NFL Replacement Refs


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Obviously the replacement refs are not up to par. But what can be done about it? It has created games that are difficult, if not almost impossible to watch at times. There are far too many missed calls, incorrect calls, wrong penalties, delays to the game, poor time handling, etc. I give these refs credit for doing their best, but they are out of their league. We wouldn't expect a small town dirt track racer to suddenly be able to handle an Indy car with perfect skill. Likewise, I don't expect these refs to be perfect however the NFL has to realize that these refs are impacting the outcome of each and every game. IMO, the players, coaches and the fans have very little faith/respect for these officials and it will only get more out of control.

So, what do you think?


I imagine the regular refs holding out are eating this up. The more shinanigans these replacements display, the better the leverage they will have in negotiating terms. It's only the second week and I can't count how many incidents there have been around the league. Maybe the scrubs will get better, but if we keep having 20 minute delays for every disputed call, we're in for a long season. This is not good for the paying fans, not good for the paying Sunday Ticket subscription holders.

The replacements are not taking charge of the games. They are intimidated by the players and the coaches and it's affecting their decisions. They are all out there literally comparing notes on their little notepads. They need to learn the NFL rules quickly and not get confused with college rules.

Someone needs to cough up some dough to get the regulars back.


Heard this on the radio last night on the way home, but right after they had a comedy segment advertising replacement husbands for the wives during football season. :lol:


A Salute to all on Watch
I think the season ticket holders of all NFL teams should file a lawsuit against the owners to get half of their ticket fees back because of this, isn't this who is actually paying the price for this - the fans?


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I don't know. I think there needs to be more of a stink raised. It seems that the NFL is just gonna stay the course - it's not like they are losing any $ over this. The players are still playing, the coaches are still coaching, and most importantly the fans are still watching and going to the games. Thus the NFL and owners are still making $.

It's not gonna change unless the real refs budge on their stance or players/coaches/owners/fans do something to force the quality officiation that should be part of a professional sport.

It's sad to see such poor officiating. Just look at some of the bad calls in last nights game: Many missed holding calls, yet a flag for holding when it obviously wasn't, no calls for several bumps/grabs/holds on WR passed 5 yds yet a flag for pass interference when the ball was underthrown and the defensive player never touched the WR, the fumble where Denver comes out of the pile with the football and Atlanta gets possession, incorrect penalty yardage benefitting Denver (10 instead of 5 yds), missed call on the Denver TD at the end of the half (obvious even in full speed that WR dragged his foot) - lucky for the Bronco's it was within 2 mins and was reviewed. I don't think that official was even looking at the WR's feet cuz you could see the "dirt" kick up as the foot was dragged after the other foot was clearly in bounds. And what would happen if he called it a TD, it would have been reviewed anyway, right? If the foot wasn't really in, then it would've gotten overturned. I just don't like it.

Yes, refs are human and will make bad calls (there wouldn't be challenges and reviewing every TD if they didn't), but there shouldn't be SO MANY bad calls that it severely impacts the flow and possibly the outcome of the game.

Ok you got much more than just my $0.02 worth. I'll step off the soap box now.


I think the season ticket holders of all NFL teams should file a lawsuit against the owners to get half of their ticket fees back because of this, isn't this who is actually paying the price for this - the fans?
I see a whole bunch of bad calls coming this season. It won't be pretty.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Just wait until there is a game changing bad call or non call with one of the "faces" of the NFL (Manning(s), Rogers, Megatron et, al.) or somebody gets hurt in some extra curricular activities.


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Replacement Refs (week 3) - A show of highest quality (yet again!) :sarcasm:

Which of their major flubs stood out for you this week?
The inconsistency probably bothers me the most.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Replacement Refs (week 3) - A show of highest quality (yet again!) :sarcasm:

Which of their major flubs stood out for you this week?
The inconsistency probably bothers me the most.
I liked the ref who threw his hat and took out a cowboy receiver.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Obviously the replacement refs are not up to par. But what can be done about it? It has created games that are difficult, if not almost impossible to watch at times. There are far too many missed calls, incorrect calls, wrong penalties, delays to the game, poor time handling, etc. I give these refs credit for doing their best, but they are out of their league. We wouldn't expect a small town dirt track racer to suddenly be able to handle an Indy car with perfect skill. Likewise, I don't expect these refs to be perfect however the NFL has to realize that these refs are impacting the outcome of each and every game. IMO, the players, coaches and the fans have very little faith/respect for these officials and it will only get more out of control.

So, what do you think?

I think the owners are illustrating how much they think the game is worth and will maintain that view just as long as they think they can still get full price from the fans and advertisers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Just wait until there is a game changing bad call or non call with one of the "faces" of the NFL (Manning(s), Rogers, Megatron et, al.) or somebody gets hurt in some extra curricular activities.

Game changing? The players and coaches have already changed the game playing it chippy and practicing to draw fouls putting all the pressure on the refs they can to gain an edge.


Do you like apples?
So, Seahawks win and Packers lose. Really? :confused:

There you have it. The ultimate f-up.
You'd think that the refs would have discussed the call before creating such a mess. But no.
How's Roger Goodell gonna explain that one? Not to mention all the inconsistent calls throughout each and every game.

So, will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?


So, Seahawks win and Packers lose. Really? :confused:

There you have it. The ultimate f-up.
You'd think that the refs would have discussed the call before creating such a mess. But no.
How's Roger Goodell gonna explain that one? Not to mention all the inconsistent calls throughout each and every game.

So, will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

They said last night before MNF they expected the upcoming week to be the replacements last. I think this only solidified this decision...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, will this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

God, I hope not!

When I learned that pro wrestling was staged, this was a couple weeks ago or so, I developed an appreciation for the performance of it all and I began to root for the 'bad guys' and terrible calls because the acting of the 'good guys' getting robbed became, instead of a source of outrage, entertainment all it's own. Over the top outrage by the audience is also fun as all get out. I mean, people becoming so wrapped in something that is not 'real', why, it's almost like Olympic gymnastics and ice skating.

So, now, listening to fans get all bent out of shape over bad calls, having paid a fortune for tickets, seat licenses, enormous parking fees, $10 beers, $8 hot dogs, all of this the plan of billionaire owners who are squabbling over what amounts to $100,000 per team PER SEASON, is just as funny, perhaps more so, than pro wrestling could ever be.

I mean, think about it. The NFL doesn't mean to be a fraud, promotes everything in their power that is is terribly important, we buy into it, figuratively and literally, and now, here it is. A wonderful, amazing farce!


New Member
There was an interesting point brought up on Mike and Mike this morning. The owners that we're dealing with aren't easily embarrassed. These are the same people that are perfectly ok with charging thousands of dollars just for a seat that doesn't include actually being able to go to the game unless you also purchase each individual game ticket.

I'd like to stop watching football to really stick it to them but honestly, I haven't even come close to doing that. Can we realistically do anything about it besides what we're doing now - publicly criticize?


New Member
Just wait until there is a game changing bad call or non call with one of the "faces" of the NFL (Manning(s), Rogers, Megatron et, al.) or somebody gets hurt in some extra curricular activities.

Schaub lost part of his ear on an illegal hit this weekend.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd like to stop watching football to really stick it to them but honestly, I haven't even come close to doing that. Can we realistically do anything about it besides what we're doing now - publicly criticize?

Publicly laugh.

I can't wait for the next XFL. These guys are just begging for it.



Well-Known Member
I liked the ref who threw his hat and took out a cowboy receiver.
Too bad it wasn't under their QB's foot... Dallas Tears all over again...

I think the owners are illustrating how much they think the game is worth and will maintain that view just as long as they think they can still get full price from the fans and advertisers.

This was a point made later on Mike & Mike... until it starts costing owners money (people boycotting, etc...) they'll let it slide.

We shall see...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This was a point made later on Mike & Mike... until it starts costing owners money (people boycotting, etc...) they'll let it slide.

We shall see...

Which gets to the point of how to shame people who will say, publicly, they see no difference in the officiating.

The refs did something smart last night; ruled for the home team. That's what happened in the epic Steelers/Raiders game, the Franco game. So, it's not new.

When it could become a REAL problem, like violence and mayhem problem, is if the refs screw up and make that call against the home team.

As it is, I think these refs are perfect. They represent, in a most unintentionally naked fashion, just what the league is all about.