Obama & Arizona Governor Have Words...


This Space For Rent
Bobby Jindal got the same treatment when Obama came to visit Louisiana and the governor met him on the tarmac. Jindal would later recount in his book:

I was expecting words of concern about the oil spill, worry about the pending ecological disaster, and words of confidence about how the federal government was here to help. Or perhaps he was going to vent about BP’s slow response. But no, the president was upset about something else. And he wanted to talk about, well, food stamps. Actually, he wanted to talk about a letter that my administration had sent to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack a day earlier.

The letter was rudimentary, bureaucratic, and ordinary. .  .  . We were simply asking the federal government to authorize food stamps for those who were now unemployed because of the oil spill. Governors regularly make these sorts of requests to the federal government when facing disaster.

But somehow, for some reason, President Obama had personalized this. And he was upset. :cds:

There was not a word about the oil spill. He was concerned about looking bad because of the letter. “Careful,” he said to me, “this is going to get bad for everyone.”

For once The Won was right, it has "got bad" for everyone!


New Member
Actually, I dont think she did say it that way.
Here exact words on this matter are here.

as i said, she made the statement i was talking about "feeling threatened" in a TV interview. I saw it on the today show and again on one of the cable channels this morning

this was the quote:
"I felt a little bit threatened - if you will - in the attitude that he had," Brewer said.

Ariz. Gov. Brewer, Obama exchange tense words | abc7.com


In My Opinion
as i said, she made the statement i was talking about "feeling threatened" in a TV interview. I saw it on the today show and again on one of the cable channels this morning

this was the quote:
"I felt a little bit threatened - if you will - in the attitude that he had," Brewer said.

Ariz. Gov. Brewer, Obama exchange tense words | abc7.com

who ya gonna believe?
The honorable Jan Brewer or that lying sack of crap in the white house?


Wonder what she said in her book that torqued him off? I am all about respecting the president but it is a quid pro quo thing. Obama likes to lecture, threaten and berate people too much to not be able to take a dose back.

Hell he directed the justice department to tie up a state in court because he didn't like their law....which by the way happens to be the same thing as federal law.


New Member
who ya gonna believe?
The honorable Jan Brewer or that lying sack of crap in the white house?

im not saying either is lying. i specifically said "if you take her story as the truth" she was being disrespectful and she shouldn't expect him to be overly respectful in return.


J.P. Cusick

There really is nothing else that the President could do other then to tell her off and walk away.

Look at the picture of her wagging her finger and barking like a dog with her mouth wide open to the President of the United States, being as polite as he can to the barking dog.

And it is noteworthy that Brewer barks a lot but she does not run for President herself.

It is amazing to think that a woman like Gabby Gifford would come from the same State as that low life Governor.


In My Opinion
im not saying either is lying. i specifically said "if you take her story as the truth" she was being disrespectful and she shouldn't expect him to be overly respectful in return.

If you take her story as truth, then he had no reason to change conversation to attack her comments in a book she wrote,
Not very presidential at all.
If he wont act like a president, I see no reason for people to give him the respect of treating him like one.

But he does need to close the borders.


In My Opinion
There really is nothing else that the President could do other then to tell her off and walk away.

Look at the picture of her wagging her finger and barking like a dog with her mouth wide open to the President of the United States, being as polite as he can to the barking dog.

And it is noteworthy that Brewer barks a lot but she does not run for President herself.

It is amazing to think that a woman like Gabby Gifford would come from the same State as that low life Governor.

anyone else find it amusing when JPC refers to someone else as low life?


Obama destroyed America
Wirelessly postedShe might not remember it but the ap got a pic of it. I wonder what else she is selectively not remembering. Considering that and her comments about respecting the office, I don't see why she would expect any repect to be shown to her in return.
I bet you rarely talk fom having Obammys genitals stuck down your throat so often.

The Kenyan terrorist SUED her state to prevent her from keeping out illegals.

Here are your signs.


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Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I bet,...

Barry probably hated being disciplined/corrected by his Grandmother that helped raise him for a shift.

Remember HIS words "Typical white woman..."
How many pictures have you seen of him mixing with older white women? NARAL? ACORN? AARP?...
I honestly think he bristles when confronting a strong older white woman.

Remember he 'loves' having his Mother in Law living in the west wing....no wonder he golfs every chance he gets. How many fotos with those two together???Hmmm?

Bottom line: the Narcisist in Chief has a serious problem with older forceful women. Freud would like to comment on this!


Obama destroyed America
Barry probably hated being disciplined/corrected by his Grandmother that helped raise him for a shift.

Remember HIS words "Typical white woman..."
How many pictures have you seen of him mixing with older white women? NARAL? ACORN? AARP?...
I honestly think he bristles when confronting a strong older white woman.

Remember he 'loves' having his Mother in Law living in the west wing....no wonder he golfs every chance he gets. How many fotos with those two together???Hmmm?

Bottom line: the Narcisist in Chief has a serious problem with older forceful women. Freud would like to comment on this!
Well Hess, it's a known fact that muslim men want their wimmins kept in their place.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Wonder what she said in her book that torqued him off? I am all about respecting the president but it is a quid pro quo thing. Obama likes to lecture, threaten and berate people too much to not be able to take a dose back.

Hell he directed the justice department to tie up a state in court because he didn't like their law....which by the way happens to be the same thing as federal law.

In her book she documents at least two other occasions when he disrespected her and walked away from her while she was speaking. Then, of course, there's the stuff about SB 1070.


Well-Known Member
I hope that this story is either not true or at least greatly embellished. It would disgust me to think that little Bammy, who says the nastiest things and acts like the most vitriolic jerk, would get his widdle feewings hurt because big bad Jan "didn't treat him cordially."

And of course things being what they are (in progressive-speak), "not treated cordially" means she didn't swoon at the mention of his name and fall at his feet.