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New Member
http can I ask a question.

Why do you feel the need to prove you are the dominating and socially most adept person on here? You seem to think you are the only intelligent person on these boards unless of course it is someone you are trying to flirt with. Then you can do nothing but praise them.

Now I have met people like you in the real world outside of the comforts of their computer world and find them just as fallible as the rest of us.

You seem to feel the need to put your two cents in EVERYWHERE and from what I see you tend to say things you know will be abrasive enough to gode someone into a debate with you.

Now being one to drop ping pong balls and watch the ripples myself I am just trying to figure out why you feel you are the only one who can do it and be right? Just curious


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by http
I guess you feel the need to point out someone's lapse in proper grammar and diction to come to the aid of your friends. That's fine; doesn't bother me. No one is perfect, and that wasn't my point.

Nope, just saw that Jazz was asleep at the wheel. :biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Kirsten
http can I ask a question.

Why do you feel the need to prove you are the dominating and socially most adept person on here? You seem to think you are the only intelligent person on these boards unless of course it is someone you are trying to flirt with. Then you can do nothing but praise them.

Now I have met people like you in the real world outside of the comforts of their computer world and find them just as fallible as the rest of us.

You seem to feel the need to put your two cents in EVERYWHERE and from what I see you tend to say things you know will be abrasive enough to gode someone into a debate with you.

Now being one to drop ping pong balls and watch the ripples myself I am just trying to figure out why you feel you are the only one who can do it and be right? Just curious

Dang, girl...when DO you move down here?:cheers:


aka Mrs. Giant
http feels the need to fight battles and slay dragons. If you don't pick on him he won't pick on you. However, he does tend to take things personal. Please don't make the same mistake. The forum is a place for opinions, and everybody's got one. If you don't like it the best thing is to ignore it and you can avoid flame wars that way. I like http's posts for the most part, however he can make things personal - which they shouldn't be. By you doing the same you are just causing further antagonism. That's it for mig's advice of the day. Back to your regularly scheduled program. :smooch:


* * * * * * * * *
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PREMO Member
Quiet Mig. :wink:

I'm sitting in my lawn chair with the others having :cheers: and :popcorn: waiting for the show to start.


New Member
Hopefully by the end of August, waiting for the seller to sign the contract to put the paperwork cog spinning on the house we just bid on. So far we are the only offer, which is just fine by me.

As for my comment above I am just being my psychology major self. It just appears that he wants attention and yet wants to lead from behind and you can not do both. You either drop the ping pong ball and accept the consequences when they come around or you stay off the pier. Now having had some go horribly astray I have done my fair share of clean up. I have apologised when wrong and done the "Agree to disagree" however I never back down from a personal attack and will fight just as dirty, and usually don't stop til I see blood. Its the Irish/German in me.

Though I try to keep it in line and stay focused on the subject at hand. I have been doing chat lines and bbs since I was 11, that means 22 years, I know the rules and recognize personalities quite quickly. The funny thing is intellectually in real life the ones that are the most abrasive on the keyboards are the ones I find more stimulating. Though some are just as abrasive and annoying in rl so I just move on. Time will tell.


My Sweetest Boy
Hey Sharon....I like your new tag line. I think the answer is "a hundred." Right???? (he..he..he..)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
my psychology major self
You're gonna have a BALL on here. :lol:

Why do you feel the need to prove you are the dominating and socially most adept person on here? You seem to think you are the only intelligent person on these boards
That's actually ME, not http. :lol:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
Hey Sharon....I like your new tag line. I think the answer is "a hundred." Right???? (he..he..he..)
Hmmm...ninety nine, a hundred. Yup, that works too. :lol:

Kirsten is the winner! :flowers:


New Member
"http can I ask a question.

Why do you feel the need to prove you are the dominating and socially most adept person on here?"

Maybe you can provide a quick example. Every post I make has a different motivation.

"You seem to think you are the only intelligent person on these boards unless of course it is someone you are trying to flirt with. Then you can do nothing but praise them."

Not true, if you really take the time to look back at my posts, I rarely attack with escalation without provocation. Sure I will increase the drama a little just for fun but I don't think I all-out attack someone's intelligence unless they challenged me first. I'm just guessing, you could probably prove me wrong, but I'm not going back through my posts.

And as far as flirting, I have yet to flirt with anyone on the boards. That's not my style.

"Now I have met people like you in the real world outside of the comforts of their computer world and find them just as fallible as the rest of us."

Never said I was infallible. Quite honestly, I personally think I'm an airhead and lazy when it comes to most things. And get some Rum n Cokes in me and I'm an outright fool. You could draw all over my face with lipstick and I'd do nothing. And try to get a conversation out of me and you'd get nothing but slur. When did I ever allude that I was infallible?

"You seem to feel the need to put your two cents in EVERYWHERE and from what I see you tend to say things you know will be abrasive enough to gode someone into a debate with you."

Yes, that's what message boards are all about. If you don't like them, try chat rooms. You've obviously never been on the Yahoo Message Boards. That's where I spend most of my time. They're outright BRUTAL. Maybe I do need to tone it down for SOMD, but I doubt that I do. Now that would be a sign of a lapse in intelligence between the two forums.

"Now being one to drop ping pong balls and watch the ripples myself I am just trying to figure out why you feel you are the only one who can do it and be right? Just curious"

I really don't, so I suppose the answer is "my bad". I will try to be better and make people feel more comfortable and not attack so abrasively. Fair enough. I understand. Just remember one thing, its never personal.

If you can keep your head in all this confusion you just don't understand the situation!


New Member
Originally posted by Kirsten
Though I try to keep it in line and stay focused on the subject at hand. I have been doing chat lines and bbs since I was 11, that means 22 years,
I didn't realize the internet was around that long. :eek: