Nice to Meet Everyone...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Perhaps a new group should be started. Sinless Sunday Morningers. No heathens allowed.

Party of one.
I see you are the one (1) person who can appreciate the humor of my words.

Perhaps it is that appreciation of such humor is why you can tolerate the Friday night heathen.

You are a friggin' moron. She is laughing AT you, not WITH you.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You are a friggin' moron. She is laughing AT you, not WITH you.

Typical internets problem; poor Jimmy couldn't see that Vrai was also pointing at him whilst laffing. Just like the rest of us do when we are laffing at his nonsense. His confusion is therefor understandable.:coffee:


Where do you get your ideas? So, everybody that goes out on Friday night is a heathen, but Saturday night is a better crowd? So, vrai, Italian, Bann, etc. are all heathens? Interesting.

Afrocentric White Apologist - Liberal White Guilt ...... I guess the Blue Bloods go out on Sat, to the Opera or Yacht Racing is in Sat.s


Heathen Here ...........


Friday nights are the nights-of-the-heathen and so only a particular group of heathen join in on the Friday get together.


Just like every person of Color I ever worked with in the TRADES

PAID on Friday, get a carton of Newport's, A Pint of Gin w/Juice or VO, a couple of blunts [for packing dope in later], and some lotto tickets, and be back to work MONDAY, Broke

Dick Head



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
LMAO. Could start calling the get-togethers "Heathen Fridays". :killingme


If it weren't for our Heathen Fridays, I'd have never had the chance to meet the people I have, and gotten to know them as well as I have, if I hadn't met them face to face. I also get the chance to re-connect on a weekly basis with some friends I already had, but because of our hectic schedules, can't get together with otherwise.

I really don't know what I would've done had I not met some of these people. They've been an enormous source of support & friendship to me while I've been dealing with my mom's end of life issues - turns out some of them have gone through the very same thing. Basically, we all enjoy each others' company & get together regularly because we're friends now. Duh.

Then of course (for me) there's that other reason. :biggrin:

I don't expect JPC to get this with his warped sense of reality.


J.P. Cusick

If it weren't for our Heathen Fridays, I'd have never had the chance to meet the people I have, and gotten to know them as well as I have, if I hadn't met them face to face. I also get the chance to re-connect on a weekly basis with some friends I already had, but because of our hectic schedules, can't get together with otherwise.

I really don't know what I would've done had I not met some of these people. They've been an enormous source of support & friendship to me while I've been dealing with my mom's end of life issues - turns out some of them have gone through the very same thing. Basically, we all enjoy each others' company & get together regularly because we're friends now. Duh.

Then of course (for me) there's that other reason. :biggrin:

I don't expect JPC to get this with his warped sense of reality.

Yes, of course I get all of that, and I am happy that you all have a special night for your get together.

My point was never to stop the Friday night events as I say the night of the heathen is what makes Saturday night so much better.

I was simply telling the new poster that there is a better class that do not go to that event.

It gives people options.

Plus it takes a certain will-power that the heathen do not have in order for them to restrain their Friday night impulse and actually hold onto their money for one (1) day or to refrain from getting drunk on their own natural night of heathens so that is not going to change.

I do not mean to try to stop the Friday nights - please no.



my war
Yes, of course I get all of that, and I am happy that you all have a special night for your get together.

My point was never to stop the Friday night events as I say the night of the heathen is what makes Saturday night so much better.

I was simply telling the new poster that there is a better class that do not go to that event.

It gives people options.

Plus it takes a certain will-power that the heathen do not have in order for them to restrain their Friday night impulse and actually hold onto their money for one (1) day or to refrain from getting drunk on their own natural night of heathens so that is not going to change.

I do not mean to try to stop the Friday nights - please no.


What if you have enough $$$ to heathenate the whole weekend away??


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Yes, of course I get all of that, and I am happy that you all have a special night for your get together.

My point was never to stop the Friday night events as I say the night of the heathen is what makes Saturday night so much better.

I was simply telling the new poster that there is a better class that do not go to that event.

It gives people options.

Plus it takes a certain will-power that the heathen do not have in order for them to restrain their Friday night impulse and actually hold onto their money for one (1) day or to refrain from getting drunk on their own natural night of heathens so that is not going to change.

I do not mean to try to stop the Friday nights - please no.




Surely you jest ...
Dizzy again...well more dizzy than usual. There isn't enough coffee in the world to make anything that man types make sense to me. Does that mean I'm normal?



J.P. Cusick

What if you have enough $$$ to heathenate the whole weekend away??

It is not that people turn into heathen only on Friday nights, certainly not, as they are heathen all week long.

This distinction can be traced back in history to the original 7th day Sabbath Day which starts at sundown on each Friday until sundown on each Saturday.

Monday is seen as the first day for working, Sunday for Church, Wednesday is the middle of the week, Fridays are often the payday.

So the heathen do not turn into heathens only on Friday nights, as that is just their own special time to heathenate.



She's been twice - she already knows what low-class louts we are.

Low class heathen females are okay.

But only on other days besides heathen Friday.

I did not know the poster's gender was a she, or else I might have worded my posting more nicely.



Does that mean I'm normal?

It is the normal people that drive me crazy.
