NOW you can say you heard it all!


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, I think people with peanut allergies THAT severe should buy a bubble and climb in. Plus, I think it's all BS anyway - who ever heard of peanut allergies before 5 years ago? Anyone?

I went to grade school with someone allergic to peanuts.

I offered to trade him a PB & J sammich for his baloney sammich one time, and he almost went into anaphylactic shock at the very suggestion.

He was allergic to every-dam-thing though. During springtime he was out more than he was in. Plus asthma.

I wonder if that guy is still alive. :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, I think people with peanut allergies THAT severe should buy a bubble and climb in. Plus, I think it's all BS anyway - who ever heard of peanut allergies before 5 years ago? Anyone? Now all of a sudden, these bubble people are coming forward, banning PBJs and Nutter Butters because THEY will die if they so much as smell it.

Next thing you know, they'll start frisking the kids at school for Reese's. :duh:

What’s the difference between this and someone that is allergic to bee stings?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
he almost went into anaphylactic shock at the very suggestion.
Can you say "psychosomatic"?

I still think it's all a bunch of BS. While there might be a very few people in the world who are truly allergic to peanuts, I refuse to believe it's all of a sudden this nation-wide epidemic. Being "allergic" is just the new "in" thing with the attention whore crowd and the tard Mommies who feed their unruly kids drugs instead of smacking their azz.

Bubble people annoy me.


A friend of mine husband is allergic to peanuts. She had just finished eating a PB&J and gave him a big ol' kiss without thinking :lol: Yup - they had to make a trip to the ER.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Can you say "psychosomatic"?

Can you say hyperbole?

He didn't really start twitching and drooling. You just asked if anyone had heard of peanut allergies before five years ago and I have.

And I didnt' see any mention of a nationwide epidemic.

I do, however, agree that collectively the population is turning into a fat batch of lotus-eating wussies. Syndrome this and Disorder that.

This allergy doesn't set off my :bs: detector, though.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
I do, however, agree that collectively the population is turning into a fat batch of lotus-eating wussies. Syndrome this and Disorder that.
THAT'S what I'm talking about. Again, there probably ARE a few people that are legitimately allergic. But now schools are prohibiting PBJs in lunches because some bubble kid might die. No more peanuts on plane trips because the mere hint of peanut dust will kill a bubble passenger. :rolleyes:

I say if something as commonplace as a peanut, something that's been around since the beginning of time, is going to kill you if you so much as breathe around it, you should check yourself into the nearest peanut-free loony bin so the rest of us can eat our trail mix in peace.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
But now schools are prohibiting PBJs in lunches because some bubble kid might die.

Yeah. I do think that all zero-tolerance policies are stupid, counter-productive, stupid, over-the-top, stupid, annoying and stupid.

It all goes back to personal responsibility. If YOU are allergic to peanuts, then YOU be on the lookout, and YOU watch out for them.

I'm allergic to bees, so I avoid the nasty bastards.

Of course, it's probably a little easier to ban peanuts than bees, but still.

Same as smoking! If you're allergic to cigarette smoke - Don't go to where they allow smoking!



New Member
Where could one get Boardwalk Fries these days since there's not one in the mall anymore. -----Pixie Girl --I am new to this so I don't really know how to use your quote, but the Subway in Solomons has Boardwalk Fries!


Football addict
Originally posted by Tina2001aniT
Where could one get Boardwalk Fries these days since there's not one in the mall anymore. -----Pixie Girl --I am new to this so I don't really know how to use your quote, but the Subway in Solomons has Boardwalk Fries!

Hey Tina2001aniT, look on the bottom right hand side of the text box and you will have a quote button you can click.:wink:

Does'nt Berts have boardwalk fries too?:confused:


New Member
Hey Tina2001aniT, look on the bottom right hand side of the text box and you will have a quote button you can click.

Hey it's closer but still don't think it worked right, but thanks, and I don't know about Berts???


Cleopatra Jones
Old Bay! I love their lemonaid. I swear I was addidcted when I was in highschool and worked at the mall.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
Not so funny now...:frown:
Yes it is :lmao:

I've had experiences with people who were "highly allergic" to some common substance, yet it didn't bother them unless they knew about it. Allergic to eggs, yet the cookie didn't bother them until I told them there were eggs in the batter.

My Mom is supposedly allergic to cats, but my cat slept right next to her for several nights without her knowledge and she never had a problem...until Kitty quit being so skitty and revealed himself. She suddenly broke out in these very real hives and had to go to the hospital.
