No huddle!?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't recall that being your song last year, but I'm glad you finally crawled on board.

I've been saying it since almost day one of the buy.

I was still trying to make the case for Jason last year, needing WR's and O line depth. Spending all their off season time and effort on defense for a top 10 unit that desperately needs the O to put together drives and get them a few points was pretty much it.


Football addict
First sack of the season for Rams. And almost a safety because Campbell wont pass the damn ball. Hold on to it, hold on to it. Doesn't even dawn on him to throw it away.
He had about 2.5 seconds on that play. As soon as he went back he had to duck one defender and was subsequently sacked by the second defender.


Football addict
Horrible play calling and more bone-headed plays = a 2 point win against the worst team in the league.


Horrible play calling and more bone-headed plays = a 2 point win against the worst team in the league.

Your boy looked OK in the first couple series then back to the blank stare goober. Campbell should have 2 more starts before he get the clipboard and Collins tries to salvage a season. Then waivers.


Football addict
Your boy looked OK in the first couple series then back to the blank stare goober. Campbell should have 2 more starts before he get the clipboard and Collins tries to salvage a season. Then waivers.
I thought he had a good game today. More dingleberry extraordinaire play-calling. Three runs into a pile, no TD. A pass to the fullback, dropped.

Good thing our kicker was accurate today.


I thought he had a good game today. More dingleberry extraordinaire play-calling. Three runs into a pile, no TD. A pass to the fullback, dropped.

Good thing our kicker was accurate today.

His passing and running in the first half was pretty good, the second half the old Campbell came back. I do agree the plays are questionable.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
His passing and running in the first half was pretty good, the second half the old Campbell came back. I do agree the plays are questionable.

This is the problem with the NFL, the complexity.

You tell your QB to run 'right, dive right on two', he runs it even if the entire defense pre shifts left.

In the NFL, if the coach wants 'right, toss left on first sound' we have no clue, typically, what the actual call was, what the reads were, what the qb discretion is or what all the various independent reads are, from O line to the motion man to the WR's. That means we really don't know if/when it was simply a horrible call to begin with or a bad read by the qb or the O line or a WR simply slipped and the whole thing blows up.

We do, however, have plenty of scenes of Zorn talking to Jason coming off the field after another stalled drive.

The Redskins play and look like a team, especially Campbell, that are thinking, not reacting, to what is going on. There's always a drive or two that is smooth and well oiled but, I would guess the problems later in the game are our adjustments to their adjustments.

The better teams are reading the same thing and making the same reactions and adjustments.

The NFL is a game of adjustments and that means practice and that means coaching. Anyone can line up the best players in the world and have success on a given drive or even a given play. The better teams have players on the field, in the heat of the moment, making the proper reads and proper adjustments on the fly.

That just ain't us.


This is the problem with the NFL, the complexity.

You tell your QB to run 'right, dive right on two', he runs it even if the entire defense pre shifts left.

In the NFL, if the coach wants 'right, toss left on first sound' we have no clue, typically, what the actual call was, what the reads were, what the qb discretion is or what all the various independent reads are, from O line to the motion man to the WR's. That means we really don't know if/when it was simply a horrible call to begin with or a bad read by the qb or the O line or a WR simply slipped and the whole thing blows up.

We do, however, have plenty of scenes of Zorn talking to Jason coming off the field after another stalled drive.

The Redskins play and look like a team, especially Campbell, that are thinking, not reacting, to what is going on. There's always a drive or two that is smooth and well oiled but, I would guess the problems later in the game are our adjustments to their adjustments.

The better teams are reading the same thing and making the same reactions and adjustments.

The NFL is a game of adjustments and that means practice and that means coaching. Anyone can line up the best players in the world and have success on a given drive or even a given play. The better teams have players on the field, in the heat of the moment, making the proper reads and proper adjustments on the fly.

That just ain't us.

My point from the beginning. I don't think Campbell is bright enough to look at 8 stacking the box with the corners showing blitz and calling an audible to throw a slant. He is just a robot. Zorns calls are questionable a lot but if you see man to man 3rd and long with a huge mismatch and you hit it how is he goign to sit you down for not following directions.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My point from the beginning. I don't think Campbell is bright enough to look at 8 stacking the box with the corners showing blitz and calling an audible to throw a slant. He is just a robot. Zorns calls are questionable a lot but if you see man to man 3rd and long with a huge mismatch and you hit it how is he goign to sit you down for not following directions.

Don't you WANT him taking that?

The Skins are so committed to a low risk, trust the D strategry that I think it's retarding Campbell's development. Look at Flacco; yes, he was kept in check last year but this season, man, they're turning the kid loose. They have a real live, honest to goodness high end offense.


Football addict
His passing and running in the first half was pretty good, the second half the old Campbell came back. I do agree the plays are questionable.
I wish he had more than two passes in the redzone considering we were down there 4-5 times. Instead we give the ball to CP to chuck a duck.