

art imitating life
Wow... first of all.... you were warned not to look at the album. second I am not smashing a chick in my hand. That was an uncouth thing for you to say.

Yes, I hunt, and fish, and garden.... it is free range, organic, all natural, no hormones... I work for my food.

Not to mention that I'm helping to keep deer vehicle collisions to a minimum (a friend of mine's daughter was killed when they hit a deer and the hooves came through the window) , keep the deer pop in check to the benefit of other wildlife and to the deer themselves with starvation and disease an emerging problem. not murder. This is basic biology and wildlife management. And yes, we have to manage wildlife since humans have successfully exterminated many predators from their previous territories.

I understand though, that many people do not hunt and that some are opposed to hunting. To each their own. So, I do not shove that fact in others faces or ridicule others for their differing views. But I am proud of my freedom and ability to walk into the woods and provide for myself and so I do not keep that fact a secret either.
:killingme: You better get thicker skin! :yay:

wow, never show your upset / fear / weakness.. it will be anal / ized, thought about for days, and googled.. and then before you know it, BAM!!!
HAHAH where is BF when we need him!!!??

Boiled chicken and egg whites gross you out but not bloody deer?



Wow... first of all.... you were warned not to look at the album. second I am not smashing a chick in my hand. That was an uncouth thing for you to say.

Yes, I hunt, and fish, and garden.... it is free range, organic, all natural, no hormones... I work for my food.

Not to mention that I'm helping to keep deer vehicle collisions to a minimum (a friend of mine's daughter was killed when they hit a deer and the hooves came through the window) , keep the deer pop in check to the benefit of other wildlife and to the deer themselves with starvation and disease an emerging problem. not murder. This is basic biology and wildlife management. And yes, we have to manage wildlife since humans have successfully exterminated many predators from their previous territories.

I understand though, that many people do not hunt and that some are opposed to hunting. To each their own. So, I do not shove that fact in others faces or ridicule others for their differing views. But I am proud of my freedom and ability to walk into the woods and provide for myself and so I do not keep that fact a secret either.

Wow, that was pretty :hot:

You gotta like a woman that can use a gun and kill stuff!!