Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote


My Sweetest Boy
Yes I am voting for Obama because he is black. The US needs a black president. A black president will help make laws wich benifit the black comunity. Also have a black president would give you black men somone to strive to be like.

If a white person votes for somone because they are white thats their choice and I have no problem with it.

Your MPD made a mistake.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
I am now convinced that he is just effing with everyone. There is no way he is "real".

By golly... :jerry:

He's got the perfect av but the text is missing. :lol:


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Trust me if Dr. King was still alive he would be voting for Obama as well. So in fact I am following in the good Doctors footsteps.

Trust you? No chance, you have shown that not only are you ignorant, but willfully so, and proud of it. Your lack of logic is really astounding. You claim to know what person MLK Jr. would vote for, without understanding what he stood for.

Your lack of judgement, understanding, intellingence, and reasons cited for voting for Obama make you the perfect Democrat/Liberal and Lemming. Cudos on achieving the trifecta.

Keep drinking the koolaid dumba$$


New Member
Trust you? No chance, you have shown that not only are you ignorant, but willfully so, and proud of it. Your lack of logic is really astounding. You claim to know what person MLK Jr. would vote for, without understanding what he stood for.

Your lack of judgement, understanding, intellingence, and reasons cited for voting for Obama make you the perfect Democrat/Liberal and Lemming. Cudos on achieving the trifecta.

Keep drinking the koolaid dumba$$

MLK was a Democrat, that proves he would vote for Obama. Come on now use you head a little bit and don't overlook the obvious.

I am not a dumbass. However you sir have proven that you are a big dumb stupid idiot.
Trust you? No chance, you have shown that not only are you ignorant, but willfully so, and proud of it. Your lack of logic is really astounding. You claim to know what person MLK Jr. would vote for, without understanding what he stood for.

Your lack of judgement, understanding, intellingence, and reasons cited for voting for Obama make you the perfect Democrat/Liberal and Lemming. Cudos on achieving the trifecta.

Keep drinking the koolaid dumba$$

Didn't MLK Jr, like Obama, stood/stand for strengthening civil rights? combat employment discrimination?? ending hate crimes against minorities???

In a round-about way, SB is right... he just ruffled your feathers getting there... :poorbaby:

If you don't want Kool-Aid, just have a Coke and Smile! :howdy:


MLK was a Democrat, that proves he would vote for Obama. Come on now use you head a little bit and don't overlook the obvious.

I am not a dumbass. However you sir have proven that you are a big dumb stupid idiot.

So you are a fortune teller now?

MLK Jr. being a democrat doesn't PROVE he would have voted for Obama.

Are you related to Miss Cleo?

Yes, I know you live in a world where what you feel and think are equated to facts, but to sentient beings, facts are not created out of wishes.

So, yes indeed, YOU ARE A DUMBA$S, despite your protestations otherwise. And every attempt you make to prove otherwise just further confirms the issue.

And yes, I do use my head, just not the little one like you.

Funny thing is, you aren't even smart enought to quit while you are behind. Double Dumb - Ignorant to the fact that you are ignorant.

Quiters never win, and winners never quit. But those, like Soljaboy ,who never win and never quit are known as DUMBA$S.

Let me know if you need any of the big words explained to you.


Didn't MLK Jr, like Obama, stood/stand for strengthening civil rights? combat employment discrimination?? ending hate crimes against minorities???

In a round-about way, SB is right... he just ruffled your feathers getting there... :poorbaby:

If you don't want Kool-Aid, just have a Coke and Smile! :howdy:

All those things you mention and standard boilerplate for any (especially liberal) politician, so again that doesn't prove Obama is the heir to MLK Jr.'s legacy.

So, Soljaboy is still wrong. And my feathers aren't ruffled at all. Actually I rather enjoy pointing out liberal fallacies.

If we are going to play "what if" MLK Jr. was still alive, we probably wouldn't be talking about Obama getting the vote from MLK Jr. for president, MLK Jr. would be running, winning, and no one would have any idea who Obama is.


New Member
So you are a fortune teller now?

MLK Jr. being a democrat doesn't PROVE he would have voted for Obama.

Yes it does. If he was a democrat thats means he would have to vote for whoevere the democratic candidate is.

You are just being a big dope and don;t want to accept the fact that Obama is goign to be the next president.

I have had an old white guy for a boss the last 20 years. It will be a nice change of pace to have a black guy runnign the show.
All those things you mention and standard boilerplate for any (especially liberal) politician, so again that doesn't prove Obama is the heir to MLK Jr.'s legacy..

:nono: - I am just cutting from Obama's web site... seems like the same things the great MLK Jr. stood for.

Didn't say Obama is heir to MLK's legacy - you are drawing conclusions from thin air. I am just pointing out the fact the two of them stand for the same thing... well, at least one of them acted on them and the other says he will act on them... time will tell - if he gets elected.

So, Soljaboy is still wrong. And my feathers aren't ruffled at all. Actually I rather enjoy pointing out liberal fallacies.

:confused: - uhhhh - ok...

If we are going to play "what if" MLK Jr. was still alive, we probably wouldn't be talking about Obama getting the vote from MLK Jr. for president, MLK Jr. would be running, winning, and no one would have any idea who Obama is

OK - keep thinking that JPC... :yay: