None Dare Call It Treason


Lovin' being Texican
Kennedy, who has called Iraq "George Bush's Vietnam," drew parallels between that failed conflict and the current deadly battle against guerrilla insurgents. He said the United States must learn from the mistakes of Vietnam "John F. Kennedy's Vietnam" — which he termed a misguided war that carried on too long and was not honestly portrayed by Democratic officials to the American people.

And the believers said "Amen"


Lovin' being Texican
George Soros said:
"I don't feel it's an investment that's gone bad, because when you stand up for principles you have to do it whether you win or lose," Soros said. "I'm distressed that Bush was re-elected, but I don't feel that I wasted my money. I imagine it will be easier to beat George W. Bush in 2008 given the heavy character-assassination we did in 2004."


Dancing Up A Storm
I think this article from the New York Post says it all about the K & K boys;

"February 1, 2005 -- <!--start bodytext-->THE K&K boys — Ted Kennedy and John Kerry — find themselves even further out in left field than usual when it comes to Sunday's extraordinarily successful elections in Iraq."


24/7 Single Dad
Penn said:
I think somebody else mentioned it, but to me it's amazing the people of Massachusettes keep voting that bag of wind in office for all these terms.
It makes it safer to drive in Massachusettes.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Eleanor Clift!! What a scream! She may be the paragon of Partisanship. :lol:

A lot of people evidently forgot quickly about Kennedy's escapade with a young woman - Mary Jo Kopecknik(sp?) - who was out with Teddy one night way back when. He apparently ran into a bridge abutment, I think, and the vehicle plunged into a river. Kennedy couldn't free her from the wreck, and he also apparently - couldn't get to a firehouse 1/4mile down the road in time to get help in order to save her life.
There were rumors at the time that she was pregnant by Kennedy. Another reason for no autopsy?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
George Will...

...on Iraq, Zarqawi and Kennedy...

Days before the voting, Abu Musab Zarqawi, the terrorist, and Edward Kennedy, the senator, contributed to Americans' understanding of the struggle in Iraq -- Zarqawi by his clarity, Kennedy by his confusion. In a speech intellectually disheveled and morally obtuse, Kennedy said, "Our military and the insurgents are fighting for the same thing -- the hearts and minds of the people." His weird idea is that while the coalition struggles to persuade Iraqis to try democracy, with its compromises and vicissitudes, the insurgents are trying to persuade Iraqis to embrace a rival idea of social organization. Actually, the two significant factions of insurgents, who have the totalitarians' characteristic penchant for candor, do not even pretend to value consent achieved by persuasion.

Y'all leave Teddy alone. He is the embodiment of the modern Democratic party
and any thoughts of him leaving the scene are just sad.

Who, I ask, can you point to to sum up modern liberalism in such a tidy, brief package?

When Ted speaks, nothing more need be said.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Y'all leave Teddy alone. He is the embodiment of the modern Democratic party
and any thoughts of him leaving the scene are just sad.

Who, I ask, can you point to to sum up modern liberalism in such a tidy, brief package?

When Ted speaks, nothing more need be said.
The problem is the IQ<100 crowd listen to and believe him.


This Space for Rent
2ndAmendment said:
The problem is the IQ<100 crowd listen to and believe him.

If I ever say I agree with Ted Kennedy, I want you to swiftly and forcefully exercise your 2nd Amendment rights on my head. :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
:lmao: Somebody took offense to my IQ<100 statement. They must be sensitive about their IQ. Observing many of the posts here, they probably should be. :roflmao:

FromTexas said:
If I ever say I agree with Ted Kennedy, I want you to swiftly and forcefully exercise your 2nd Amendment rights on my head. :yay:
But the Second does not give anyone the right to do harm to anyone. It just assures that we have the ability to if the circumstances warrant including taking the government back from incompetents by force if necessary. Before I get a ration of red and or flames. I did not originate this train of thought. Read what the founders including Washington, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Jefferson, and others had to say on the subject and you will find that I am just stating the same thing they did.


Dancing Up A Storm
Alright, I just heard on Hannity & Colmes : Fox News : Ex-Sen. Zell Miller say that while Ted Kennedy's remarks were not treasonous, "they were the first cousin to it".I agree with him;

What the hell is Sen. Kennedy thinking?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Penn said:
Alright, I just heard on Hannity & Colmes : Fox News : Ex-Sen. Zell Miller say that while Ted Kennedy's remarks were not treasonous, "they were the first cousin to it".I agree with him;

What the hell is Sen. Kennedy thinking?? :confused:
He's thinking he wants another drink.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Alright, I just heard on Hannity & Colmes : Fox News : Ex-Sen. Zell Miller say that while Ted Kennedy's remarks were not treasonous, "they were the first cousin to it".I agree with him;

What the hell is Sen. Kennedy thinking?? :confused:
Nothing. That is the point. He reacts with "hate Bush", "hate conservative values" without thinking. Although there are a few like rr and st that seem to think before they speak (post), non-thinking reaction seems to be the Democrat (not democratic) way.


Dancing Up A Storm
Well, maybe what I really want to know is this:

Why isn't every American across this country outraged over what that fool said??

Can nobody understand, that what he has described will get our troops/soldiers killed?

The Terrorists/Insurgents will be watching for a drawdown of our military; and when they sense that, there may very well be hell to pay.

Is that clear enough?


This Space for Rent
2ndAmendment said:
:lmao: Somebody took offense to my IQ<100 statement. They must be sensitive about their IQ. Observing many of the posts here, they probably should be. :roflmao:

But the Second does not give anyone the right to do harm to anyone. It just assures that we have the ability to if the circumstances warrant including taking the government back from incompetents by force if necessary. Before I get a ration of red and or flames. I did not originate this train of thought. Read what the founders including Washington, Madison, Monroe, Franklin, Jefferson, and others had to say on the subject and you will find that I am just stating the same thing they did.

You know, I somehow knew that was going to be your response when I posted it, but I was trying to put it different then, "Just shoot me!", which is rather cliche. :yay: