Not sure where this belongs ---


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
--but the whispers around Washington are that Hillary will be indicted AFTER her nomination so that Biden can be drafted for November.

And the Democratic Party supports the idea.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Interesting. I guess the establish thinks the same be it d or r: how to thwart the people.

The gop mostly gave up on getting around trump before he secured nomination. I gusset the D's have to go through the same progression, more harm doing a or b?

The benefit is always the easy thing to see. They haven't come around to how strong bernie support actually is. Took the gop a bit of time.


Is that allowed? You would think that if Hillary did win the nomination and was deemed to be not qualified, it would go to the runner up???


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Interesting. I guess the establish thinks the same be it d or r: how to thwart the people.

The gop mostly gave up on getting around trump before he secured nomination.

Not so fast...I saw something on the news this morning about a "big announcement" coming from Bill Kristol soon about a new independent candidate that he and his cronies are going to put forward.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not so fast...I saw something on the news this morning about a "big announcement" coming from Bill Kristol soon about a new independent candidate that he and his cronies are going to put forward.

Neoconservative are the gop's communists: their ideas work every time....on paper. And will work next time if only we cross our fingers harder and stomp those ruby slippers like we really mean it this time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No idea...

Well, you're not much fun.

Who, then? Cheney? Who would have the weight to not be seen as serious? It has to be through even Kristol's brick head that Trump supporters do NOT care. Hell, all he has to do is help the Biden scheme along as well as he can. Joe's a company man and the company does war. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
--but the whispers around Washington are that Hillary will be indicted AFTER her nomination so that Biden can be drafted for November.

And the Democratic Party supports the idea.
An article(actually a blog) was posted over the weekend on Huffpo stating all of that but was taken down almost immediately with no explanation. It laid out the whole strategy that the DNC was taking, all based on anonymous sources.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
An article(actually a blog) was posted over the weekend on Huffpo stating all of that but was taken down almost immediately with no explanation. It laid out the whole strategy that the DNC was taking, all based on anonymous sources.

It makes sense and, to be fair, there are similar plans, back up plans, to try and get rid of Trump, too. And that is not to say that that is THE D plan. Things as they are, today, they have to stay with her. She loses Cali, continues to decline v. Trump in the polls, then they start inching towards plan B or C or D.

This is no different than plotting a coup or killing Caesar or other-throwing a king or trumping Trump or plots to get Hitler; there has to be enough people on board, committed, to make it work and that point in time is a moving target filled with variables.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I think they have to weigh in on the likelihood of Sanders supporters going ape#### over the maneuver. One, however moderate and likable Uncle Joe is to moderates, he's the VP. He's more of the same. He's more digestible than Hillary, but he's not Sanders and he doesn't speak for them.

So I think the switch will piss them off - a lot.

A third party candidate could yank them all loose.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think they have to weigh in on the likelihood of Sanders supporters going ape#### over the maneuver. One, however moderate and likable Uncle Joe is to moderates, he's the VP. He's more of the same. He's more digestible than Hillary, but he's not Sanders and he doesn't speak for them.

So I think the switch will piss them off - a lot. .

Totally agree.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
--but the whispers around Washington are that Hillary will be indicted AFTER her nomination so that Biden can be drafted for November.

And the Democratic Party supports the idea.

They should have tapped Biden in the first place, the big dummies, but then we wouldn't have had these last few highly entertaining months.

I wish someone would write a tell-all book about this election because the behind the scenes must be fascinating.


--but the whispers around Washington are that Hillary will be indicted AFTER her nomination so that Biden can be drafted for November.

And the Democratic Party supports the idea.
They're also talking a 3rd party candidate. They slip Biden in there after she's indicted, then a 3rd party Conservative Candidate to split the Republican vote and viola, you got another 4 years of a dumbass Dem in the White House.


They should have tapped Biden in the first place, the big dummies, but then we wouldn't have had these last few highly entertaining months.

I wish someone would write a tell-all book about this election because the behind the scenes must be fascinating.

But that all happened right around his son death and he just wasn't up to it. I know I wouldn't be.
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They're also talking a 3rd party candidate. They slip Biden in there after she's indicted, then a 3rd party Conservative Candidate to split the Republican vote and viola, you got another 4 years of a dumbass Dem in the White House.

Yup Sam, you put this thread in the perfect section.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They're also talking a 3rd party candidate. They slip Biden in there after she's indicted, then a 3rd party Conservative Candidate to split the Republican vote and viola, you got another 4 years of a dumbass Dem in the White House.

That is the interesting feature of this, who would be the 3rd candidate and what would their participation mean? Perot got in solely to see to it that his grudge with 41 was settled.
Nader got in because...well...because AlGore.

Trump and Bernie ARE 3rd party style candidates.

I can't imagine a GOP/anyone but Trump type (Cruz, Bolton, whomever) actually getting in such is the hatred of Hillary and the pure desire to win whatever it takes. But, it's possible.

Bernie couldn't do it. He'd throw away everything he's gained, the power to push some of his agenda.

So, what of Johnson? I am thinking he pulls evenly from the middle so, would he really hurt either one of them, Don or Hil?


They're also talking a 3rd party candidate. They slip Biden in there after she's indicted, then a 3rd party Conservative Candidate to split the Republican vote and viola, you got another 4 years of a dumbass Dem in the White House.

Yup Sam, you put this thread in the perfect section.
No, this is not just conspiracy theory. It's happened before.

That is the interesting feature of this, who would be the 3rd candidate and what would their participation mean? Perot got in solely to see to it that his grudge with 41 was settled.
Nader got in because...well...because AlGore.

Trump and Bernie ARE 3rd party style candidates.

I can't imagine a GOP/anyone but Trump type (Cruz, Bolton, whomever) actually getting in such is the hatred of Hillary and the pure desire to win whatever it takes. But, it's possible.

Bernie couldn't do it. He'd throw away everything he's gained, the power to push some of his agenda.

So, what of Johnson? I am thinking he pulls evenly from the middle so, would he really hurt either one of them, Don or Hil?
And that's it. It would depend on who they threw in as the 3rd party candidate to mess things up.