New virus is a 'threat to the entire world'


Lawful neutral
New SARS-like virus is a 'threat to the entire world' -

(CNN) -- A new SARS-like virus recently found in humans is "a threat to the entire world," according to the director-general of the United Nations' World Health Organization.

The so-called novel coronavirus "is not a problem that any single affected country can keep to itself or manage all by itself," Margaret Chan said Monday in her closing remarks at the 66th World Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

The world needs to pull together its resources to properly tackle the virus which, Chan said, is her "greatest concern" at present.

"We understand too little about this virus when viewed against the magnitude of its potential threat," she said, and more information is needed "quickly" and "urgently."

"We do not know where the virus hides in nature. We do not know how people are getting infected. Until we answer these questions, we are empty-handed when it comes to prevention. These are alarm bells. And we must respond," she said.


In My Opinion
The virus had infected 44 people worldwide as of last week, most of them in the Middle East, according to the World Health Organization's most recent update Thursday. Half of them have died.

Also in its Thursday update, the WHO appeared to have given the novel coronavirus a name: Middle East respiratory symptom coronavirus, or MERS-CoV.

A 23rd death was reported Tuesday, when a French hospital and the French government reported a man diagnosed with the coronavirus had died of organ failure.

The patient, the first of two people to be diagnosed with novel coronavirus, died at University Hospital of Lille, where he had been treated since May 9.

The man contracted the virus while visiting the Arabian Peninsula
, said Marisol Touraine, France's minister of social affairs and health, in a statement

I bet some real border control and some real attention to our immigration laws could go a long way in the prevention of this in the U.S

more than cockroaches are slipping across our borders.


aka Mrs. Giant
I've been following it for a while. I'm surprised the virus has been kept as "quiet" as it has been. Normally the media loves to run with a story like this and floods the tv, radio and news with "we are all going to die scenarios" :jameo: but they've been really really quiet on this one. To me, that makes it more scary.

From what I've been reading, if you get it, the odds you either die or you recover on your own because there is no treatment.


aka Mrs. Giant
I think it's a man made virus on the loose. :shrug:
Cases have been reported in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Tunisia and the UK.

Half of the 44 cases reported have been in Saudi Arabia.

In a statement earlier in May the World Health Organization said: "The greatest global concern, however, is about the potential for this new virus to spread.

"This is partly because the virus has already caused severe disease in multiple countries, although in small numbers, and has persisted in the [Middle East] region since 2012.

"Of most concern, however, is the fact that the different clusters seen in multiple countries increasingly support the hypothesis that when there is close contact this novel coronavirus can transmit from person to person."


I think it's a man made virus on the loose. :shrug:
Cases have been reported in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Tunisia and the UK.

Half of the 44 cases reported have been in Saudi Arabia.
In a statement earlier in May the World Health Organization said: "The greatest global concern, however, is about the potential for this new virus to spread.

"This is partly because the virus has already caused severe disease in multiple countries, although in small numbers, and has persisted in the [Middle East] region since 2012.

"Of most concern, however, is the fact that the different clusters seen in multiple countries increasingly support the hypothesis that when there is close contact this novel coronavirus can transmit from person to person."

It might be designed to target people who wear towels on their head.


New Member

One of the main worries of CDC, WHO, NHS, etc. is the Hajj comes October 13 - 18 of this year; this would bring unnumerable candidates from around the world to Mecca and Medina (including all stopping points along the way) and back to their home countries.

As this is a sacred pilgrimage in the Muslim religion (save your jingoistic trip for another post), it would be an impossibility to have all pilgrims heed a worldwide "ban" on travel to their holy sites.



New Member
One of the main worries of CDC, WHO, NHS, etc. is the Hajj comes October 13 - 18 of this year; this would bring unnumerable candidates from around the world to Mecca and Medina (including all stopping points along the way) and back to their home countries.

As this is a sacred pilgrimage in the Muslim religion (save your jingoistic trip for another post), it would be an impossibility to have all pilgrims heed a worldwide "ban" on travel to their holy sites.


Does anyone else feel that this is being spooled up unnecessarily? While tens of people have died, and that is a shame, hundreds of thousands have died from other diseases which don't garner a fraction of the spotlight.


aka Mrs. Giant
Does anyone else feel that this is being spooled up unnecessarily? While tens of people have died, and that is a shame, hundreds of thousands have died from other diseases which don't garner a fraction of the spotlight.

This isn't being spooled up at all. The concern is there is a brand new "virus" that's spread by contact and there is no treatment and odds are good it will kill you if you come in contact with it. It's a legit concern. :shrug: Especially if you travel, are in a larger city or have contact with people from outside the US.


This isn't being spooled up at all. The concern is there is a brand new "virus" that's spread by contact and there is no treatment and odds are good it will kill you if you come in contact with it. It's a legit concern. :shrug: Especially if you travel, are in a larger city or have contact with people from outside the US.

My husband has been to Dubai several times over the last couple of months. I sent him the article last night. This is the first he's heard of it.


aka Mrs. Giant
My husband has been to Dubai several times over the last couple of months. I sent him the article last night. This is the first he's heard of it.

I think the key is if he ever thinks he has a cold, he should get checked out and let the doctor know of his recent trips.


New Member
I googled a calendar of Islamic Festivals.

Then I googled Waqf Al Arafa - Hajj which is the entry in October for the Islamic Festivals. I found an article from 2010. It says there were 2 million pilgrims.

According to what I read, "Pilgrims stay awake at night to pray on the hill of Arafat, the site where Muhammad traditionally delivered his last sermon."

If 2 million pilgrims did indeed travel to the festival in 2010.... and the same people travel to the festival in 2013.... it will be a real traffic jam.
