<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>None dare call it treason
For many Americans Sen. Ted Kennedy has long been a caricature of liberal elitism, the bloated shell of what once was the youthful beauty of change. He has long lost the ability to shock with his antics, whether it's his questionable private behavior, returning the outreach of the Bush family with cheap shots galore or playing so loose with the facts in his public pronouncements that Jane Fonda looks like an intellectual heavyweight by comparison.<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O


> But wait, there's fire in the old warhorse yet. In a speech in <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:STATE><ST1


LACE></ST1:STATE> today, Mr. Kennedy became the first senator to call for the early withdrawal of <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION><ST1





> </O

Drawing a parallel with the <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION><ST1


LACE></ST1:COUNTRY-REGION> war (why is it that liberals are so hot to champion <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION><ST1


LACE></ST1:COUNTRY-REGION> failure?), he declared that "the <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION><ST1


LACE></ST1:COUNTRY-REGION> military presence has become part of the problem, not part of the solution. We need a new plan that sets fair and realistic goals for self-government in <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION><ST1


LACE></ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>, and works with the Iraqi government on a specific timetable for the honorable homecoming of our forces."<O


In other words, let's ignore the sacrifice of those who have died to defeat a brutal dictator and to establish a fledgling democracy in the heart of the <ST1

LACE>Middle East</ST1

LACE>, and get the hell out as quickly as we can. Now that's statesmanship. Three days before courageous Iraqis risk their lives to vote in their first-ever democratic election. Now that's timing. To appease the Saddam holdovers who are brutally killing and maiming their own women and children to return to power. Now that's the American way.<O

> </O

And this is the man regarded by many as the senior statesman of the Democratic Party.<O


-- <ST1

ERSONNAME>Fran Coombs</ST1

ERSONNAME>, Managing Editor
posted at
1:26 PM
This is a few days old, but the first commentary about it.