NFL: Great season?


New Member
Ideally, the new agreement will END preseason all together, open up opportunites for more informal scrimmages, expand rosters so there is ZERO reason to have a formal pre season game to decide who the third TE will be and, when the curtain goes up, when the stadiums are filled up, the lights on and commercials rolling, it is for real.

And stay at 16 games.


Pat Kirwin was talking about this on Sirus recently. He's talked to a bunch of coaches and GM's who would welcome a reduced preseason (2 games). He said you would see a increase in the number of live scrimmages between teams. It actually gives the players trying to make the team more live reps than they get in preseason games. I remember when the Steelers and Redskins would always have scrimmages during training camp.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!

I watch a lot of sports news from a variety of sources. I could see ESPN having a love affair with certain teams such as the Jets and Cowboys. I could see them having a love affair with certain issues such as Haynesworth. The Ravens? Really?

ESPN or any sports network save MASN hasn't been on the Ravens jockstrap. As I mentioned previously, they added a few big name free-agents and went to the playoffs, winning two games the last two years. There should be some buzz, at least. Love affair, hardly.

I watch ESPN and Versus frequently, ESPN's been all about four or five teams: Ravens, Jets, Cowgirls and the Saints. They definently have a love affair with Haynesworth and Favre.


Football addict
I watch ESPN and Versus frequently, ESPN's been all about four or five teams: Ravens, Jets, Cowgirls and the Saints. They definently have a love affair with Haynesworth and Favre.
Well, they were the teams in the path of the Super Bowl last year. Sheesh.:lmao:


Well, they were the teams in the path of the Super Bowl last year. Sheesh.:lmao:

He is not happy unless he packs a hand full of sand in his vagina and is complaining. Sad someone so young has the disposition of an 80 year old grump who hates everything.

"Rotten kids get off my sidewalk *shakes cane*"