No more 'Holiday Trees' at the Capitol.


Nothing to see here
"It was known as the 'Holiday Tree' for several years and just recently was changed back to the 'Capitol Christmas Tree.' This was a directive from the speaker," said Capitol architect Matthew Evans.

"The speaker believes a Christmas tree is a Christmas tree, and it is as simple as that," said Ron Bonjean, spokesman for the Illinois Republican.

Wonder what group will squawk first..


If anyone squawks, they need to tell them to shove it.

I am so sick and tired of these organizations pissing and whining about what offends them. This nation was built "under God" and when people complain about the word "Christmas" all they are trying to do is remove the Christian faith from our country. It shouldn't have been changed in the first place.


Working for the weekend
Vixen said:
If anyone squawks, they need to tell them to shove it.

I am so sick and tired of these organizations pissing and whining about what offends them. This nation was built "under God" and when people complain about the word "Christmas" all they are trying to do is remove the Christian faith from our country. It shouldn't have been changed in the first place.
:yay: right on


Vixen said:
If anyone squawks, they need to tell them to shove it.

I am so sick and tired of these organizations pissing and whining about what offends them. This nation was built "under God" and when people complain about the word "Christmas" all they are trying to do is remove the Christian faith from our country. It shouldn't have been changed in the first place.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Vixen said:
If anyone squawks, they need to tell them to shove it.

I am so sick and tired of these organizations pissing and whining about what offends them. This nation was built "under God" and when people complain about the word "Christmas" all they are trying to do is remove the Christian faith from our country. It shouldn't have been changed in the first place.
To tell you the truth, I about as sick of hearing people complain about this country being built "under God" and wining about people removing christianity from the government as I am of people complaining about it being there. How about both of you sides shut up. :ohwell:


New Member
Vince said:

:confused: I thought this nation was founded for freedom from religious persecution?

The Pilgrims, who celebrated the first thanksgiving in America, were fleeing religious persecution in their native England. In 1609 a group of Pilgrims left England for the religious freedom in Holland where they lived and prospered. After a few years their children were speaking Dutch and had become attached to the dutch way of life. This worried the Pilgrims. They considered the Dutch frivolous and their ideas a threat to their children's education and morality.

I really don't care what they name the tree :lol:


otter said:
"It was known as the 'Holiday Tree' for several years and just recently was changed back to the 'Capitol Christmas Tree.'

There they go shoving Jesus down our throats - YET AGAIN.

I said 6 years ago that this nation was becoming a Theocratic Dictatorship and now I am vindicated!!!1!!

How OFFENSIVE can they be???


Of course this country was founded on freedom from religious prosecution. Christmas, in general, has no religious denomination attached. We do not prosecute those who chose to follow a certain religious faith and we do not prosecute those who don’t believe in God at all. We have that freedom, HOWEVER, Christmas is a Christian holiday and the Christians had it first.

Well, after the Pagans. :whistle:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
There they go shoving Jesus down our throats - YET AGAIN.

The DU is probably losing their "minds". In fact, I think I'll just mosey on over and take a look.....


professional daydreamer
I find it absolutely amazing how un-christian like people become around the holidays.


wandering aimlessly
morganj614 said:
I thought there was a huge menorrah somewhere on the Ellipse.
Could be. I don't go to DC often enough to notice. Maybe one of our DC workers would know for sure.


New Member
Vixen said:
Of course this country was founded on freedom from religious prosecution. Christmas, in general, has no religious denomination attached. We do not prosecute those who chose to follow a certain religious faith and we do not prosecute those who don’t believe in God at all. We have that freedom, HOWEVER, Christmas is a Christian holiday and the Christians had it first.

Well, after the Pagans. :whistle:

Pagan Holidays