NFL playoffs...


New Member
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tuck rule! Uncalled penalty! Blah, blah! They gave up 45 points anyway and it should been over with what, a 30 some odd yard field goal in regulation?

I don't mean to be insensitive but, was there no egregious holding on that play? Any other? Do we cut the game down to 15 plays aside so the booth can review every single play for every single infraction and still fit in 3 hours?

I'd be pissed if it was my team however, it is a business and it's always nice for the crowd to go home happy.


What's done is done, I actually did not see it during the game, I guess it was the shock of what just took place! The Packers D should not have given up that many points in the first place. The Packers season is over now and I can't wait until next years Packers vs Redskins game in Washington. We will show you Skins fans what a real QB looks like!!! :buddies:


What's done is done, I actually did not see it during the game, I guess it was the shock of what just took place! The Packers D should not have given up that many points in the first place. The Packers season is over now and I can't wait until next years Packers vs Redskins game in Washington. We will show you Skins fans what a real QB looks like!!! :buddies:

but Farve is in Minnestoa?:evil:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What's done is done, I actually did not see it during the game, I guess it was the shock of what just took place! The Packers D should not have given up that many points in the first place. The Packers season is over now and I can't wait until next years Packers vs Redskins game in Washington. We will show you Skins fans what a real QB looks like!!! :buddies:


I am NOT looking forward to it! You guys are not far off from contending for a title.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess you're fine with 8-8 seasons?:lol:

Just saying that I'm OK with the outcome. Rogers was clearly hit high. However, how pure does the game need to be? How pure should it be? We have the technology to dissect each and every play. We can, but should we?


New Member
Just saying that I'm OK with the outcome. Rogers was clearly hit high. However, how pure does the game need to be? How pure should it be? We have the technology to dissect each and every play. We can, but should we?

I think the only one's making a big deal about it are these sports blogers. I have not heard one word for the GB organization about not making the face masking call. Even though I don't like how the game turned out at the end, I still think it was a great game to watch, at least in the second half. The first half I was about the punch my TV!


They're out to get us
What's done is done, I actually did not see it during the game, I guess it was the shock of what just took place! The Packers D should not have given up that many points in the first place. The Packers season is over now and I can't wait until next years Packers vs Redskins game in Washington. We will show you Skins fans what a real QB looks like!!! :buddies:

Nobody saw it because they were so focused on the sack, fumble, and TD that they weren't able to focus on whether it was done legally. Can't blame em, it happens.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Nobody saw it because they were so focused on the sack, fumble, and TD that they weren't able to focus on whether it was done legally. Can't blame em, it happens.

I think everyone saw it. I don't know how you miss it. The fumbled ball was 12" from his face mask which was snapping backwards with a face full of Cardinal. I was expecting a flag.

On a larger issue, it has been absurd these last years to even call a penalty on a charging defender, going after the ball and coincidentally hitting the QB's head. I mean, he's going through a throwing motion in an incredibly dynamic situation. And the defender has to control his body, what blockers may do to him AND go after the ball as though it was sitting up on a T?

Everything about the play was good football. The shot to the helmet was coincidental, not intentional, I think.


New Member
I think everyone saw it. I don't know how you miss it. The fumbled ball was 12" from his face mask which was snapping backwards with a face full of Cardinal. I was expecting a flag.

On a larger issue, it has been absurd these last years to even call a penalty on a charging defender, going after the ball and coincidentally hitting the QB's head. I mean, he's going through a throwing motion in an incredibly dynamic situation. And the defender has to control his body, what blockers may do to him AND go after the ball as though it was sitting up on a T?

Everything about the play was good football. The shot to the helmet was coincidental, not intentional, I think.

There were more then one missed call in that game. Larry Fitz second TD he should have been called for offensive pass interference. He clearly threw down Woodson.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There were more then one missed call in that game. Larry Fitz second TD he should have been called for offensive pass interference. He clearly threw down Woodson.

Again, how perfect do we want the game to be? Fitzgerald pushing off is a material advantage. Hitting a QB's helmet AFTER knocking the ball loose is not.

When I was a kid, a call was a call and TV wasn't supposed to replay it time and time and time again. Technology is what it is and it is now easily possible to watch each and every player on every play.

Maybe that would make the game better because players would be forced to not hold, not push off, not set picks. Or would it be chaos? There are plenty of college players that are WAY better players skill wise but simply aren't big and strong and fast enough to replace the bumbling, holding stud NFL jock.
