None Dare Call It Treason

Larry Gude

Strung Out
My IQ is well under 100...

...and I don't have a whole lot of trouble understand Iraq.

If anything, Kennedy is the spokesman for those who must tolerate me and my ilk who just don't 'get it' they see it.

In any event, the more Moore, Kennedy, Dean, Kerry and this freak in Colorodo run their yaps, the better off the nation and the world will be. We're living in the golden age of actually getting to hear how liberals think. They used to be too smart to actually come right out with it.

Go Teddy!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
You know, I somehow knew that was going to be your response when I posted it, but I was trying to put it different then, "Just shoot me!", which is rather cliche. :yay:
How about if I just kick you? OK? It is not permanent and allows you to change your train of thought. :lmao: