North Korea will be met with "Fire and fury, like the world has never seen"


Well-Known Member you are a skilled mind reader and seer of the future. You could make big bucks with those skills. "Madam Midnight"..I can see it now.

Hey dumbass, kim has made several threats since trumps 'ANY more threats will be met with fire and fury' line in the sand. You don't have to be a mind reader to know the past


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am saying trump drew a dumb line in the sand. It was an obvious bluff and it was immediately called.
What us so hard to understand about that?

Why is it hard for you to understand nobody cares? So what if Trump "drew a line in the sand" (which is rapidly becoming the most boring and inane phrase of August)? So what? You progs have been jumping around and having a #### fit tantrum for almost a year now, so what that this is the faux outrage du jour?


New Member
I am saying trump drew a dumb line in the sand. It was an obvious bluff and it was immediately called.
What us so hard to understand about that?

I promise, not trying to pick on you here. I just want to point out that the President's 'line in the sand' hasn't been crossed...yet.

Trump was specifically responding the NORK statement regarding their very imminent intent/threat to send missile(s) on to Guam...We've already dispatched additional aircraft to Guam in response to the very overt threat.

As of right now - thank God - no missiles have been launched.


Well-Known Member
I promise, not trying to pick on you here. I just want to point out that the President's 'line in the sand' hasn't been crossed...yet.

As of right now - thank God - no missiles have been launched.

That's the way I see it. Trump's line in the and is a Nuclear attack by N. Korea. It hasn't come yet.
If it does, there will no longer be a N. Korea.
A N' Korean nuclear attack will call for an American counter attack that will turn N. Korea into a desert.

China will be the recipient of some left over radiation and possibly a Nuclear cloud.
So it is in their benefit that they do something to stop Kim.

It's not going to be pretty,but the countries of the world should ban together to see it doesn't happen.
Trump is not BS'ing here
A nuclear attack on the U.S. would call for a full scale response and TRump would have to give it, whether he wanted to or not.
He could not stand the political fallout of not doing it, and the world could not stand the effect of a N. Korea that launched such an attack without receiving that response.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
China will be the recipient of some left over radiation and possibly a Nuclear cloud.

The bigger concern, I'm guessing, would be South Korea since they're right there and our ally. Trump's not going to nuke SK. If it comes to it, the military will lob some bombs and blow up Un's stuff with as little collateral damage as possible.


Well-Known Member
Trump is sabre rattling and appealing to his base, who want him to show decisive and forceful leadership. NK is most likely not going to nuke Guam; even that little psycho has to know better than to do something that stupid. What we know for a fact is that he's not averse to killing millions of his own citizens, and perhaps he's stupid enough to think our aversion to civilian deaths will keep us from retaliating, but even if he is that stupid, his handlers aren't. They will assassinate him themselves if it comes to that.

What's hilarious and maddening at the same time is that CNN's headlines are all fretting about *Trump's* "threats" to NK. "Oh, Trump's threats are the last thing China needs. :drama:" FACT: China could make that little NK puke stand down right now, but they are choosing not to do it because Un is one of the weapons in their arsenal. In typical bawlbaby appeasement fashion, the Left is hoping (against all history and logic) that if we give NK some stuff, they'll sane up and act right. That has never, throughout history, worked. Like, ever. Ever ever.

The UN is puling about sanctions, in their typical weenie fashion, and even the WashPo agrees that sanctions won't mean a hill of #### to NK. Sanctions only hurt the citizenry, and Un has already proven that he gives zero effs about them. He'll kill those bitches himself.

While the retarded Left is all aflutter about Russia, China is making its move and they are completely ignoring it. NK is NOT acting alone. They are not some lone nut. They are absolutely backed and encouraged by China, and anyone with half a braincell understands this. NK has one main ally: China. And that's pretty much it. They are a pissant nobody country without China backing them and Un would never dare make these threats unless it was with China's backing and encouragement. "They" say that Russia is supposedly allied with NK, but I don't believe that #### for one second. Putin is a calculated leader; Un is a psycho punk. They are not allies and that is too ridiculous to even consider. NK is a hermit regime being used as a distraction by China.

NK is nothing more than a "useful idiot" to Putin, he will use them if he deems it in his best interest.

China on the other hand probably only wants to keep selling us and the rest of the world crap, they would vaporize that little turd if it was in their best interest. Total geek reference, but he is the trade viceroy from the Phantom Menace and China or Putin is Palpatine. (and Obama was Jar Jar Binks)


Well-Known Member
Look at the post of Gill's I quoted directly under that statement

Get ready to eat some more crow dumbass

Trump was specifically responding the NORK statement regarding their very imminent intent/threat to send missile(s) on to Guam. You must have missed that part. We've already dispatched additional aircraft to Guam in response to the very overt threat.

Why Guam?..that's another matter. Maybe they've only completed the integration of warhead and missile on one of their shorter-range variants?

The NORKs have made that statement since trump made his fire and fury statement too. So what is trump going to do? they crossed his line in the said and are awaiting the hellfire

Ahh...right you are. I saw the stories come out in reverse order to the actual sequence of them. That explains all the "push back" and angst I've seen expressed all over the place. Not sure why he felt the need to unleash that kind of rhetoric....definitely does not seem helpful.


Well-Known Member
The bigger concern, I'm guessing, would be South Korea since they're right there and our ally. Trump's not going to nuke SK. If it comes to it, the military will lob some bombs and blow up Un's stuff with as little collateral damage as possible.

The problem with lobbing a few bombs into NK is that it would lead to an invasion of South Korea. There would be LOTS of collateral damage. There is no easy answer. If there was it would have already been done.


New Member
Get ready to eat some more crow dumbass

You first this time, dip####, here's the lowdown...the skinny...the 'for real' ####: Trump has acknowledged li'l fat boy Kim's posturing but unlike Obama, who bent lower than foreign leaders (not worried about a mini nuke in his ass, I guess) telling him it's all good, "I'm so sorry for America, is there anything else you need from me?" - Trump is telling him straight up, keep running your li'l fat boy mouth, but if you show a legitimate threat to America, we're gonna blister your li'l fat ass.
Kim's words are not the threat. His actions could very well be deemed as such.
That's the line in the sand.


Well-Known Member
You first this time, dip####, here's the lowdown...the skinny...the 'for real' ####: Trump has acknowledged li'l fat boy Kim's posturing but unlike Obama, who bent lower than foreign leaders (not worried about a mini nuke in his ass, I guess) telling him it's all good, "I'm so sorry for America, is there anything else you need from me?" - Trump is telling him straight up, keep running your li'l fat boy mouth, but if you show a legitimate threat to America, we're gonna blister your li'l fat ass.
Kim's words are not the threat. His actions could very well be deemed as such.
That's the line in the sand.

Too many words for you I guess....

That bolded part would be a nice position if it was the one trump took. He might be walking back to that now, but it is not the line he drew.


Well-Known Member
The bigger concern, I'm guessing, would be South Korea since they're right there and our ally. Trump's not going to nuke SK. If it comes to it, the military will lob some bombs and blow up Un's stuff with as little collateral damage as possible.

Like I said. If that fool with the Amish haircut, lets loose with a Nuke he can expect some of the same IMO.