New to Boards...


wandering aimlessly
WifeandMother said:
So...the question does one in her 30's, married, with child, find people to hang out with?
Although I still have my "closest" friends that I hardly ever see, I've made many new friends through my children - their friends parents are my friends, and we socialize when they do.

Sweet 16

WifeandMother said:
So...the question does one in her 30's, married, with child, find people to hang out with?
Is your daughter involved in sports/dance or other activities? Can or do you volunteer at school? Does the county offer classes that you are interested in? These are good ways to meet people that do not involve going to bars or drinking (not that there's anything wrong with that!). Or start in your own neighborhood. A bunch of us started walking at night -- although that's kind of gone by the wayside.


WifeandMother said:
I suppose your correct. My daughter is 10 and I am 35. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and become my own person. I lost myself for too many years!
I mean this in the nicest possible way, really, but if you want to become your own person, you shoud start by not making your name "wifeandmother".


WifeandMother said:
Hobbies...what are those? You mean I'm allowed to have my own hobbies? :lmao: (Sorry....took me off guard) I like the water, I like shopping, I like to be outside. I like to have a drink, I like to eat. I'm so lost here....I think I would be willing to try a lot of different things.
Ok, go to Bowie Town Center. Stop by that brewery and grab a sammich and a beer.
Got'em all covered there!