Now can she be indicted????


Agree... so far she had dodged ever bullet that has come her way.

But Biden?? Come on :doh:

Oh hell no.
think about it. Obama and the DNC screwed her in the primary. She got the consolation prize but the Clintons hate Obama and vice versa. If Obama really hates her as much as the rumor has it he will have the DOJ indict her killing her chances. He will point at Petraus and say he had to. Biden declares and wins the primary but loses the general.

The only chink in the story is I think Obama thinks Biden is a stooge and has just been tolerating him for 8 years.

Obama is not keen on another Dem coming in behind him and showing him up with progress in the economy and unemployment. He is likely cool with a republican so he can say any improvement "Is a result of my policies finally came through."


Interesting way to look at it.... Hummmm :eyebrow:


^ 1st paragraph

2nd paragraph is absolutely correct.

3rd, I heard that quote in his voice. :ohwell:

The first debate for the Democratic Party is on Oct. 13 in Nevada and will be hosted by CNN. There could be some interesting events between now and Oct. 13th.


I am actually listening to this now.

We all knew there was no fricken way she wasn't passing classified & top secret information back and forth on her server.

But this is where the double-standard comes into play, had she been a man, she would have already been charged. We have seen male politicians go down for far less.

BTW I am female and totally admit there is a double-standard.


Well-Known Member
I am actually listening to this now.

We all knew there was no fricken way she wasn't passing classified & top secret information back and forth on her server.

But this is where the double-standard comes into play, had she been a man, she would have already been charged. We have seen male politicians go down for far less.

BTW I am female and totally admit there is a double-standard.

It's more than that. She should have already been indicted, but she is married to Bubba Clinton.
She has power and FBI reports on many politicians.
She knows where a lot of bodies are buried.
AND_-------she doesn't mind using her insider information, and they know it.


It's more than that. She should have already been indicted, but she is married to Bubba Clinton.
She has power and FBI reports on many politicians.
She knows where a lot of bodies are buried.
AND_-------she doesn't mind using her insider information, and they know it.

That is why Washington needs an enema. :mad:


God bless the USA
That is why Washington needs an enema. :mad:

:lol: I like your analogy. I don't think there is an enema powerful enough, so to speak. I don't know what it will take to stop the constipation.

It's more than that. She should have already been indicted, but she is married to Bubba Clinton.
She has power and FBI reports on many politicians.
She knows where a lot of bodies are buried.
AND_-------she doesn't mind using her insider information, and they know it.

Well, Bill did dodge impeachment. So, I guess Hillary thinks she is untouchable, too. Shades of Hoover. Hopefully, there are few good men/women left in DC to stop the madness.

Edit: I am sure I will hear from LB tomorrow, so I will post now, knowing what his reply will be. I am not a statist, as he labels me. And, I think someone who says they don't vote (as in LB), shouldn't be calling anyone anything. And, let me head off BB, too. I don't give a crap what you/y'all say. I think it is a new twist to the forum to know what the replies will be, and to reply in advance. That was easy. :smile:
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PREMO Member
my prediction ..... NO Clinton goes to JAIL

Zuma might take a bullet [I really doubt it - IMHO her and Hillary have something going on]

some low level aid takes the rap, gets a JOB on NBC as a commentator


What do the people do when the people they have hired, and entrusted the security of a nation and sanctity of our laws thwart those laws and put all of us at risk; all for their own selfish goals? And worse, we are unable to hold them accountable because so much power has been handed over to these very corrupt people for the very purpose of protecting them. And even worse than that… there are citizens, voters that continue to support – in fact encourage – this corruption. The people almost seem pleased with the corruption.

As SecState she made deals with national leaders in exchange for donations to her foundation; and no one cared. Her servers were hacked by the Chinese, and now we KNOW top secret information was on it; and no one cared. People are DEAD because of this woman’s ineptitude; and no one cared. Did you get that? PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF THIS WOMAN! And she’s running for the highest position in this country; and people support her? I’m really beginning to wonder who are the corrupt people here – our government or the people that complacently put these very corrupt and dangerous people in these positions of huge responsibility and power.


And how long has that server been in her possession? She's had enough time to scrub it squeaky clean. They won't find a thing to use against her.

I think they've found plenty, but it's matter of who has the most push and resist. My expectations is the DOJ will claim there is nothing and make it go away. But they HAVE found incriminating information; enough that should result in an indictment. Hillary signed a sworn affidavit that she handed over all email information. This turned out to be false. She perjured herself. She is also on record as stating no classified existed on those servers. This is false.

Only a deeply corrupt justice system can claim there's nothing here to see.
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Hey Bahahahaha, how you been champ?

Haven't seen you around much since that "unfortunate misunderstanding" with a minor on the internet (at least that was your attorney's characterization). I understand your backside got knocked around quite a bit in prison.

I sincerely hope you're recovering OK. That experience can be rather traumatic.

What the hell are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
What do the people do when the people they have hired, and entrusted the security of a nation and sanctity of our laws thwart those laws and put all of us at risk; all for their own selfish goals? And worse, we are unable to hold them accountable because so much power has been handed over to these very corrupt people for the very purpose of protecting them. And even worse than that… there are citizens, voters that continue to support – in fact encourage – this corruption. The people almost seem pleased with the corruption.

As SecState she made deals with national leaders in exchange for donations to her foundation; and no one cared. Her servers were hacked by the Chinese, and now we KNOW top secret information was on it; and no one cared. People are DEAD because of this woman’s ineptitude; and no one cared. Did you get that? PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF THIS WOMAN! And she’s running for the highest position in this country; and people support her? I’m really beginning to wonder who are the corrupt people here – our government or the people that complacently put these very corrupt and dangerous people in these positions of huge responsibility and power.

Your Post is right on the money. WTF is wrong with the people who support this woman.?