No huddle!?


Nothing to see here
Can you imagine how bad the offense would be if they hadn't given Zorn the heading coaching job and left him at offensive coordinator?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Can you imagine how bad the offense would be if they hadn't given Zorn the heading coaching job and left him at offensive coordinator?

I can't imagine anything that doesn't begin and end with trading aged stars before they are value-less, stop buying other peoples stars who are looking for a payday and start hoarding draft picks and BUILDING a gotdahm football TEAM.


I can't imagine anything that doesn't begin and end with trading aged stars before they are value-less, stop buying other peoples stars who are looking for a payday and start hoarding draft picks and BUILDING a gotdahm football TEAM.

My boy, you don't know the first thing about building a cash cow.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're just angry that more folks are starting to see the light. Now return to your koolaid.

If I haven't made it clear, I'm in the 'Ain't gonna get better until Snyder is gone' school, that's where I am. That's you, right? I know it's otter and Catt.



If I haven't made it clear, I'm in the 'Ain't gonna get better until Snyder is gone' school, that's where I am. That's you, right? I know it's otter and Catt.


I don't recall that being your song last year, but I'm glad you finally crawled on board.

I've been saying it since almost day one of the buy.