Got this in an email.
Ya Know............its about time we draw the line on some of these manufacturers! It's getting to the point where about the only thing one can buy that is made in this country anymore are a few of the cars that are available! Large aircraft are still made in this country, but you nor I have anything to do with buying them.
A "service only" economy CANNOT survive! There are only a few of the larger John Deere tractors made in this country, and all others are imported. MOST farm equipment in made overseas, except for a few companys like Gail, Heston, etc. 90 to 95% of new small appliances are made in China, or some other country.
It is very difficult to find US made shoes anymore, except for a very few, of some of the higher price shoes. Red Wing, Chippawa, even Danner are "outsourcing" many of their boots, and many Rockys, etc are actually imports.
I sold a piece of Gravely Garden equipment on E-Bay, and got to talking with the guy who bought it when he came to pick it up, and turns out he is a "Top Secret" Pentegon employee who works on future military weapons developement. We got to talking about this..........How President Bush's new helicoptors are French Helicoptors, Locally here in South Central PA the United Defense Corp (That makes the Bradley Fighting Machine, and tanks) was sold to the French about 2 years ago...........he told me that it is a whole lot worse than even what I was saying. He said that we cannot even build a Patriot Missle, or the military's "smart bombs", without CHINEESE computer controlled parts! Where does that leave us if the Chineese ever "Get Frisky"?
Sure, I want to buy things as cheep as I can too, BUT, far to often the thing with the "cheepest" price tag actually costs 2 to 4 times what the price tag is, because they only last a few months or a few in point. When we got married 39 years ago, we were given a GE bread toaster as a wedding gift. That same toaster works as good today as it did the day we first pluged it in..............3 children and many international exchange students later...........the only thing I did was change the cord one time, and clean it frequently!...................My daughters are buying toasters every few years, because they burn out!
I have ONE Glock handgun, and one Itialian Colt walker copy, and one Taurus, but more than a dozen American ones...............The Glock I got "by default" My one daughter was dating a guy who took her credit card one day, and bought the Glock, than "dumped her" (finally) a week or two later. I tracked him down at work one day, gave him 3 days to take it to the dealer sign off on it or I would have him arrested for thieft by decption. The Itialian "Colt Walker" was given me as a gift, and the Taurus I got such a deal on that I could not turn it down. I "needed" a 4" 38 special anyways!
With the exception of 2 Russian SKS's all my rifles are made in the USA!! Yes, even my Winchesters are of US Vintage.
But I WILL NOT carry my guns in imported "Leather", or "Cordura" holsters or cases!
Optics............? Unfornutely one can hardly find a quality optic made in this country. I believe that even Swift is not imported.
I think, at the rate we are going, within 15 to 25 years the USA will be a colony of China.
We have "Given" the Panama Canal to the Chinesse, Clinton gave the Huge California Navel base to them for an import facility, and that Pentegon employee told me that there are only 3 American Customs Agents in that entire facility that brings thousands of containers a week into the USA, virtually 95% on them are NEVER checked!.................but that was Ok, Hillary forgot about what her hubby did there, with this ruckus of United Arab Emmerts running East Coast facilities.
Nope, I do not see how this country can survive much longer...........especially if we want to act as International Police Force, at our own expense, blow other countries to bits, and than turn around and rebuild them...............all with our money??????????????
Now they say that the Chineese are talking about converting some of their cash reserves into Gold...............that if they only convert 3% of their cash reserves into Gold, it will take an entire years worldwide gold production to do it....................Evidently their Cash Reserves are equal to or grater than our National Debt!!! Don't look very good ... does it?
And all of the above is not even mentioning the fact that "formerly cheap" Chinesse steel has shut down our steel producing capability in this country, and now the Chinesse are buying up all our scrap iron too! What is going on in this country? When is America going to wake up? After the Chinos start to atack, and our tactal weapons do not work because the Chineese programed them NOT to work, it will be too late.
The Asians are not DUMB. Look at Japan! They actually WON WWII! Sure we whooped them in a few years, but we distroyed all their old outdated factories and cities, than we went in and rebuilt everything for them with all new modern (in those years) factories and cities, and ON TOP OF THAT WE GAVE THEM THE ASIAN TRADE!!!
The only reason Japan entered WWII Was to get the Asian trade! And we gave them all new facilities to produce their products to trade with!
David A. Bange