NFL Replacement Refs

nobody really

I need a nap
i'm not saying i agree with the replacement refs.....i just kinda feel bad for them, they are just trying to make a buck, make their kids proud (although failing miserably). If i were out there, esp if i knew it was only going to be short lived, they would be glad there is an 8 second delay on live broadcasts.

how do i apply to be a replacement ref?


Not too talkative
Union Question

Since the Refs are in a union, why isn't the nfl players union backing the refs up by refussing to cross the "picket line"?


This. ------------------>
His job is basically to be a representative for the owners, right? I've always looked at him as being the spokesperson for the team owners.

When it comes to labor issues, yes. He's speaking on behalf of the owners, he's not the one making the calls. Blame the owners.