NFL Replacement Refs


New Member
Which gets to the point of how to shame people who will say, publicly, they see no difference in the officiating.

The refs did something smart last night; ruled for the home team. That's what happened in the epic Steelers/Raiders game, the Franco game. So, it's not new.

When it could become a REAL problem, like violence and mayhem problem, is if the refs screw up and make that call against the home team.

As it is, I think these refs are perfect. They represent, in a most unintentionally naked fashion, just what the league is all about.

The Monday night before last, the Broncos v Falcons game, the refs had no control when the players got to pushing and shoving each other. You could almost see the panic brewing amongst the refs as they were getting caught up in it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Monday night before last, the Broncos v Falcons game, the refs had no control when the players got to pushing and shoving each other. You could almost see the panic brewing amongst the refs as they were getting caught up in it.

Yup. Skins v. Rams was like that two weeks ago.

I mean fans rioting. Pouring onto the field. That sort of thing. You know. Soccer.



I bowl overhand
I liked the ref who threw his hat and took out a cowboy receiver.

I saw that, and couldn't believe the announcers didn't even mention it, even after showing it in replay 3 times..

I had a hard time figuring out what it was.. but knew SOMEthing was thrown

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I saw that, and couldn't believe the announcers didn't even mention it, even after showing it in replay 3 times..


That was then. This is now. You know darn well the announcers have been under orders to zip it. The problem is that that never works for long.


I bowl overhand
After further Review

The Tight End didn't touch Second Base..

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Well-Known Member
This is going around on FB...

Nfl comissioner Roger Goodell's phone number- (212) 450-2027.
Feel free to express your opinions.


New Member
This is going around on FB...

Nfl comissioner Roger Goodell's phone number- (212) 450-2027.
Feel free to express your opinions.

It was put out on twitter by a Wisconsin Senator. It's supposedly his office phone number.

....that's what I heard anyways.



Here ya go


This. ------------------>
This is going around on FB...

Nfl comissioner Roger Goodell's phone number- (212) 450-2027.
Feel free to express your opinions.

Everyone talks about Goodell, but he isn't the one locking out the refs. The owners are.


New Member
Everyone talks about Goodell, but he isn't the one locking out the refs. The owners are.

His job is basically to be a representative for the owners, right? I've always looked at him as being the spokesperson for the team owners.