New scholarship created for whites only


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by itsbob
Matter of fact, that's one of my goals in life, to find someone in need, working to make ends meet, to help that ONE person get through college, by either paying their tuition, or paying their bills while they go to school.. HOPEFULLY can do that in another 5 years.

They're called KIDS! I'm still agog at what it will likely cost to send my girls off to college. Of course it will be worth it even if all they get is their MRS degree. Just so they stay married! :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I know of least two women in Southern Maryland who were fired for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Their bosses had strong religious beliefs and felt the pregnancies reflected badly on the businesses. One of the women chose to sue.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. When was this 1692?


New Member
"I think it depends on where you work - it seems like most men are ok with women being gay, but not men and vice versa."

No, most men could care less. Most men think wearing pink and matching your hair to your shitsu is ghey. All men think a man sticking his &*%$#% into another man's #$% is disgusting. Now if you fit both bills and you walk around with an annoying rainbow on the back of your car and purposely speak with a lisp because it sounds fabulous, than yes, most straight men won't like you.

When it comes to lesbians, they don't subsribe to most if not any of the above, so they are less of a watercooler topic, that's all.

"Kind of like, women would prefer to hang out with a gay man then a gay woman."

That's not necessarily true, you are really generalizing. Most straight women if they had a choice would rather hang out with an effeminate person male or female. Some gay men go that route because being gay lets them get in touch with their feminine side, I guess. And most gay women shun their feminine side because of the standardizations that it has been putting on them over the course of their life, which is probably the main reason they went gay in the first place. But I guarantee you most straight women don't want to hang out with whip and chain toting leather wearing, weightlifting, bondage video gimp gay men.

"They can say the gay woman is a distriction, or gay man depending on whether they have more females or males around in the work place. Kind of like a male coming out on a construction site would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but if the male had come out in an office full of females it would be no big deal. Now, if the female came out in an office of females it would be a distraction and grounds for firing, but not if she was working with predominately men."

I'll give you the construction site because most gay men wear their gayness on their sleeve. You're right, it is a distraction. I don't want to see anyone wearing anything on their sleeve. I don't go around wearing stickers that say I'm a heterosexual and I really don't need anyone else displaying their beliefs either, its only fair whether its politics, religion, you name it. Keep it to yourselves.

Lesbians are different though, I'm not going to give you the all woman office thing. Never heard of an all woman office with lesbians, I suppose they exist, but I would really assume it wouldn't be a problem. Women are far more mature than we guys are, self admitted.


New Member

In today's society if you(or anyone esle black/white) doesn't get a college education/so called good job/or whatever else they think they deserve, it has nothing to do with equal rights.

Affirmative Action is just some pitty party for the minorities in this country... Give me a break!

It's called equal rights, isn't it. Not special privileges.... you need to stop listening to your (so called) rev. al sharpton & jesse jackson.... and all the other crap stirers who have nothing better to do with their life than cause problems. These are precisely the people who are to blame for the racist divide in our country today...


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by ceo_pte

In today's society if you(or anyone esle black/white) doesn't get a college education/so called good job/or whatever else they think they deserve, it has nothing to do with equal rights.

Affirmative Action is just some pitty party for the minorities in this country... Give me a break!

It's called equal rights, isn't it. Not special privileges.... you need to stop listening to your (so called) rev. al sharpton & jesse jackson.... and all the other crap stirers who have nothing better to do with their life than cause problems. These are precisely the people who are to blame for the racist divide in our country today...

Read my post again.. the first paragraph was copied from the DU (Democatic Underground) site.. I don't in any way believe that a minority needs a break or special consideratin to make it in this world.. they are just as smart, willing and capable as any white person and would do well to compete on a level field.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by http
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. When was this 1692?

You would think so. No, one was in the mid-'90s and the other was 2001.


New Member
Originally posted by itsbob
Read my post again.. the first paragraph was copied from the DU (Democatic Underground) site.. I don't in any way believe that a minority needs a break or special consideratin to make it in this world.. they are just as smart, willing and capable as any white person and would do well to compete on a level field.

From your post...
they do not factor in the difficulty that minorities face because of the conservatives and their legacy of racism in America. Yet there is no point in calling attnetion to this. All the CR's see is that rich white people like themselves no longer have quite such an iron grip on the country, and they pine for the world of Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

sounds like a pity party to me? I agree that all people are created equal.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
You would think so. No, one was in the mid-'90s and the other was 2001.

They should be able to employ who they want... It is their company, right. As long as it is based on equality. But this policy should have been laid out beforehand.... I would think that it was some type of religious job, with these type of repercussions though...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
From your post...
they do not factor in the difficulty that minorities face because of the conservatives and their legacy of racism in America. Yet there is no point in calling attnetion to this. All the CR's see is that rich white people like themselves no longer have quite such an iron grip on the country, and they pine for the world of Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.

sounds like a pity party to me? I agree that all people are created equal.
*knock knock* He copied that from the DU, then responded to it below. That passage isn't itsbob's opinion - it's just something he found and wanted to respond to.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by itsbob
Read my post again.. the first paragraph was copied from the DU (Democatic Underground) site.. I don't in any way believe that a minority needs a break or special consideratin to make it in this world.. they are just as smart, willing and capable as any white person and would do well to compete on a level field.

Good point. Affirmative action is a case of the supposed cure being worse than the disease. It breeds self-doubt among blacks and resentment among whites. It stands in the way of having a true meritocracy.

Now, I'm sure that some racial discrimination in hiring still goes on. But I don't think it's deliberate racism. I think it's just old-boy networks and who-you-know situations. That may never go away completely, because of human nature.


Originally posted by itsbob
Read my post again.. the first paragraph was copied from the DU (Democatic Underground) site..

Just a suggestion - if you're going to do that put your quotation in

I was getting ready to come down on you like the Hammer of God before I got to your second paragraph.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
Good point. Affirmative action is a case of the supposed cure being worse than the disease. It breeds self-doubt among blacks and resentment among whites. It stands in the way of having a true meritocracy.

Now, I'm sure that some racial discrimination in hiring still goes on. But I don't think it's deliberate racism. I think it's just old-boy networks and who-you-know situations. That may never go away completely, because of human nature.

I agree... I am originally from SC and their is still some racism, w/ regards to hiring and other stuff. So many of the people down there are ####ed though at the way some of the minorities act. I think that doing away with Affirmative Action and any other tool that segregates or divides the people of our country will go along way to burying the resentment that Tonio talks about.

MY APOLOGIES TO ITSBOB! I went back and re-read the first paragraph, b/c I thought those were your comments and the quote followed.. :crazy: