What they do at the DU is so contrary to the concept of the Democratic Party. We are supporters of dissent, yet at our websites if you are not hippie liberal, you get banned. What a day to be a Democrat!


jack of all trades
I hear that during gay pride parades and such, that they send out subliminal messages... "be gay, very gay", "gay is good, straight bad", etc. , etc.

Come on folks, let people be people first. I know people who are gay and you can't change their orientation no matter what you do or say, it's just who they are. As far as pedophilia, it goes on no matter whether you are straight or gay and is unacceptable no matter what (though I believe it was an acceptable practice in different, older cultures).

Question: How about hermaphrodites? or people born with xxy chromosomes, etc. ? where do they fit in in the bible? Should they select one sex or the other?



Not dead yet.
Originally posted by SuperGrover
Question: How about hermaphrodites? or people born with xxy chromosomes, etc. ? where do they fit in in the bible?

??? Where did the biblical reference come in? I thought that this was a thread about a white scholarship???

Are white people more gay than non-white people? Are Americans more gay than the rest of the world? What country is the gayest? How are gays treated in other countries?


jack of all trades

I got :offtopic:


Anyways, GOOD ON HIM for his statement! Scholarships should be based either on need or academics alone.
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New Member
Question: How about hermaphrodites? or people born with xxy chromosomes, etc. ? where do they fit in in the bible? Should they select one sex or the other?

It's called inbreeding! Mutations? Just like Mad cow disease is a result of Cows eating cows... There is some sick crap out there in this world, sorry!


Originally posted by Tonio
Good points, Vrai. I'm not an Alfred Kinsey, but my gut feeling is that lesbianism is less about sex and more about relationships. There's a trend toward teenage girls having girlfriends. I suspect they are simply frustrated at boys pressuring them for sex without intimacy.

I agree with you Tonio -- 1) I don't think gayness is a lifestyle someone would purposely choose. Who would choose to be called perverted and be disparaged? I agree and think that people don't choose their orientation. Not to mention, you can get fired for being gay - who wants that following them around forever, not to mention the awkwardness of being in a closet as a result of worrying about people finding out you are gay so you don't get fired. I think that the only thing a gay person can choose is their "coming out" for the most part, unless someone "outs you". It doesn't mean they weren't gay all along - it just means they have "come out". 2) I know of a lesbian couple that are primarily platonic - they enjoy the companionship and are domestic partners but not exactly sexual; 3) I do know of some gay people that drink because they feel like such misfits that drinking helps them to escape various feelings associated with their sexuality -- some also go through depressions as a result of coming to terms with their sexuality What do you think?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by dems4me
you can get fired for being gay

I know of least two women in Southern Maryland who were fired for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Their bosses had strong religious beliefs and felt the pregnancies reflected badly on the businesses. One of the women chose to sue.


Originally posted by Tonio
I know of least two women in Southern Maryland who were fired for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Their bosses had strong religious beliefs and felt the pregnancies reflected badly on the businesses. One of the women chose to sue.

I think it depends on where you work - it seems like most men are ok with women being gay, but not men and vice versa. Kind of like, women would prefer to hang out with a gay man then a gay woman. They can say the gay woman is a distriction, or gay man depending on whether they have more females or males around in the work place. Kind of like a male coming out on a construction site would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but if the male had come out in an office full of females it would be no big deal. Now, if the female came out in an office of females it would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but not if she was working with predominately men. Did that make sense? I've never understood why this is this way from my experience.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by dems4me
I think it depends on where you work - it seems like most men are ok with women being gay, but not men and vice versa. Kind of like, women would prefer to hang out with a gay man then a gay woman. They can say the gay woman is a distriction, or gay man depending on whether they have more females or males around in the work place. Kind of like a male coming out on a construction site would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but if the male had come out in an office full of females it would be no big deal. Now, if the female came out in an office of females it would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but not if she was working with predominately men. Did that make sense? I've never understood why this is this way from my experience.

I've wondered that too.

In my experience, the men who talk the most negatively about gays are also the ones who believe the most in traditional gender roles (men in charge, men as wage-earners and so forth).

I think those men can't conceive of the mating game as anything but men as predators and women as prey. (As I wrote in another thread, I have a big problem with that worldview--it degrades love and relationships. Women aren't trophies to toss in the back of pickup trucks like 10-point bucks.) So those men might feel threatened by other men possibly seeing them as prey.


Originally posted by Tonio
I've wondered that too.

In my experience, the men who talk the most negatively about gays are also the ones who believe the most in traditional gender roles (men in charge, men as wage-earners and so forth).

I think those men can't conceive of the mating game as anything but men as predators and women as prey. (As I wrote in another thread, I have a big problem with that worldview--it degrades love and relationships. Women aren't trophies to toss in the back of pickup trucks like 10-point bucks.) So those men might feel threatened by other men possibly seeing them as prey.

Don't know -- but I know of some women that can throw 10 point bucks and men into pick up trucks:wink:


The discussion has been entertaining but... I find it interesting how quickly the original topic was derailed.

Are we so afraid of being called "racist" that we have to jump on the homo's? I guess they are an easier target. Shame I say... Shame. :wink:


I bowl overhand
Arguing with college republicans is pointless. They think that they have all these clever metaphors for affirmative action like this scholarship and their racist bake sales. Of course, the analogies are utterly flawed; they do not factor in the difficulty that minorities face because of the conservatives and their legacy of racism in America. Yet there is no point in calling attnetion to this. All the CR's see is that rich white people like themselves no longer have quite such an iron grip on the country, and they pine for the world of Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

This was copied from the "other" site.. damn.. I didn't know I was RICH, I must of accidentally deleted THAT memo from my e-mail. I didn't get any special treatment when I went to college, while I was sitting next to a black student that was asked how much she paid a month for tuition in Econ class, and she answered, "I don't pay tuition", and with further discussion in class we found out that our college actually RECRUITED minorities, and gave them full scholarships to go to the school, academics really didn't matter, as long as they were willing to move to CLarion PA.. geeze, I actually had to work my way through school.. course I've worked for everything I have, as do most minorities that I know that are doing as well as I do..
The way I see it, affirmative action is a non-racist way of saying "you aren't as smart, or as hard a worker as us white folk, so we are going to give you what you need." I personally don't think any ethnic group needs a hand up, they are all just as capable, and just as smart as anyone else..
Scholarship on financial need, I'm all for that.. but don't base it on skin color.. there's just as many poor white people as there are black or hispanic..
Matter of fact, that's one of my goals in life, to find someone in need, working to make ends meet, to help that ONE person get through college, by either paying their tuition, or paying their bills while they go to school.. HOPEFULLY can do that in another 5 years.


I bowl overhand
Well, let me put my two cents in on the "Gay" issue.. It started for me when the NEA started protecting gay teachers.. and I thought back to when I was in Elementary school.. I couldn't remeber if ANY of my teachers were gay or not.. Non of them(gay or straight) flaunted their sexuality, nobdy made out with their life partner in front of the students.. they didn't hlod hands down the halls... so how would ANYBODY know if they were gay if they didn't make a point of making it public?? SO it was a non-point.. it was so stupid and pointless.. i could care less if my teacher was gay, as long as he or she didn't make out with their partner in front of the class.. just teach me how to add.. and keep your tongue out of his mouth while ya do it!!