NY: Homosexuals Win but Society Loses


Well-Known Member
It is pursuit of gay marriage that have given us $4 a gallon gas.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that collapsed the housing market.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that caused 9/11.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that is responsible for runaway immigration.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that has caused healthcare to skyrocket.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that has enriched Wall Street beyond imagination, bailed out failed corporations and all around lead to a sense entitlement regardless of how poor your performance and/or decisions.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that has lead to not one but two (going on three) UN style military misadventures by the US.

It is pursuit of gay marriage that has lead to mass expansion of social entitlement programs desperately in need of reduction.

And, collectively, all of this, obviously, has lead to the collapse of civilization as we know it and the decline of the West.


Or, perhaps, just maybe, it is rather profoundly misplaced sense of priorities that has lead to all these problems festering and becoming immense due to lack of attention and focus and precious political capital being wasted on combating personal gender choices of people who don't have a damn thing to do with any of the real problems this nation has been facing for a generation.

They can't or won't fix their ####ups, so they distract us with things like this.

One thing I've noted is that it seems rare to find gays too up in arms about this issue - only people "speaking for" gays.


New Member
One thing I've noted is that it seems rare to find gays too up in arms about this issue - only people "speaking for" gays.

Yes, the old "it doesn't effect me so I don't care" mentality that's done our nation so well in the past...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Yes, the old "it doesn't effect me so I don't care" mentality that's done our nation so well in the past...:rolleyes:

Actually, i was saying that it effects gays, yet they seem to be the less concerned over the issue than those "looking out for them".


New Member
Actually, i was saying that it effects gays, yet they seem to be the less concerned over the issue than those "looking out for them".

It effects everyone, withhold one right and it becomes easier to withhold another...why wait for them to start messing with things that directly effect me?

McGinn77 said:
Unless the citizens fight and fight hard against it EVERY government will regulate business until the government serves as a corporation and regulate morality until it serves as a church. And that's not opinion, that's not conjecture that is history.


Well-Known Member
It effects everyone, withhold one right and it becomes easier to withhold another...why wait for them to start messing with things that directly effect me?

There would have to a right being withheld for that argument to be valid.


New Member
There would have to a right being withheld for that argument to be valid.

I'm getting tired of repeating myself...

Why don't you just type up your arguments and re-paste it no matter what I say, it would save you a lot of time...

UNA said:
Does every state allow a homosexual couple to marry EXACTLY as they allow a heterosexual couple; with the EXACT same rights after the union?
Does each group get the tax breaks?
Can each group carry their spouse on their health insurance (since private health insurance companies allow married people to carry their spouses, govt recognition would imply the same would apply to homosexual marriages)?
Can each group speak for their spouse in the hospital?
Does each group gain ownership of property of their spouse, usually causing problems upon the death of a spouse? (pre-nups excluded for simplicity's sake)
Does each group retain guardianship of adopted children upon the death of a spouse?

This_Person said:
Yes. If you meet the definition of marriage, you can get married, and all marriages have the same rights. If you don't meet the definition of marriage, you can't get married, and therefore you don't get legally married.

This_Person said:
Two people of the opposite sex (regardless of sexual orientation), of sufficient age, not already married to someone else, not too closely related already, and willing/desiring to marry one another.

I think you missed the part where I said HOMOSEXUAL... :cds:


New Member
There would have to a right being withheld for that argument to be valid.

  1. The right to have a loved one visit you in the hospital
  2. The right to have your partner determine when to "pull the plug"
  3. The right of your partner to keep an adopted child
  4. The right to have your partner covered by your health insurance

Shall I continue? You give all that up since it's no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Parades, demonstrations, protests, Supreme Court Cases...these are things that classify as not being up-in-arms.

What percentage of the homosexual community does it take to classify?

I'm guessing of the 3% or so of the population, about 3% of them care about this issue. About 90% of liberals do, and about 25% of conservatives do.


Well-Known Member
  1. The right to have a loved one visit you in the hospital
  2. The right to have your partner determine when to "pull the plug"
  3. The right of your partner to keep an adopted child
  4. The right to have your partner covered by your health insurance

Shall I continue? You give all that up since it's no big deal.

You can create a living will to allow for the first two, adopt together to allow for the third, and buy health insurance that meets the needs of the last (in fact, most larger companies are already offering this).

Keep trying though. You may accidentally hit on something.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

This_person said:
Parades, demonstrations, protests, Supreme Court Cases...these are things that classify as not being up-in-arms.

What percentage of the homosexual community does it take to classify?

I'm guessing of the 3% or so of the population, about 3% of them care about this issue. About 90% of liberals do, and about 25% of conservatives do.

IDK, every gay person I know would lime to marry their partner like we do...


New Member
Wirelessly posted

This_person said:
McGinn77 said:
  1. The right to have a loved one visit you in the hospital
  2. The right to have your partner determine when to "pull the plug"
  3. The right of your partner to keep an adopted child
  4. The right to have your partner covered by your health insurance

Shall I continue? You give all that up since it's no big deal.

You can create a living will to allow for the first two, adopt together to allow for the third, and buy health insurance that meets the needs of the last (in fact, most larger companies are already offering this).

Keep trying though. You may accidentally hit on something.

The point is that when McGinn and I got married we didn't have to jump through all those hoops, it was all pretty much automatic. And living wills can, and ARE, contested.
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New Member
Wirelessly posted

This_person said:
Wirelessly posted

IDK, every gay person I know would lime to marry their partner like we do...


"Every gay person I know" doesn't.

I guess we're even.

I'm sorry; I didn't know every gay person in the country needed to march to DC to combine you they care...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

The point is that when McGunn and I got married we didn't have to jump through all those hoops, it was all pretty much automatic. And living wills can, and ARE, contested.

You're right, that's part of the point.

Now, if you want to create a category of "civil union", with the exact same "benefits", I'd be up to considering that.

Ask Anna Nicole Smith if being married is ever contested. You know what, she's not the only one. Contested is a moot point - everything can be contested.


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

I'm sorry; I didn't know every gay person in the country needed to march to DC to combine you they care...:rolleyes:

I neither said nor implied that.

I said I don't think much of the community is as up in arms about it as non-homosexuals are. I also said I don't think anecdotal evidence holds any meaning.