Newest Member


Should be Huntin
dems4me said:
Welcome!! :howdy: Are you a real hillbilly? :smile:
Hey :howdy: Any luck Crabbing? I was right yesterday was my recovery day. I was stranded without a vehicle just tagging along with family and friends.


Magnum said:
Hey :howdy: Any luck Crabbing? I was right yesterday was my recovery day. I was stranded without a vehicle just tagging along with family and friends.

I've posted all about it in my forum :blahblah: :blahblah: :lol:. Everything was super great this weekend, :larry: just a tad burnt. And minus one truck door from backing the boat in. Nothing that can't be replaced. :smile: How was your family day Saturday? :huggy:


Should be Huntin
dems4me said:
I've posted all about it in my forum :blahblah: :blahblah: :lol:. Everything was super great this weekend, :larry: just a tad burnt. And minus one truck door from backing the boat in. Nothing that can't be replaced. :smile: How was your family day Saturday? :huggy:
Work ran a little late, blew my trans in the suburban heading to the cookout. sat there for about an hour, picked up by a friend who took me back to waldorf for a different party, wound up drinking cuz I wasn't driving :yay: My cousin wound up taking me home.... at least thats what they tell me :lmao:


Should be Huntin
HillBillyChick said:
Country living
fresh air
no shoes
lots of critters

I will think on this and add more, I am sure.
Ok so tell us about yourself a little, Pictures???


dems4me said:
I've posted all about it in my forum :blahblah: :blahblah: :lol:. Everything was super great this weekend, :larry: just a tad burnt. And minus one truck door from backing the boat in. Nothing that can't be replaced. :smile: How was your family day Saturday? :huggy:

Hold on a sec... what happen with the truck door? :lmao:


HillBillyChick said:
Please be precise....bowling machine. not bowling.bowling machine. I am 40...and now you got the hillbilly in me all riled up.

I saw those leagues because I shoot pool leaques, I thought it was funny as hell there'd be leagues doing it.. :lol: Not much physical activity as bowling.. :lol: WTG! Though! What's your average?