Next time someone says they are for gun controll...


I'm the Boss of Me
If you aren't part of a well regulated militia, aka the national guard, you aren't entitled to own a gun.

It's in the Constitution if you would just read it.


This Space for Rent
forestal said:
If you aren't part of a well regulated militia, aka the national guard, you aren't entitled to own a gun.

It's in the Constitution if you would just read it.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

forestal said:
If you aren't part of a well regulated militia, aka the national guard, you aren't entitled to own a gun.

It's in the Constitution if you would just read it.
:jameo: That could be true if the National Guard let the soldiers take the weapons home with them, carry the rifle home, drive the tank home, but since the weapons are gov controlled and not controlled by the citizen soldiers then the 2nd amendment stands for individuals to bare individual arms.

The founding fathers created their own "militia" from citizen soldiers to fight the police and to fight the gov and that is the basis of the 2nd amendment,

the citizens must have the right and the ability to fight against our own gov if it becomes tyranical as the British gov had done to form the USA.


Methodically disorganized
JPC sr said:
the citizens must have the right and the ability to fight against our own gov if it becomes tyranical as the British gov had done to form the USA.
And you didn't even say that the modern foremost reason for rising against the government is child support. Amazing.


JPC sr said:
:jameo: That could be true if the National Guard let the soldiers take the weapons home with them, carry the rifle home, drive the tank home, but since the weapons are gov controlled and not controlled by the citizen soldiers then the 2nd amendment stands for individuals to bare individual arms.

The founding fathers created their own "militia" from citizen soldiers to fight the police and to fight the gov and that is the basis of the 2nd amendment,

the citizens must have the right and the ability to fight against our own gov if it becomes tyranical as the British gov had done to form the USA.

Wow :faint: something Intelligent from JPC I can Agree with ........ :poke:


Main Streeter
forestal said:
If you aren't part of a well regulated militia, aka the national guard, you aren't entitled to own a gun.

It's in the Constitution if you would just read it.

forestal, you’re wrong. If the Second Amendment said, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State”, you would be correct but it doesn’t, the Second Amendment said says, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” You need to read the entire Second Amendment.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


Well-Known Member
forestal said:
If you aren't part of a well regulated militia, aka the national guard, you aren't entitled to own a gun. It's in the Constitution if you would just read it.
Forestal, if you took an English course you would know that the way you're interpretting the second amendment is wrong. You've had that proven to you over and over again. But, since you live a certain logic all your own, let me try a little logic with you.

If the concept of the second amendment was to arm a federal militia, why does Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution read (in part):

The Congress shall have the power:
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; (sounds like they didn't really want a standing army, as pointed out above)

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; (Arming? Could it be that the militia is not already armed?)

See, there are THE PEOPLE, who have the right to bear arms. Then, over and above that, there are Militia. The militia is a government group, appointed by and maintained by the states respectively, that can be organized, armed, and disciplined while they are in the service of the federal government (sort of like how the Civil War was fought). Then, there's a standing army, which we're never to fund for more than two years at a time. These are three separate groups of the population - THE PEOPLE, average Joe and Jane Citizen; THE MILITIA, state appointed officers, trained and logistically supplied by the federal government all the time; and, THE STANDING ARMY, a federally controlled group made up of state militias and volunteers or drafted individuals for a time of armed conflict. Because we need a militia (state appointed and generally state run when not needed by the federal government), we need to ensure that THE PEOPLE know how to have and use arms. All the time. Therefore, even the people who are not in the militia have the right (not the requirement, the right) to bear arms. ALL THE PEOPLE.

If you have any more questions, I'll be glad to go into more detail. :lmao:


Thanks ..... Kerad

Next time someone says ... 07-05-2007 10:30 PM Hey Tardmaster D!!!! ~Kerad

for having the decency to sign your Red Karma ............ :yay:


Novus Collectus

New Member
demsformd said:
I would like to rephrase my statement that the argument of fighting against a despotic government. I mean that it would be impractical for average Americans to think that they could fight and defeat the government, which has tanks, bombs, and other high explosive weapons. How can citizens armed with shotguns beat soldiers with AK-47's?
The 2nd Amendment IS meant for the citizens of the nation and I cannot stand my liberal friends who think otherwise. Anyway, my ideology is committed to protecting civil rights, which includes gun ownership. True liberalism in my opinion supports the 2nd Amendment just as much as we support the 1st and the 14th Amendments.
So, you see, I am not a blind follower of liberal dogma.
I am a liberal and my support of the 2nd amendment being an individual civil right is because being a liberal I support ALL civil rights.
You are right, a true civil libertatian, be they liberal or not, must believe in the rights of the "People". The rights of the "People" is mentioned in the First, Second, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth amendments of the Bill of Rights and so the meaning of "the People" obviously does not mean "militia" or only "militia".


demsformd said:
I would like to rephrase my statement that the argument of fighting against a despotic government. I mean that it would be impractical for average Americans to think that they could fight and defeat the government, which has tanks, bombs, and other high explosive weapons. How can citizens armed with shotguns beat soldiers with AK-47's?

The government is made up of people. The tanks, bombs and explosive have the be armed by people. It would be a matter of convincing those people whether they want to support a despotic government or the freedom of the people.


forestal said:
Iraq doesn't have any gun control. Look how many people are getting shot.

Hmm ........ The Swiss Have Assault Weapons in most every home, and Look how many people are not getting shot Forestool

Refer back to Swiss

wanker .............



New Member
RadioPatrol said:
Hmm ........ The Swiss Have Assault Weapons in most every home, and Look how many people are not getting shot Forestool

Refer back to Swiss

wanker .............

Guns aren't the problem. ######s who want to kill everyone are.


RadioPatrol said:
Hmm ........ The Swiss Have Assault Weapons in most every home, and Look how many people are not getting shot Forestool

Refer back to Swiss

wanker .............

You can pull single examples (I'm sure there are more for both sides) to support both sides of this argument. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitutionality of owning a gun.


PsyOps said:
You can pull single examples (I'm sure there are more for both sides) to support both sides of this argument. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Constitutionality of owning a gun.

yeah I know ...... I was responding to Forestool comment about Iraqi lack of gun control .........

Andy was right though, it is the unwillingness of Sunni's and Shia's ; Al Qaeda ; Hamas, Hezbolla, Fatah al Islam, Fatah al Intifada, to quit killing each other in the Name of Islam .............
