Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote


New Member
Worry not my friends... George Bush would absolutely veto this garbage..

Stand by for tax hikes and uncontrolled spending of those tax hikes if either Hillary or Obama wins...

I listened to both of there speeches last night and heard nothing but spend spend spend... Never said how to pay for it... READ NEW AND HIGHER TAXES

But--But--But Obama said he would cut taxes.

Bwahahahahahahaha. If you believe that one I have a really nice piece of unperkable waterfront I will be happy to selll you cheap!!!!! I am sure you will have no problem building there.

Go G-Men

New Member
But--But--But Obama said he would cut taxes.

Bwahahahahahahaha. If you believe that one I have a really nice piece of unperkable waterfront I will be happy to selll you cheap!!!!! I am sure you will have no problem building there.

I must have missed that part where he said no new taxes... Have no clue (and I am sure he doesn't either) how he would manage. I have to be honest here... For a few days last week I thought about voting for Obama but after listening to him last night it sounded like the UN leadership running for president...


Obama will be a great black president. You can call me a racict if you want but I will be voting for obama because he is black. Thats how I roll.

How about, "Obama will be a great president", and say what you believe would make him a great president? I'm not calling you a racist because you choose to vote based on identity, rather than on policies put forward by a particluar candidate. I am calling you ignorant, small minded, and part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Obama is an example that blacks can succeed in this society. Instead of looking to his example though, you hope that he will "give" you, or the black community something. How about the black community quit looking for handouts, unequal opportunity, etc... and just pull yourself up by your bootstrap like everyone else? Asians are a minority as well, and you never hear them clamoring for handouts, special treatment etc...

So "how you roll" is unenlightened, ignorant, selfish, "poor me", and professional "victim". Maybe if you cracked a few books, rather than hitting the crack pipe you might understand this, but you won't. You want to vote for Obama because he is black, and for no other reason, fine. But don't cry racist when a white person does the same thing and claims they are voting against Obama because he is black.

Soljaboy, your stupidity is unfortunate, but it is your own fault.

Go G-Men

New Member
How about, "Obama will be a great president", and say what you believe would make him a great president? I'm not calling you a racist because you choose to vote based on identity, rather than on policies put forward by a particluar candidate. I am calling you ignorant, small minded, and part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Obama is an example that blacks can succeed in this society. Instead of looking to his example though, you hope that he will "give" you, or the black community something. How about the black community quit looking for handouts, unequal opportunity, etc... and just pull yourself up by your bootstrap like everyone else? Asians are a minority as well, and you never hear them clamoring for handouts, special treatment etc...

So "how you roll" is unenlightened, ignorant, selfish, "poor me", and professional "victim". Maybe if you cracked a few books, rather than hitting the crack pipe you might understand this, but you won't. You want to vote for Obama because he is black, and for no other reason, fine. But don't cry racist when a white person does the same thing and claims they are voting against Obama because he is black.

Soljaboy, your stupidity is unfortunate, but it is your own fault.

I think you should tell him how you really feel:killingme


New Member
How about, "Obama will be a great president", and say what you believe would make him a great president? I'm not calling you a racist because you choose to vote based on identity, rather than on policies put forward by a particluar candidate. I am calling you ignorant, small minded, and part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Obama is an example that blacks can succeed in this society. Instead of looking to his example though, you hope that he will "give" you, or the black community something. How about the black community quit looking for handouts, unequal opportunity, etc... and just pull yourself up by your bootstrap like everyone else? Asians are a minority as well, and you never hear them clamoring for handouts, special treatment etc...

So "how you roll" is unenlightened, ignorant, selfish, "poor me", and professional "victim". Maybe if you cracked a few books, rather than hitting the crack pipe you might understand this, but you won't. You want to vote for Obama because he is black, and for no other reason, fine. But don't cry racist when a white person does the same thing and claims they are voting against Obama because he is black.

Soljaboy, your stupidity is unfortunate, but it is your own fault.
Okay, now tell us how you really feel. :roflmao:


New Member
I dont know how you missed it he certainly said it loud enough, Tax cuts for middle income residents.

He hasn't learned yet that new entitlements and tax cuts are incompatible. It either shows his inexperience or he thinks we are all stupid.


I think you should tell him how you really feel:killingme

OK. Soljaboy, you profess that your favorite holiday is MLK Jr.'s birthday. He was a great, noble, and wise man. He had a dream that his children would be looked at for the content of their character, rather than prejudged based on their race.

Soljaboy's way, is to stand exactly opposite of the good doctor, and do his best to undermine Dr. King's magnificent dream. And he doesn't even know it.


New Member
How about, "Obama will be a great president", and say what you believe would make him a great president? I'm not calling you a racist because you choose to vote based on identity, rather than on policies put forward by a particluar candidate. I am calling you ignorant, small minded, and part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Obama is an example that blacks can succeed in this society. Instead of looking to his example though, you hope that he will "give" you, or the black community something. How about the black community quit looking for handouts, unequal opportunity, etc... and just pull yourself up by your bootstrap like everyone else? Asians are a minority as well, and you never hear them clamoring for handouts, special treatment etc...

So "how you roll" is unenlightened, ignorant, selfish, "poor me", and professional "victim". Maybe if you cracked a few books, rather than hitting the crack pipe you might understand this, but you won't. You want to vote for Obama because he is black, and for no other reason, fine. But don't cry racist when a white person does the same thing and claims they are voting against Obama because he is black.

Soljaboy, your stupidity is unfortunate, but it is your own fault.

Yes I am voting for Obama because he is black. The US needs a black president. A black president will help make laws wich benifit the black comunity. Also have a black president would give you black men somone to strive to be like.

If a white person votes for somone because they are white thats their choice and I have no problem with it.


"Typical White Person"
Yes I am voting for Obama because he is black. The US needs a black president. A black president will help make laws wich benifit the black comunity. Also have a black president would give you black men somone to strive to be like.

If a white person votes for somone because they are white thats their choice and I have no problem with it.

Well atleast your truthful about it, unlike most I see.

-"And what about Obama do you like?"

-"He gonna ....... uh, bring ......change... know what I'm sayin?"


New Member
OK. Soljaboy, you profess that your favorite holiday is MLK Jr.'s birthday. He was a great, noble, and wise man. He had a dream that his children would be looked at for the content of their character, rather than prejudged based on their race.

Soljaboy's way, is to stand exactly opposite of the good doctor, and do his best to undermine Dr. King's magnificent dream. And he doesn't even know it.

Trust me if Dr. King was still alive he would be voting for Obama as well. So in fact I am following in the good Doctors footsteps.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
-"And what about Obama do you like?"

-"He gonna ....... uh, bring ......change... know what I'm sayin?"

I know what you're saying. Change...

...will be the only thing left in our pockets after all the taxes.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
1. The fact that he is the first black person who is a front runner for president.

2. he has a very charming personality

3. his boyish good looks

Just when I thought I'd heard all the stupid reasons to vote for someone you come along. :roflmao: