New to Hollywood, MD!


dont be dumb
kris31280 said:

I will be moving to Hollywood in about 2 weeks. I've never lived outside of the state of Minnesota before (short of a brief 6 months in Singapore) and so I've got some questions.

My son is nearly 2 and I will need to find a pediatrician when I get out there as he's coming up on his 2 year check up. Where can I find a great local pediatrician that I don't have to wait years to get in and see?

I love to sing karaoke. What are some bars and what nights do they have karaoke?

What are some great resources for trying to find a job? What about meeting people?

Any help would be great!

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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
kris31280 said:
Hrm... well... I love to sing all sorts of karaoke songs... but if I had to pick my absolute FAVORITE, it would be "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by Pat Benetar because when I sing it I've been told by many people I sound just like her.
I can do a mean Bobby McGee when prompted.


24/7 Single Dad
kris31280 said:

I will be moving to Hollywood in about 2 weeks. I've never lived outside of the state of Minnesota before
You'll notice a big differenc in the winters :lol:


aps45819 said:
You'll notice a big differenc in the winters :lol:

I've actually been out to Maryland for Thanksgiving the last 2 years (my parents have lived there since 2003). It gets chilly, and when it snows it snows and lasts for less than a day... but at the same time I fear that when it snows the state gets shut down cuz ya'll don't know how to handle the cold/snow/incliment weather.


Baby blues
Dr. Dhillon (301-475-9499) has been my kids' doctor for 12 years. He is FABULOUS. Whenever one of my kids are sick, he calls me at night to see how they are doing. When I've really needed him to see them, he's stayed open late to see them. He's fit me in on Saturdays even when he's completely booked. And he'll sit there and explain things to you however long he needs to for you to understand. He never rushes an appt. at least he hasn't with me. And never once did he seem upset or put out by any of it. And how he knows EVERY ONE of his patients names as soon as he sees them - without their chart in hand and when he must have hundreds - is beyond me. He just has this demeanor that shows you he loves his "kids."


count your blessings
kris31280 said:
ya'll don't know how to handle the cold/snow/incliment weather.
Pretty much... people freak out buy bread milk and toilet paper like the world is ending and then people drive like idiots in not even a inch of snow, schools get closed for rain... and things close down. its kinda funny.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
kris31280 said:
K... so... is the Hollywood area most bikers and Smibs?

Cuz I admit I've seen some rednecks in my day, but I'm not so sure about tractor pulls and muddin'.

I can do SOME country, but I like my music like I like my men... loud, hard, fast, and emotionally charged.
So, what's wrong with bikers?


aps45819 said:
Originally Posted by BS Gal I can do a mean Bobby McGee when drunk.
Liquid courage!

A fellow Minnesotian (sp?) hangs out at the Hole in the Wall, stop by and say Hi to her. No, the Hole isn't a rough bar anymore. Yes the Karaoke tends to be mostly country, but has quite a bit of rock & pop also. Saturday nights 9-1 and Sundays 7-11. If you stop by let me know who you are, I'm the KJ.


Tomcat said:
Liquid courage!

A fellow Minnesotian (sp?) hangs out at the Hole in the Wall, stop by and say Hi to her. No, the Hole isn't a rough bar anymore. Yes the Karaoke tends to be mostly country, but has quite a bit of rock & pop also. Saturday nights 9-1 and Sundays 7-11. If you stop by let me know who you are, I'm the KJ.

Really?!?! Another Minnesotan?!?!? Is she younger or older? My sister-in-law just recently moved to Maryland (at the end of June) but I don't think she's started going to karaoke (she's waiting until I get out there).

I'll be sure to stop by and say hello! It's kind of hard to miss me... I'm the outgoing redhead that's kind of fluffy but has a nice rack ;c)


BS Gal said:
So, what's wrong with bikers?

There's nothing *wrong* with bikers... I'm just not overly attracted to them... and it's hard to fit a car seat on a bike and is probably super dangerous anyway to try...

Something about I come with baggage known as my adorable son and he's first priority in my life so every decision I make must be made with him in mind.


kris31280 said:
Really?!?! Another Minnesotan?!?!? Is she younger or older?
Middle age, :lmao: :lmao: How's that for keeping myself out of hot water.
Nothing wrong with redheads, my daughter and twin grandaughters are redheads.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
kris31280 said:
It's kind of hard to miss me... I'm the outgoing redhead that's kind of fluffy but has a nice rack ;c)



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kris31280 said:
I've actually been out to Maryland for Thanksgiving the last 2 years (my parents have lived there since 2003). It gets chilly, and when it snows it snows and lasts for less than a day... but at the same time I fear that when it snows the state gets shut down cuz ya'll don't know how to handle the cold/snow/incliment weather.
You mean buying all the tp, milk and bread in sight and then going out in the middle of the storm and plowing onto everything in sight isn't the way to handle it? Pray, enlighten us. :lmao: