Nhl 2013-2014


This. ------------------>
And while I'm here, which doesn't happen as often lately...there's this:


It should have been a lay-up.

Meeting with the Washington media today for the first time since being called out for quitting on a play by his coach, Adam Oates, all Alex Ovechkin had to do was offer a note of remorse. Just the slightest hint that he grasped his culpability on a goal that snowballed into a crushing 5-0 loss to Dallas on Tuesday night.

Something simple, like this:

“You know what? Oatesy was right. My lack of hustle on that play was inexcusable and it cost us a goal. As the captain of this team, I have to hold myself to a higher standard. I owe that much to my teammates, my fans and the organization. I’ll never be a defensive wizard, but I can be better than I’ve shown. And I will be.”

Instead, Ovechkin offered this as an excuse:

“He’s the head coach and I get the blame from it, but in that moment I think everybody quit on the play.”

Ho. Lee. Sheet.

“To be honest with you I didn’t see him, I kind of lost the position,” he added, somehow finding room in that gap-toothed maw for his other foot. “It is what it is. We make lots of mistakes, it’s not about one mistake. You can’t blame one mistake in the whole game.”

MUIR: Time to strip Ovechkin of his captaincy

He’s right. It’s not just one mistake. But that’s not the point, is it?

Because this isn’t about a lazily blown coverage anymore. It’s about responsibility. He had two days–two days!–to man up. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and pointed fingers.

To his defenders — and I’ve heard from plenty of you in the past 24 hours — I ask again: Is this the guy you want leading your team? A player who not only refuses to take ownership of his mistakes, but decides that the best response is to throw his teammates under the bus?

If it is, you can have him.

He may be one heck of a scorer and a true entertainer, but as a leader, Ovechkin is a dog. And as long as he’s calling the shots, the Capitals are going nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Stick a fork in them, take um off the grill they are done. Im huge Cap fan, but they're finished for this season. Oates is not head coaching material, time for McPhee to go also Where's Bruce and Varly?


my war
Stick a fork in them, take um off the grill they are done. Im huge Cap fan, but they're finished for this season. Oates is not head coaching material, time for McPhee to go also Where's Bruce and Varly?

The only good that came out of this season was acquiring Halak. The young guns couldn't step up. Hope they try and hold onto him. On the flip side, the Erat trade was another one of GMGM's terrible moves.


Well-Known Member
The only good that came out of this season was acquiring Halak. The young guns couldn't step up. Hope they try and hold onto him. On the flip side, the Erat trade was another one of GMGM's terrible moves.

I think Oates was a big problem this year. He kept changing the lines all the time. The 3rd line with Chimera, Ward and Fehr(my favorite Cap) was the ony line to produce. He broke up the Backtrom, Ovie line. Beagle doesnt belong on the top line. He kept bringing in guys form Hershey on the defense. We need a stay at home defensemen, think its time to say goodbye to Green. I like Orlov he really stepped his game up once he finally got in the lineup. They need to sign Halak and Grabovski. Kuznetsov has a really bright NHL career ahead. A first line with Ovie and Nicky and Johnanson. Then second line of Grabovski, Brouwer and Kuuznetsov, third line dont touch it, leave Ward, Chimera and Fehr alone. Fourth line can be Wilson and whoever. Defense its Carlson and Allzner, then Orlov and Hillen, grab some big stay at home defensemen by free agencyand hope that out of all of the young guys they brought up from Hershey to play defense a couple of them might step up. I like Carrick as one of them.
Say goodbye to Brooks Laich as long as he is still seeing Julianna Hough(Im jealous), his groin will never get better.

Ive got this all figured out, maybe I should call Ted Leonais for a job. GO NATIONALS


my war
Outside the NHL, just Pat Riley with the Miami Heat and Brian Sabean of the San Francisco Giants (two more GMs WITH titles) have more tenure with one franchise than McPhee in all major North American sports.


my war
I have noticed Holtby is better than Halak in shootouts. I hope they do away with shootouts in the near future.


Oates and McPhee out. Now let's turn Mike Green into a forward, get some stay at home bruiser defensemen and toughen this team up.


This. ------------------>
So, if for some reason the Pens are ousted and Minnesota is still alive, will you switch back to your home team since they have a club now? Just curious. :biggrin:

Nah... though I am half heartedly rooting for them in the West, mostly due to their ex-Penguin ties. Really doesn't matter to me who comes out of the West, though. Penguins or bust!


This. ------------------>
So, if for some reason the Pens are ousted and Minnesota is still alive, will you switch back to your home team since they have a club now? Just curious. :biggrin:

Nah... though I am half heartedly rooting for them in the West, mostly due to their ex-Penguin ties. Really doesn't matter to me who comes out of the West, though. Penguins or bust!