Just had a long talk with the Mom& grandmom. I called them to come and get him. She has had the child to several doctors. The child has been dismissed from 4 daycares in the last 1 1/2 years.
I also spoke with my licensing specialist, asking for guidance, since the parent & grandparents aren't willing to do the psychiatrist route.
My husband took pics of my bruised legs, and the bite marks on my arm.
I would have knocked this kid into next week, had he been mine.
The mother fought with me about the kid having to wear pullups while here. She insists he's potty trained. Believe me, he's not! I'm sick of shampooing carpets.
Friday is definately his last day. Maybe today was. :shrug:
I'm exhausted.
Thanks, everyone for all your input.
You tried, just as other providers have tried. If the mother refuses to get him the help that he obviously needs, he'll continue to be booted from every center she takes him to. Eventually she'll have to realize that he needs help and she'll get her head out of the sand. At least I hope for this little boy's sake, she does.
I dealt with a similar situation when I was the director of a before/after school program. I took a chance on a 9 year old boy with a single Mom, no father in the picture. She wanted to work to support her family, not go on welfare, which I completely respected. She needed help. She was upfront that he had anger issues but supposedly they were under control with meds. His teacher and principal both verified this. He was a handful but we were making real progress with him for about a month.
One day, the mother decided he would no longer take his meds (found this out the hard way). He got extremely violent, threw a heavy chair across the cafeteria for no apparent reason, barely missing a group of kids. Took three of us to restrain him and we all got hurt from him punching & kicking. He was a big boy but I had no clue a 9 year old could be so strong! With the safety of 50 other kids to worry about, we decided to throw in the towel and wish her luck. I felt so bad for her but we just weren't equipped to handle behavior like that.