Nice to Meet Everyone...


New Member
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting everyone these past two Fridays! I now have gotten my pw for this section approved so now 'I'm In'


J.P. Cusick

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting everyone these past two Fridays! I now have gotten my pw for this section approved so now 'I'm In'

Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.

Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.



KjK - meet the Resident Village Idiot.


Active Member
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting everyone these past two Fridays! I now have gotten my pw for this section approved so now 'I'm In'

Hey girl Welcome to the forum.

As you can see....the newbie backlash from the lunatic fringe has already begun!



mama to two
Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.


:faint: Your post was a waste of white space on this forum. Where do you get your ideas? So, everybody that goes out on Friday night is a heathen, but Saturday night is a better crowd? So, vrai, Italian, Bann, et al. are all heathens? Interesting. Oh, and I think they sometimes go out on Saturday nights, too, so there goes your theory. I read the get together threads, and it looks like they are usually home early by party standards. Your comments don't even make sense. Again, the only post I replied to today, was yours. (Except for the word games, and I am sure you will find something wrong with that, too). And, please don't take the fact that I replied to your post as a compliment. Save your reply that I only respond to you because you are the most intelligent person on the forum. BTW, we would like to go out with them, too, but my hub and I can't leave are declining dog alone.
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Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

VoteJP said:
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting everyone these past two Fridays! I now have gotten my pw for this section approved so now 'I'm In'

Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.


Rather than remain silent, you have removed all doubt.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.

And Friday is the day you make the trip to the mailbox for you handout check. So join the heathen club you waste of sperm.


Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.


:gossip: Don't tell anyone, but we've been plotting and planning protests of MD government by spray painting government buildings.


wandering aimlessly
Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.


For your consideration:

Perhaps it is not that they feel rich on Fridays, but more that they have worked very hard all week and would enjoy having someone else cook the meal, and also enjoy having conversations with others that were not required by the workplace?

I know a lot of hardworking families that have a "no cooking on Friday" rule. Sometimes they go out, sometimes they bring in.

I'm sorry you've surrounded yourself with lowlifes JPC. There are other people in the world.


For your consideration:

Perhaps it is not that they feel rich on Fridays, but more that they have worked very hard all week and would enjoy having someone else cook the meal, and also enjoy having conversations with others that were not required by the workplace?

I know a lot of hardworking families that have a "no cooking on Friday" rule. Sometimes they go out, sometimes they bring in.

I'm sorry you've surrounded yourself with lowlifes JPC. There are other people in the world.

Now don't go and ruin it. I want JPC thinking I'm a wealthy snob flaunting my money here and there; rubbing it in everyone’s face. Having a good time and laughing it up knowing people like JPC are all :jameo: over my brazen wealth and hedonism.


Would THIS face lie?
Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.

The more civilized people do not attend in that experience.

Saturday nights are for the better class.

The heathen often get paid on Fridays and so they feel like big rich persons on the Friday nights, so by Saturday they are often broke or near broke, and they have their hangovers from Fridays which settles them down for the next day, so then many of the worse will stay home on Saturday nights which makes for a far better crowd.

Welcome to the forum.


Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you come on here and make a post like this....You really amaze people when you come in here with your stupidity...What day do you get your paycheck?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lmao: OMG

Hi K! Welcome to the nuthouse!

JPC, I love ya, man. That post started my Sunday off with a great laugh. :cheers:


J.P. Cusick

For your consideration:

Perhaps it is not that they feel rich on Fridays, [ heathen ] but more that they have worked very hard all week and would enjoy having someone else cook the meal, [ heathen ] and also enjoy having conversations with others that were not required by the workplace? [ double heathen ]

I know a lot of hardworking families that have a "no cooking on Friday" rule. [ heathen ] Sometimes they go out, sometimes they bring in. [ extra heathen ]

I'm sorry you've surrounded yourself with lowlifes JPC. There are other people in the world. [ heathen, heathen, heathen ]

So you and I are in agreement on this one thing.

Friday night = heathen.

:lmao: OMG

Hi K! Welcome to the nuthouse!

JPC, I love ya, man. That post started my Sunday off with a great laugh. :cheers:

I see you are the one (1) person who can appreciate the humor of my words.

Perhaps it is that appreciation of such humor is why you can tolerate the Friday night heathen.

Of course being funny does not make them as untrue, and this is a nice nuthouse.

The xxxxxxx xxxxxx wouldn't have the xxxxxxx to come to one of our Friday night meet ups. :coffee:

If the meetup was on a Saturday night - so then the worst of the heathen would be hungover and near broke and most would not come out - then I probably would join into an outing like that.

Hollywood is the place we gotta be.



happy to be living
So you and I are in agreement on this one thing.

Friday night = heathen.

I see you are the one (1) person who can appreciate the humor of my words.

Perhaps it is that appreciation of such humor is why you can tolerate the Friday night heathen.

Of course being funny does not make them as untrue, and this is a nice nuthouse.

If the meetup was on a Saturday night - so then the worst of the heathen would be hungover and near broke and most would not come out - then I probably would join into an outing like that.

Hollywood is the place we gotta be.


You are so truly ignorant. It is not about getting drunk- in fact most people don't even partake in beverages containing alcohol. We all eat and enjoy each other's company and conversation.
Don't expect you to understand that concept.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
LMAO. Could start calling the get-togethers "Heathen Fridays". :killingme

My "Heathen Friday" was at Tall Timbers; I bought dinner for the guy who fixed the AC in my cruiser for only the cost of materials yesterday evening.:buddies: